河野隆史 研究業績一覧 (8件)
Takafumi Kouno,
Cristian Lenart,
Satoshi Naito,
Daisuke Sagaki.
Quantum K-theory Chevalley formulas in the parabolic case,
Journal of Algebra,
Elsevier Inc.,
Vol. 645,
pp. 1--53,
Feb. 2024.
Takafumi Kouno,
Cristian Lenart,
Satoshi Naito.
New structure on the quantum alcove model with applications to representation theory and Schubert calculus,
Journal of Combinatorial Algebra,
European Mathematical Society Press,
Vol. 7,
no. 3-4,
pp. 347--400,
Nov. 2023.
Takafumi Kouno,
Satoshi Naito,
Daniel Orr.
Identities of inverse Chevalley type for the graded characters of level-zero Demazure submodules over quantum affine algebras of type C,
Algebras and Representation Theory,
Springer Nature,
Vol. 27,
no. 1,
pp. 429--460,
Aug. 2023.
Takafumi Kouno,
Satoshi Naito,
Daisuke Sagaki.
Chevalley formula for anti-dominant minuscule fundamental weights in the equivariant K-group of partial flag manifolds,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A,
Elsevier Inc.,
Vol. 192,
Nov. 2022.
Satoshi Naito,
Takafumi Kouno,
Daniel Orr,
Daisuke Sagaki.
Inverse K-Chevalley formulas for semi-infinite flag manifolds, I: minuscule weights in ADE type,
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma,
Cambridge University Press,
Vol. 9,
Paper No. e51,
July 2021.
Combinatorics of the quantum alcove model,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Combinatorics of the quantum alcove model,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Combinatorics of the quantum alcove model,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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