CHUNGYing 研究業績一覧 (22件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Katsumi Yoshida,
Akira Murata,
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Kinya Miyashita.
Thermal and mechanical properties of AlN ceramics sintered with yttrium- and fluoridebased additives,
International Symposium on Green Transformation Initiative and Innovative Zero-Carbon Energy Systems, GXI-ZES, 14 - 16 January 2025,
Jan. 2025.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Investigation of effect of sintering atmosphere on electrical properties of Al or B-added porous SiC ceramics with experimental and simulation approach,
Dec. 2023.
Chung Ying,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Thermal properties of aluminum and boron-added porous silicon carbide ceramics fabricated with in-situ grain growth,
46th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2022),
Jan. 2022.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Sintering of Silicon Carbide Ceramics with Boron and Aluminum Additives Using Polymeric Precursor,
8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8),
Apr. 2021.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Ying Chung,
Shareen S. L. Chan,
Katsumi Yoshida,
George V Franks.
3D Printing of Hierarchical Porous Silicon Carbide Ceramics: Microstructure, Thermal and Mechanical Properties,
The 37th International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics (KJ-Ceramics 37),
Nov. 2023.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Effects of Sintering Atmosphere and Form of Al and B addition on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Silicon Carbide Ceramics,
International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (IZES),
Jan. 2023.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Fabrication of porous silicon carbide ceramics using in-situ grain growth with addition of aluminum and boron,
The 12th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-12),
July 2021.
Ying Chung,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Anna Gubarevich.
Sintering of SiC Ceramics with Boron or Aluminum Additives using Polycarbosilane,
45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2021 Virtual),
Feb. 2021.
Katsumi YOSHIDA.
Effects on Microstructure of Silicon Carbide Ceramics with Boron and Aluminum Additives,
The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies,
Nov. 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
YOSHIDA Katsumi.
Effect of sintering atmosphere on electrical properties of Al or B-added porous SiC ceramics,
The 36th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan,
Sept. 2023.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Effect of Secondary Phases on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Al- and B-added Silicon Carbide Ceramics Sintered in Different Atmosphere,
The Ceramic Society of Japan, Annual Meeting 2023,
Mar. 2023.
Chung Ying,
Gubarevich Anna,
Yoshida Katsumi.
Thermal and Electrical Properties of Aluminum- and Boron-added Porous SiC Ceramics with Unique Morphology,
The 35th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan,
Sept. 2022.
Chung Ying,
Gubarevich Anna,
Yoshida Katsumi.
Thermal, Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Aluminum and Boron-added Porous Silicon Carbide Ceramics,
Annual Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan, 2022,
Mar. 2022.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Thermal properties of aluminum and boron-added porous SiC ceramics fabricated with in-situ grain growth,
The 60th Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics,
Jan. 2022.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Effect of Boron Addition on Properties of Silicon Carbide Ceramics,
Annual Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan, 2021,
Mar. 2021.
Ying Chung,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida.
Fabrication of SiC ceramics with Boron or Aluminum Additive using Polycarbosilane,
The 59th Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics,
Jan. 2021.
鐘 萾,
Mar. 2020.
Effects of solid solution, microstructure and sintering atmosphere on thermal and electrical properties of porous SiC ceramics,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effects of solid solution, microstructure and sintering atmosphere on thermal and electrical properties of porous SiC ceramics,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effects of solid solution, microstructure and sintering atmosphere on thermal and electrical properties of porous SiC ceramics,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Effects of solid solution, microstructure and sintering atmosphere on thermal and electrical properties of porous SiC ceramics,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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