SunJunpeng 研究業績一覧 (10件)
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- 全件表示
Junpeng Sun,
Kotaro Tadano.
A Novel Device for Safe Trocar Insertion in Laparoscopic Surgery Based on the Insertion Force Characteristics,
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics,
Volume 9,
Number 1,
pp. 1-8,
Jan. 2019.
Junpeng Sun,
Kotaro Tadano.
Force Characteristics and Effective Stopping Upon the Abdominal Wall is Penetrated Out by Trocar during Laparoscopic Surgery,
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,
World Scientific,
Volume 18,
No. 3,
Mar. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Sun Junpeng,
Kotaro Tadano.
A Novel Device for Safe Trocar Insertion in Laparoscopic Surgery Based on the Insertion Force Characteristics,
2018 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Bioinformatics,
Nov. 2018.
Junpeng Sun,
Kotaro Tadano.
Design of a Handheld Trocar Insertion Device for Laparoscopic Surgery to Avoid Overshooting,
40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
July 2018.
Junpeng Sun,
Kotaro Tadano.
Force Characteristics of Trocar Insertion Abdomens in Laparoscopic Surgery,
3rd World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science,
June 2017.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Development of a Trocar Insertion Device for Laparoscopic Surgery,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Development of a Trocar Insertion Device for Laparoscopic Surgery,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Development of a Trocar Insertion Device for Laparoscopic Surgery,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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