NukunudompanichMethawee 研究業績一覧 (22件)
Y. Thant,
T. Wakamiya,
M. Nukunudompanich,
K. Kameda,
M. Ihara,
S. Manzhos.
Kernel regression methods for prediction of materials properties: recent developments,
Chemical Physics Reviews,
Volume 6,
Issue 1,
Mar. 2025.
Y. Thant,
S. Manzhos,
M. Ihara,
M. Nukunudompanich.
On the sufficiency of a single hidden layer in feed-forward neural networks used for machine learning of materials properties,
Volume 5,
Issue 1,
Jan. 2025.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Heejoo Yoon,
Lee Hyojae,
Keisuke Kameda,
Manabu Ihara,
Sergei Manzhos.
Machine learning of properties of lead-free perovskites with a neural network with additive kernel regression-based neuron activation functions,
MRS Advances,
Volume 9,
Jan. 2024.
M. Nukunudompanich,
K. Suzuki,
S. Manzhos,
K. Kameda,
M. Ihara.
Nano-scale smooth surface of a compact-TiO2 layer via spray pyrolysis for controlling perovskite grain sizes in perovskite solar cell,
RSC Advances,
Issue 40,
page 27686 - 27695,
Sept. 2023.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Gekko Budiutama,
Kazuma Suzuki,
Kei Hasegawa,
Manabu Ihara.
Dominant effect of the grain size of the MAPbI3 perovskite controlled by the surface roughness of TiO2 on the performance of perovskite solar cells,
Vol. 22,
Page 2718-2727,
Feb. 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Budiutama Gekko,
Suzuki Kazuma,
Nukunudompanich Methawee,
Hasegawa Kei,
Zhang Xiaomei,
Fourmond Erwann,
Fave Alain,
Ihara Manabu.
Study of Si/TiO2/Perovskite interfaces for perovskite/Si tandem solar cell,
18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019),
Sept. 2019.
M. Nukunudompanich,
K. Suzuki,
K. Hasegawa,
M. Ihara.
Influence of Perovskite Grain Size and TiO2 Surface States to the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cell,
AiMES 2018 Meeting(234th ECS and SMEQ2018 Joint International Meeting),
Oct. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
H. Yoon,
L. Hyojae,
K. Kameda,
M. Ihara,
S. Manzhos.
Machine learning of properties of perovskites with an NN with additive kernel GPR-based neuron activation functions,
Chemical Compound Space Conference 2024 (CCSC 2024),
May 2024.
M. Nukunudompanich,
K. Suzuki,
K. Hasegawa,
M. Ihara.
Relationship between Suface state of compact TiO2, the grain size of Perovskite layer and the performance of Perovskite solar cell,
The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE 2018),
Nov. 2018.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Kazuma Suzuki,
Kei Hasegawa,
Manabu Ihara.
Temperature Dependence on Spray Pyrolysis of TiO2 and Its Perovskite Solar Cell Application,
The Sixth International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science,
Dec. 2017.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Sept. 2019.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Kazuma Suzuki,
Kei Hasegawa,
Manabu Ihara.
Correlation of surface roughness of TiO2, grain size of MAPbI3 and perovskite solar cell performance,
Sept. 2019.
Budiutama Gekko Patria,
Suzuki Kazuma,
Nukunudompanich Methawee,
Hasegawa Kei,
Zhang Xiao-mei,
Ihara Manabu.
Investigation of Si/TiO2/Perovskite interfaces for tandem solar cells,
Mar. 2019.
Nukunudompanich Methawee,
Suzuki Kazuma,
Hasegawa Kei,
Ihara Manabu.
Correlation between TiO2 roughness and perovskite grain size effect on solar cell performance,
第50回 化学工学会秋季大会,
Sept. 2018.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Kazuma Suzuki,
Kei Hasegawa,
FAVE Alain,
Manabu Ihara.
Mar. 2018.
鈴木 一馬,
Nukunudompanich Methawee,
長谷川 馨,
伊原 学.
Mar. 2018.
Methawee Nukunudompanich,
Phaomethavarithorn Apatsanan,
Kazuma Suzuki,
Kei Hasegawa,
Manabu Ihara.
Effect of nano-roughness of compacted TiO2 layer by using various precursors and deposition techniques on characteristics of perovskite solar cell,
第49回 化学工学会秋季大会,
Sept. 2017.
鈴木 一馬,
Nukunudompanich M.,
長谷川 馨,
伊原 学.
Dominant effect of perovskite grain size on solar cell performance and improved stability by all-inorganic light absorber,
Dominant effect of perovskite grain size on solar cell performance and improved stability by all-inorganic light absorber,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Dominant effect of perovskite grain size on solar cell performance and improved stability by all-inorganic light absorber,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Dominant effect of perovskite grain size on solar cell performance and improved stability by all-inorganic light absorber,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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