LYSophanna 研究業績一覧 (25件)
Sophanna Ly,
UK Sovanara,
Vouchlay Theng,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Integration of life cycle and habitat conditions in modeling fish biomass in the floodplain of the Lower Mekong Basin. ,
Ecological Modelling ,
Ecological Modelling,
Vol. 488,,
No. 110605.,
Dec. 2023.
Suguru Nagata,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Sophanna Ly,
Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara.
Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution. ,
Landscape and Ecological Engineering,
Vol. 19,
pp. 687-698,
Oct. 2023.
Suguru Nagata,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Sophanna Ly,
Kaing Vinhteang,
Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara.
Direct application of residual neural network to riverine aerial photography for estimating fish distribution,
Landscape and Ecological Engineering,
June 2023.
Sophanna Ly,
Sovannara UK,
NB Pham,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Ecosystem service of tropical flooded forests and its relation to characteristics of local communities.,
Springer Nature,
Vol. 42,
No. 116,
Nov. 2022.
Ly Sophanna,
Uk Sovannara,
Sun Visal,
Son Virak,
Hong Chamnan,
Seng Bunthoeun,
Taing Porchhay,
Pham Ngoc Bao,
Srey Sunleang.
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 355–365,
June 2022.
Rajendra Khanal,
Sovannara Uk,
Sophanna Ly,
Ratino Sith,
Kong Chhuon,
Binaya Raj Shivakoti,
Pham Ngoc Bao,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Hideto Fujii,
Winarto Kurniawan,
Kazuhiko Miyanaga,
Toru Watanabe,
Sambo Lun,
Chantha Oeurng,
Chanvorleak Phat,
Reasmey Tan,
Sokneang In,
Kimleang Kheurn,
Aiko Yamashita.
Transdisciplinary Research Collaboration for Environmental Conservation,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 5509–516,
June 2022.
Ly Sophanna,
Uk Sovannara,
Theng Vouchlay,
Sun Visal,
Lim Puy,
Rajendra Khanal,
Srey Sunleang,
Pham Ngoc Bao.
Flooded Forests,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer (in press),
pp. 331–341,
June 2022.
Vouchlay Theng,
Kana Hashimoto,
Sovannara Uk,
Sophanna Ly,
Tomohiro Tanaka,
Hidekazu Yoshioka,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Phosphorus Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
June 2022.
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Pham Ngoc Bao,
Hideto Fujii,
Tomohiro Tanaka,
Sokly Siev,
Rajendra Khanal,
Kazuhiko Miyanaga,
Sophanna Ly,
Eden M. Andrews,
Toru Watanabe,
Sovannara Uk.
Recommendations for Further Research and Environmental Management,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 517–525,
June 2022.
Say Samal,
Uk Sovannara,
Ly Sophanna,
Rajendra Khanal,
Dilini Kodikara,
Sok Ty,
Oeurng Chantha,
Manabu Fujii],
Yoshimura Chihiro.
Primary Production,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 319–329,
June 2022.
Sovannara UK,
Sophanna Ly,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Kong Chhuona,
Kimleang khoeurn,
Pham Ngoc BAO,
Eden Mariquit Andrews,
Toru Watanabe.
Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake (2022) A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action, Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action,,
Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER),
Feb. 2022.
Binaya Raj Shivakoti,
Sovannara Uk,
Sophanna Ly,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Kong Chhuon,
Kimleang khoeurn,
Pham Ngoc Bao,
Vinhteang Kaing,
Eden Mariquit Andrews,
Watanabe Toru.
Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action,
Sustainable and Resilient Tonle Sap Lake: A Progressive Scenario for Policy Action,
Platform for Aquatic Ecosystem Research (PAER), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech),
p. 30,
Jan. 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Ly Sophanna,
Uk Sovannara,
Theng Vouchlay,
Pham Ngoc Bao,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Delineation Relation of water level regime and for major vegetation types in a large tropical floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia,
18th World Lake Conference, Mexico,
Nov. 2021.
UK Sovannara,
Ly Sophanna,
Rajendra Khanal,
Sok Ty,
Try Sophal,
Chantha Oeurng,
Manabu Fujii,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Variability of planktonic chlorophyll a and phycocyanin in a complex hydroecological system of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia,
18th World Lake Conference,
Nov. 2021.
Vouchlay Theng,
Hashimoto Kana,
Sovannara Uk,
Sophanna Ly,
Tanaka Tomohiro,
Yoshioka Hidekazu,
Yoshimura Chihiro.
Effect of Water and Land Based Villages on Phosphorus Dynamics in a Lake-Floodplain System, Tonle Sap Lake,
The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) Jointly held with The 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes: “Insights and Challenges toward Achieving SDGs”,
Proceedings of The 13th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering 2020 (RCChE-2020) jointly held with the 5th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,,
pp. 185-188,
Feb. 2021.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Sophanna Ly,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Modeling Fish Biomass in the Lower Mekong Basin Floodplain Using Life Cycle and Habitat Conditions Integration,
AGU 2023,
Dec. 2023.
Toru Watanabe,
A. Kuwagaki,
Kazuhiko Miyanaga,
Chanthol Peng,
Hideto FUJII,
Sophanna Ly,
S. Lun,
Y Fujihara,
K Hoshikawa,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Health Risk Assessment of a Floating Village Based on Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulation,
6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,
Nov. 2021.
Sophanna Ly,
Sovannara UK,
Vouchlay Theng,
Pham Ngoc BAO,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Water Level Fluctuations and Distribution of Major Vegetation Types in the Tropical Floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake,
6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes,
Nov. 2021.
Sophanna Ly,
Sovannara Uk,
Pham Ngoc-bao,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Ecosystem services of flooded forests in a large tropical floodplain of Tonle Sap Lake,
35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021), Korea,
Aug. 2021.
Sovannara Uk,
Sophanna Ly,
Ty Sok,
Sophal Try,
Chantha Oeurng,
Fujii Manabu,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Spatiotemporal dynamics of chlorophyll-a and algae phycocyanin in a large shallow tropical lake characterized by seasonal flood pulse,
35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021),
Aug. 2021.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Ecosystem Services of Tonle Sap Lake-Floodplain and Their Responses to Hydrological Change,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Ecosystem Services of Tonle Sap Lake-Floodplain and Their Responses to Hydrological Change,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Ecosystem Services of Tonle Sap Lake-Floodplain and Their Responses to Hydrological Change,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Ecosystem Services of Tonle Sap Lake-Floodplain and Their Responses to Hydrological Change,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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