"Kaixie Lyu,Kunihiro Noda,Takashi Kobayashi","Toward Interaction based Evaluation of Visualization Approaches to Comprehending the Program Behavior","The 2nd International workshop on Mining and Analyzing INTeraction Histories(MAINT 2019)","Proc. the 2nd International workshop on Mining and Analyzing INTeraction Histories(MAINT 2019)",,,,"pp. 19-23",2019,Feb. "Yoshiya Ishida,Yuu Arimatsu,Kaixie Lyu,Go Takagi,Kunihiro Noda,Takashi Kobayashi","Generating Interactive View of Dynamic Aspect of API Usage Example","Third International Workshop on Dynamic Software Documentation (DySDoc3), Co-located with ICSME2018","Proc. IEEE ICSME2018",,,,"pp. 13-14",2018,Sept. "Kaixie Lyu,Kunihiro Noda,Takashi Kobayashi","SDExplorer: a generic toolkit for smoothly exploring massive-scale sequence diagram","the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension","Proc. the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC2018)",,,,"pp. 380-384",2018,May