"Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A unified design of generalized Moreau enhancement matrix for sparsity aware LiGME models",,"IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals","IEICE","vol. 106","no. 8","pp. 1025-1036",2023,Aug. "Yang Chen","A Study of Designs and Applications of Generalized Moreau Enhancement Matrix for Sparsity Aware LiGME Models",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Yang Chen","A Study of Designs and Applications of Generalized Moreau Enhancement Matrix for Sparsity Aware LiGME Models",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Yang Chen","A Study of Designs and Applications of Generalized Moreau Enhancement Matrix for Sparsity Aware LiGME Models",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Simple Design of Generalized Moreau Enhancement Matrix for LiGME Models","第37回信号処理シンポジウム","第37回信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集",,,,,2022,Dec. "Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A Linearly Involved Generalized Moreau Enhancement of ?2,1-Norm with Application to Weighted Group Sparse Classification",,"Algorithms","MDPI","vol. 14","no. 11"," 312",2021,Oct. "Yang Chen,Masao Yamagishi,Isao Yamada","A GENERALIZED MOREAU ENHANCEMENT OF L2,1-NORM AND ITS APPLICATION TO GROUP SPARSE CLASSIFICATION","29th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2021",,,,,,2021,Aug.