"Hwang Huichan,Hamzah Anthony,松本秀行,多湖輝興,眞中雄一,難波哲哉","Pt/TiO2触媒を用いたNOからNH3への変換反応における還元剤組成の影響解析","化学工学会第54回秋季大会",,,,," A108",2023,Sept. "熊谷颯大,松本秀行,神林佑磨,Hamzah Anthony,吉川史郎","振動流を用いた気液固系水素化反応プロセス設計のための流動解析手法","化学工学会第54回秋季大会","化学工学会第54回秋季大会発表講演要旨集",,,," PA131",2023,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Hideyuki Matsumoto,Shinichi OOKAWARA,Masashi Kikugawa,Yoshihiro Goto,Akinori Sato,Yuichi Manaka,Tetsuya Nanba","Simulation Analysis for Design of H2/N2 Ratio of Feed Gas to Ammonia Synthesis Process Using Ru/CeLaTiOx Catalyst",,"Industrial & engineering chemistry research",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 12559-12570",2023,Aug. "Shinichi OOKAWARA,Hideyuki Matsumoto,Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Masashi Kikugawa,Yoshihiro Goto,Kiyoshi Yamazaki,Akinori Sato,Yuichi Manaka,Masayasu Nishi,Tetsuya Nanba","Computational fluid dynamics and process simulations for PI of ammonia production with Ru-based catalysts under benign conditions","8th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC2023)",,,,,,2023,May "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Hideyuki Matsumoto,Yuichi Manaka,Tetsuya Nanba","Influence of reductant composition on NH3 synthesis from exhaust NO gas using NO-CO-H2O-H2 reaction","2022 AIChE Annual Meeting",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Mimo Nabeshima,Hideyuki Matsumoto,Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Shiro Yoshikawa,Shinichi Ookawara","Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Gas Bubbles and Solid Particles in an Oscillatory Baffled Reactor and Its Application to Design of Hydrogenation Process",,"Chemical Engineering Transactions",,"Vol. 94",,"pp. 967-972",2022,June "Hideyuki Matsumoto,Masashi Kikugawa,Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Marie Ishikawa,Yoshihiro Goto,Shinichi Ookawara,Yuichi Manaka,Masayasu Nishi,Tetsuya Nanba","Simulation Analysis of Gas Feed Method for Development of Ru-Based Catalyst for Ammonia Production",,"Computer Aided Chemical Engineering",,"vol. 49",,"pp. 907-912",2022,June "Takashi Fukuda,Ryo Harada,Shinichi OOKAWARA,Anthony Basuni Hamzah,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Hideyuki Matsumoto","Double layered catalytic wall-plate microreactor for process intensification of dry reforming of methane: Reaction activity improvement and coking suppression ?",,"Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification","Elsevier","Vol. 164",,,2021,June "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Shinichi OOKAWARA,SHIRO YOSHIKAWA,Hideyuki Matsumoto","Numerical study on porosity distribution and hydrodynamics of packed bed in narrow square channels",,"Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification","ELSEVIER",,,,2021,May "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Takashi Fukuda,Shinichi Ookawara,Shiro Yoshikawa,Hideyuki Matsumoto","Process intensification of dry reforming of methane by structured catalytic wall-plate microreactor",,"Chemical Engineering Journal","ELSEVIER",,,,2021,Jan. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah","A Study on Structured Microreactor for Process Intensification of Dry Reforming of Methane",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah","A Study on Structured Microreactor for Process Intensification of Dry Reforming of Methane",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah","A Study on Structured Microreactor for Process Intensification of Dry Reforming of Methane",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah","A Study on Structured Microreactor for Process Intensification of Dry Reforming of Methane",,,,,,,2020,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Takashi Fukuda,Shinichi OOKAWARA,Shiro YOSHIKAWA,Hideyuki MATSUMOTO","Numerical and experimental study of catalytic wall plate milireactor (CWPMR)","18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress ( APCChE 2019)","Abstracts of 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congess(APCChE 2019)",,,,,2019,Sept. "Anthony Basuni Hamzah,Shinichi Ookawara,Shiro Yoshikawa,Hideyuki Matsumoto","CFD modelling of mass and heat dispersion insphere fixed bed with porosity-dependentsegmented-continuum approaches",,"Chemical Engineering Research and Design",,"Volume 141",,"pp. 93-114",2018,Oct.