"Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh","Investigating dissociation process and binding free energy of p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Mohamed Marzouk Sobeh","Investigating dissociation process and binding free energy of p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Marzouk","Investigating dissociation process and binding free energy of p53-DBD/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Hiroaki Hata,Duy Phuoc Tran,Marzouk,Akio Kitao","Binding free energy of protein/ligand complexes calculated using dissociation Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics and Markov state model",,"Biophysics and Physicobiology",,,,,2021,Dec. "Marzouk,Akio Kitao","Investigating the dissociation process and kinetic rates of DBD-p53/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM","第21回日本蛋白質科学会年会",,,,,,2021,June "Marzouk,Akio Kitao","Investigating the dissociation process of DBD-p53/DNA complex by PaCS-MD and MSM",,,,,,,2020,Sept.