鈴木智之 研究業績一覧 (2件)
Satoshi Suzuki,
Tatsuro Toda,
Shigeki Kuwata.
A Diazene-Bridged Diruthenium Complex with Structural Restraint Defined by Single meta-Diphosphinobenzene,
Dalton Transactions,
vol. 50,
no. 14,
pp. 4789-4795,
Feb. 2021.
Tatsuro Toda,
Satoshi Suzuki,
Shigeki Kuwata.
Metallo-Supramolecular Assembly of Protic Pincer-Type Complexes: Encapsulation of Dinitrogen and Carbon Disulfide into Multiproton-Responsive Diruthenium Cage,
Chemical Communications,
Royal Society of Chemistry,
vol. 55,
no. 8,
pp. 1028-1031,
Jan. 2019.
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