@article{CTT100921014, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Kyohei Hisano and Yusho Kishimoto and Ryo Taguchi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Bending Fatigue Analysis of Various Polymer Films by Real-Time Monitoring of the Radius of Curvature and Heat Generation}, journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100921013, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Kyohei Hisano and Osamu Tsutsumi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Interfacial Strain Analysis of Bending Bilayer Silicone Elastomer Films Using a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Sensor}, journal = {ACS Applied Engineering Materials}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100899863, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Kohsuke Matsumoto and Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Fatigue life prediction of bending polymer films using random forest}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100876818, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Aki Fujisawa and Masayuki Kishino and Kouhei Kuwahara and Norihisa Akamatsu and Motoyuki Fukuhara and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Validation of theoretical analysis of surface bending strain in polymer films by surface-labeled grating method}, journal = {AIP Advances}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100865023, author = {Ryosuke Nitta and  Ryo Taguchi and  Yuta Kubota and  Tetsuo Kishi and  Atsushi Shishido and  Nobuhiro Matsushita}, title = {Novel Bending Sensor Based on a Solution-Processed Cu2O Film with High Resolution Covering a Wide Curvature Range}, journal = {ACS Omega}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100876831, author = {Ryosuke Nitta and Ryo Taguchi and Yata Kubota and Tetsuo Kishi and Atsushi Shishido and Nobuhiro Matsushita}, title = {Novel Bending Sensor Based on a Solution-Processed Cu2O Film with High Resolution Covering a Wide Curvature Range}, journal = {ACS Omega}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100876817, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Kyohei Hisano and Kouhei Kuwahara and Osamu Tsutsumi and Jun Takeya and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Neutral Mechanical Plane Shifting in Bending Elastomer Film Revealed by Quantification of Internal Strain}, journal = {Adv. Eng. Mater.}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100876802, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kouhei Kuwahara and Norihisa Akamatsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantitative analysis of bending hysteresis by real-time monitoring of curvature in flexible polymeric films}, journal = {Soft Matter}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100876743, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Shoichi Kubo and Kyohei Hisano and Osamu Tsutsumi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Wideband reflection wavelength tuning by bending of cholesteric liquid crystal elastomer films}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100854954, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Kouhei Kuwahara and Kayoko Tokumitsu and Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Masayuki Kishino and Keita Yaegashi and Jun Takeya and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Nanoscale Analysis of Surface Bending Strain in Film Substrates for Preventing Fracture in Flexible Electronic Devices}, journal = {Adv. Mater. Interfaces}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100854935, author = {Nao Ando and Kei Hyodo and Hisao Sasaki and Yoshihito Ota and Nao Terasaki and Tomoki Sasayama and Yusuke Yokoi and Atsushi Shishido and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Analysis of Dynamic Strain on Foldable Devices}, journal = {SID Symp. Dig. Tech. Pap.}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100854917, author = {Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Effect of the Concentration Gradient on Molecular Alignment by Scanning Wave Photopolymerization}, journal = {J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol.}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100854918, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Kyohei Hisano and Tsutsumi Osamu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Out-of-plane Strain Measurement of a Silicone Elastomer by means of a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Sensor}, journal = {J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol.}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100854909, author = {Kouhei Kuwahara and Ryo Taguchi and Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Kayoko Tokumitsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Experimental and theoretical analyses of curvature and surface strain in bent polymer films}, journal = {Appl. Phys. Express}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100899890, author = {矢本卓也 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 相沢美帆 and 久野恭平 and 宍戸厚}, title = {三層構造を有する高分子フィルムの湾曲に伴う表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899876, author = {于佳芸 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 久野恭平 and 宍戸厚}, title = {高分子フィルムの湾曲クリープ挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899887, author = {矢本卓也 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 相沢美帆 and 久野恭平 and 宍戸厚}, title = {三層構造を有する高分子フィルムの湾曲表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899842, author = {岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 久野恭平 and 宍戸厚}, title = {湾曲高分子フィルムの疲労挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899834, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Shoichi Kubo and Kyohei Hisano and Osamu Tsutsumi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantification of Neutral Mechanical Plane Shifting in Bending Elastomer Film using Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Sensor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876827, author = {岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 宍戸厚}, title = {高分子フィルムの繰り返し湾曲による疲労挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899874, author = {Jiayi Yu and Yuhao Zhang and Masayuki Kishino and Ryo Taguchi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantitative analysis of bending creep behavior of polymer films by surface strain measurement}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100899873, author = {于佳芸 and ZHANGYUHAO and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 宍戸厚}, title = {高分子フィルムの表面ひずみリアルタイム計測による湾曲クリープ挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876834, author = {矢本卓也 and 張_昊 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {三層高分子フィルムの湾曲に伴う表面ひずみ抑制}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876801, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Kyohei Hisano and Osamu Tsutsumi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Internal strain analysis in bending silicone elastomer through selective reflection of cholesteric liquid crystal sensor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876799, author = {岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {機械学習による湾曲高分子フィルムの疲労寿命予測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876798, author = {張_昊 and 岸野真之 and 松本浩輔 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 久保祥一 and 宍戸厚}, title = {湾曲高分子フィルム表面のひずみ経時変化解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876789, author = {于佳芸 and 張_昊 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {異なる構造を有する高分子フィルムの湾曲クリープ挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876821, author = {矢本卓也 and 張_昊 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {三層高分子フィルムの湾曲に伴う表面ひずみの抑制}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876765, author = {張_昊 and 田口諒 and 岸野真之 and 赤松範久 and 久保祥一 and 宍戸厚}, title = {湾曲高分子フィルムの表面ひずみ経時変化解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876762, author = {岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {機械学習を利用した湾曲高分子フィルムの疲労寿命予測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876784, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Shoichi Kubo and Kyohei Hisano and Osamu Tsutsumi and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantification of internal strain in bent silicone elastomers via selective reflection of cholesteric liquid crystals}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876772, author = {岸野真之 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 久保祥一 and 久野恭平 and 堤治 and 宍戸厚}, title = {コレステリック液晶エラストマーの湾曲による広帯域反射光波長制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876769, author = {岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {機械学習を利用した繰り返し湾曲による高分子フィルムの疲労寿命予測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100876760, author = {Yuhao Zhang and Masayuki Kishino and Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantitative analysis of surface bending strain in polyethylen terephthalate films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100854962, author = {張_昊 and 岸野真之 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {湾曲したポリエチレンテレフタラートフィルムの表面ひずみ経時変化解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100854940, author = {金原優里奈 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 久保祥一 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面力学解析法を利用した一軸延伸高分子フィルムの湾曲解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854945, author = {岸野真之 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 久保 祥一 and 久野恭平 and 堤治 and 宍戸厚}, title = {コレステリック液晶ひずみセンサーを用いたシリコーンエラストマーの湾曲挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854942, author = {岸野真之 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 久保 祥一 and 久野恭平 and 堤治 and 宍戸厚}, title = {コレステリック液晶を利用したひずみ分布測定によるソフトマテリアルの湾曲挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854923, author = {金原優里奈 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 久保祥一 and 宍戸厚}, title = {ひずみ定量解析による配向性高分子フィルムの湾曲挙動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854934, author = {金原優里奈 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 久保祥一 and 宍戸厚}, title = {一軸延伸高分子フィルムの湾曲ひずみにおける分子配向方向の効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854922, author = {岸野真之 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 久保 祥一 and 久野恭平 and 堤治 and 宍戸厚}, title = {コレステリック液晶センサーによるソフトマテリアル内部の湾曲ひずみ分布解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854915, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 梶谷孝 and 福島孝典 and 宍戸厚}, title = {ポリエチレンナフタレートフィルムの繰返し湾曲に伴う表面ひずみの定量評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854916, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 梶谷孝 and 福島孝典 and 宍戸厚}, title = {ポリエチレンナフタレートフィルムの繰返し湾曲に伴う表面ひずみの定量評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854912, author = {Yoshiaki Kobayashi and Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Three-dimensional Molecular Alignment Photo-patterning of Liquid-crystalline Polymer Films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854910, author = {Masayuki Kishino and Norihisa Akamatsu and Ryo Taguchi and Kouhei Kuwahara and Kyohei Hisano and Tsutsumi Osamu and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Out-of-plane Strain Measurement of a Silicone Elastomer by means of a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Sensor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100816959, author = {田口諒 and 桑原恒平 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {フレキシブルエレクトロニクスに資する高分子フィルム基板の湾曲表面ひずみの制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100816965, author = {金原優里奈 and 桑原恒平 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {一軸配向したポリエチレンテレフタラートフィルムの湾曲ひずみ定量解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100816960, author = {金原優里奈 and 桑原恒平 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {高分子フィルムの湾曲ひずみにおける分子配向方向依存性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100816944, author = {金原優里奈 and 桑原恒平 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {一軸延伸ポリエチレンテレフタラートフィルムの湾曲定量解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816935, author = {桑原恒平 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {力学特性が異なる高分子フィルムの湾曲ひずみ挙動解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816932, author = {田口諒 and 桑原恒平 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {湾曲ひずみを抑制した積層高分子フィルムによるクラック発生防止}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816911, author = {桑原恒平 and 德光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {光の回折を利用した高分子フィルムの湾曲ひずみ解析と理論による検証}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816909, author = {桑原恒平 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {可視光の回折による延伸高分子フィルムの表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816891, author = {桑原恒平 and _光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {延伸高分子フィルムの湾曲形状解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100783596, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kayoko Tokumitsu and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Novel Bending Surface Strain Sensing Method for Flexible Films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783597, author = {桑原恒平 and 徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {高分子フィルムの湾曲挙動における形状依存性 評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783592, author = {桑原恒平 and 徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {アスペクト比の異なる高分子フィルムの湾曲挙動解析と形状観察}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783590, author = {Kayoko Tokumitsu and Ryo Taguchi and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Microscopic strain analysis of largely bending polymer films by a surface-labeled grating method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783593, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kayoko Tokumitsu and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Development of bending strain analysis method for flexible polymer films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783591, author = {徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {繰り返し湾曲過程における高分子フィルムのひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783594, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kayoko Tokumitsu and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Development of Strain Analysis Method for Flexible Polymer Substrates}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783595, author = {徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {屈曲した高分子フィルムのひずみ解析によるフレキシブル性の評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100782894, author = {宍戸厚 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 徳光香代子}, title = {フレキシブルフィルムの湾曲表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783502, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kohei Yamada and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantitative strain analysis of bending flexible polymer films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783510, author = {田口諒 and 山田航平 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {機械的応力印加による高分子フィルムの特異的ひずみ挙動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783512, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティングによるフレキシブルプラスチック基板の曲げひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783600, author = {徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 山田航平 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {フレキシブル基板フィルムの定量的な表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783511, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティングによるフレキシブルプラスチック基板の曲げひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783598, author = {徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {小さい曲率半径で湾曲したフレキシブルフィルムの表面ひずみ定量解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783599, author = {徳光香代子 and 田口諒 and 山田航平 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {大きく湾曲したフレキシブルフィルムの屈曲ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783491, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {フレキシブルデバイスに多用されるポリエチレンナフタレートフィルムの屈曲に伴う力学解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783490, author = {田口諒 and 山田航平 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {光の回折現象を利用した湾曲定量解析手法の開発とフレキシブル基板の表面ひずみ実測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100782905, author = {宍戸厚 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 山田航平 and 徳光香代子}, title = {湾曲フィルムの表面ひずみ計測によるフレキシブルデバイス開発プロセスイノベーション}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783494, author = {Ryo Taguchi and Kohei Yamada and Norihisa Akamatsu and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Surface Labeled Gratings Enables Quantitative Analysis of Largely Deformed Substrate for Flexible Technology Displays}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783497, author = {田口諒 and 福原素之 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {透過型回折格子を利用した湾曲ポリマーフィルムの表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100783500, author = {田口諒 and 福原素之 and 赤松範久 and 藤川茂紀 and Christopher J. Barrett and 宍戸厚}, title = {フレキシブルフィルムの湾曲に伴う表面ひずみと理論表面ひずみの比較}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100725341, author = {田口諒 and 福原素之 and 藤川茂紀 and A. Shishido}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティング法によるフレキシブルフィルムの繰り返し湾曲過程における表面ひずみ解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100783552, author = {Wataru Tashiro and Norihisa Akamatsu and Junichi Mamiya and Motoi Kinoshita and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Quantitative surface strain analysis of bending PDMS film by surface labeled grating method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783555, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {PDMSを利用した表面ラベルグレーティング法によるフレキシブルフィルムの表面歪み解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783554, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティング法による積層PDMSフィルムの表面歪み評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783543, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティング法による積層PDMSフィルムの屈曲表面歪み解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783544, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティング法による湾曲積層PDMSフィルムの表面歪み測定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783547, author = {Wataru Tashiro and Norihisa Akamatsu and Junichi Mamiya and Motoi Kinoshita and Shigenori Fujikawa and Atsushi Shishido}, title = {Surface deformation analysis of bending film by a surface labeled grating method}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783550, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティングを利用した湾曲フィルムの表面歪み解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783549, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {PDMSフィルムへの表面ラベルグレーティングの導入と定量変形解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100783566, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {PDMSフィルムを利用した表面ラベルグレーティング法による材料の三次元変形解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100783558, author = {田代亘 and 赤松範久 and 間宮純一 and 木下基 and 藤川茂紀 and 宍戸厚}, title = {表面ラベルグレーティングを利用したPDMSフィルムの三次元変形解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100839490, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {機能性フィルムの湾曲に伴う表面ひずみの定量解析手法の開発と屈曲耐久試験機への応用}, year = 2020, } @misc{CTT100816898, author = {田口諒 and 赤松範久 and 宍戸厚}, title = {光応答性架橋液晶高分子フィルムのソフトメカニクス}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100887332, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100887333, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100887334, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100887335, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100865150, author = {宍戸厚 and 赤松範久 and 田口諒 and 太田 義人 and 佐々木 寿朗 and 岡崎 恭久}, title = {変形試験器}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2022, month = {}, note = {特願2020-560287(2020/01/06), 再表2021/038898(2021/09/27), 特許第7127786号(2022/08/22)} } @phdthesis{CTT100887332, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2021, } @phdthesis{CTT100887333, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2021, } @phdthesis{CTT100887334, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2021, } @phdthesis{CTT100887335, author = {Ryo Taguchi}, title = {Precise quantitative analysis of bending behavior in flexible polymer films}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2021, }