HASICHaris 研究業績一覧 (4件)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Haris Hasic,
Takashi Ishida.
Single-step Retrosynthesis Prediction based on the Identification of Potential Disconnection Sites,
The Chem-Bio Informatics Society 2020 Annual Meeting,
Oct. 2020.
Haris Hasic,
Takashi Ishida.
Singlestep Retrosynthesis Prediction based on the Identification of Potential Disconnection Sites using Molecular Substructure Fingerprints,
Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology (IIBMP2020),
Sept. 2020.
Takashi Ishida.
Predicting Chemical Reaction Routes with Artificial Intelligence-based Retrosynthesis,
Informatics In Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2019 (IIBMP2019),
Sept. 2019.
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