@article{CTT100722448, author = {Yoshiaki Masaki and Hugo Itou and Yuki Oda and Kazufumi Yamazaki and Nobuhiro Tago and Kentaro Ohno and Nozomi Ishii and Hirosuke Tsunoda and Takashi Kanamori and Akihiro Ohkubo and Mitsuo Sekine and Kohji Seio}, title = {Enzymatic synthesis and reverse transcription of RNAs incorporating 2'-O-carbamoyl uridine triphosphate}, journal = {Chemical Communications}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100724885, author = {小田雄貴 and 伊藤比佑吾 and 金森功吏 and 大窪章寛 and 正木慶昭 and 関根光雄 and 清尾康志}, title = {塩基性条件下不安定なヌクレオシド三リン酸の新規合成法の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }