古牧周 研究業績一覧 (10件)
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H. Yoo,
S. Furumaki,
J. Yang,
J. E. Lee,
H. Chung,
T. Oba,
H. Kobayashi,
B. Rybtchinski,
T. M. Wilson,
M R. Wasielewski,
M. Vacha,
D. Kim.
Coherent Coupling between Linear and Trefoil Trimer Perylenediimide Molecules Probed by Single-Molecule Spectroscopy,
J. Phys. Chem. B,
Vol. 116,
pp. 12878-12886,
Shu Furumaki,
Frantisek Vacha,
Satoshi Habuchi,
Yusuke Tsukatani,
Donald A. Bryant,
Martin Vacha.
Absorption Linear Dichroism Measured Directly on a Single Light-Harvesting System: The Role of Disorder in Chlorosomes of Green Photosynthetic Bacteria,
Volume 133,
Number 17,
Page 6703-6710,
May 2011.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
S. Furumaki,
F. Vacha,
J. Psencik,
S. Habuchi,
M. Vacha.
Development of new microscopic methods using absorption anisotropy for the study of the properties of antenna complexes of photosynthetic bacteria,
15th International Congress on Photosynthesis,
Aug. 2010.
M. Vacha,
S. Furumaki,
F. Vacha,
J. Psencik,
S. Habuchi.
Absorption linear dichroism measured directly on a single chlorosome of green photosynthetic bacteria: the role of inner structural disorder,
15th International Congress on Photosynthesis,
Aug. 2010.
Martin Vacha,
Shu Furumaki,
Frantisek Vacha,
J Psencik,
Satoshi Habuchi.
Absorption linear dichroism directly measured on a single light-harvesting complex of photosynthetic bacteria,
17th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids,
June 2010.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Shu Furumaki,
Frantisek Vacha,
Martin Vacha.
Study of antenna complex of green sulfur bacteria and of artificial antenna complex of chlorophylls and dye molecules by single molecule spectroscopy,
Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2012,
Sept. 2012.
Shu Furumaki,
F. Vacha,
Satoshi Habuchi,
Yusuke Tsukatani,
Don Bryant,
Martin Vacha.
Study of single antenna complexes from green sulfur bacteria and its mutant by using light absorption anisotropy,
Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2011,
古牧 周,
羽渕 聡史,
Development of new microscopic methods using absorption anisotropy for the study of the properties of antenna complexes of green sulfur bacteria,
Annual Meeting on Photochemistry,
Sept. 2010.
M. Vacha,
S. Furumaki,
S. Habuchi.
Structure of chlorosomal antennae of photosynthetic bacteria studied by single-molecule absorption spectroscopy,
Annual Meeting on Photochemistry,
Sept. 2010.
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