@book{CTT100386413, author = {藤井聡}, title = {社会的ジレンマの処方箋:都市・交通・環境問題のための心理学}, publisher = {ナカニシヤ出版}, year = 2003, } @book{CTT100391722, author = {藤井聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメントの手引き}, publisher = {丸善}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100391723, author = {藤井聡}, title = {合意形成論―総論賛成・各論反対のジレンマ―}, publisher = {土木学会}, year = 2004, } @book{CTT100556965, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Road Pricing, the Economy, and the Environment, Springer}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100556962, author = {藤井聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント入門:~「人と社会」を中心に据えた新しい交通戦略~,学芸出版社}, publisher = {学芸出版社}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100556964, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Pricing in Road Transport: A multi-disciplinary perspective}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, year = 2008, } @book{CTT100533900, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Threat from Car Traffic to the Quality of Urban Life: Problems, causes, and solutions}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100556980, author = {藤井聡}, title = {紛争と対話}, publisher = {}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100556963, author = {藤井聡}, title = {土木と景観―風景のためのデザインとマネジメント}, publisher = {学芸出版}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100551549, author = {大野隆造 and 瀬尾和大 and 藤井聡 and 青木義次 and 大佛俊泰}, title = {地震と人間:シリーズ<都市地震工学7>}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100533899, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Pricing in Road Transport: Multidisciplinary Perspectives}, publisher = {Edward Elgar}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100533898, author = {藤井聡}, title = {土木と景観―風景のためのデザインとマネジメント―}, publisher = {学芸出版}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100533897, author = {藤井聡}, title = {地震と人間}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100411207, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {安全安心のための社会技術}, publisher = {東京大学出版会}, year = 2006, } @book{CTT100533896, author = {喜多 and 中村 and 藤井他}, title = {バスサービスハンドブック}, publisher = {土木学会}, year = 2006, } @book{CTT100392543, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Traffic and Transport Psychology}, publisher = {Elsevier: Amsterdam}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100392554, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Trust and Acceptance of Risks}, publisher = {Elsevier Science}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100392556, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Simulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis: Recent Advances and Challenge}, publisher = {: Springer: NY.}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100391724, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「交通渋滞」徹底解剖}, publisher = {交通工学研究会}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100411211, author = {Loukopoulos and P. Jakobsson, C. and Gärling and T. . Meland, S. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Progress in Activity-Based Analysis}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = 2005, } @book{CTT100391729, author = {藤井聡}, title = {AHPとコンジョイント分析}, publisher = {現代数学社}, year = 2004, } @book{CTT100546817, author = {近代科学社 and 藤井聡}, title = {参加型社会の決め方―公共事業における集団意思決定―}, publisher = {}, year = 2004, } @book{CTT100391732, author = {藤井聡}, title = {新領域土木工学ハンドブック}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2003, } @book{CTT100392557, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {The Network Reliability of Transport}, publisher = {Oxford: Pergamon}, year = 2003, } @book{CTT100391733, author = {藤井聡}, title = {交通行動の分析とモデリング}, publisher = {技報堂}, year = 2002, } @book{CTT100391734, author = {藤井聡}, title = {ポスト・モータリゼーション-21世紀の都市と交通戦略-}, publisher = {学芸出版社}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100738148, author = {羽鳥 剛史 and 福田 大輔 and 三木谷 智 and 藤井 聡}, title = {モノに関する記憶の想起が愛着意識に及ぼす影響 : 自転車に対する愛着意識と放置駐輪問題を対象として}, journal = {科学・技術研究}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100667309, author = {Hiroyuki Ohta and Haruyuki Matsumoto and Daisuke Fukuda and Satoshi Fujii}, title = {A comparative analysis of subjective quality of mobility between new portable electric transportation mode and walking}, journal = {International Journal of Vehicular Technology}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100639221, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 三木谷智 and 藤井聡 and 福田大輔}, title = {大規模放置駐輪問題を対象としたコミュニケーション施策の効果検証:JR東日本赤羽駅での取り組み}, journal = {土木学会論文集D3 (土木計画学)}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100611782, author = {三木谷 智 and 羽鳥 剛史 and 藤井 聡 and 福田 大輔}, title = {放置駐輪削減のための説得的コミュニケーション施策の集計的効果の検証:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパスにおける実施事例}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100609065, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 住永哲史}, title = {“地域カリスマ”の活力に関する解釈学的研究:インタビューを通した「観光カリスマ」の実践描写}, journal = {土木技術者実践論文集}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100609064, author = {伊地知恭右 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡}, title = {内村鑑三『代表的日本人』の通読による大衆性低減効果に関する実験報告}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100609061, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 小松佳弘 and 藤井聡}, title = {景観保全に及ぼす大衆性の破壊的影響に関する全国調査―オルテガ「大衆の反逆」の景観問題への示唆―}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100609062, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 水野絵夢}, title = {政府の公共事業を巡る賛否世論の政治心理学的分析}, journal = {交通工学}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100609057, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 水野絵夢}, title = {「土木事業」についての世論に関するパネル調査報告}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100609054, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 黒岩武志 and 藤井聡 and 竹村 和久}, title = {道徳性発達理論に基づく土木技術者倫理に関する実証的研究-倫理規定の解釈可能性が土木技術者の倫理性に及ぼす影響-}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100609058, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 小松佳弘 and 藤井聡}, title = {大衆による風景破壊:オルテガ「大衆の反逆」の景観問題への示唆}, journal = {景観デザイン論文集}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100556977, author = {藤井聡 and 鈴木春菜}, title = {「消費行動」が「地域愛着」に及ぼす影響に関する研究}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556976, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「地域風土」への移動途上接触が「地域愛着」に及ぼす影響に関する研究}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100566666, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 水野絵夢 and 藤井聡}, title = {土木の趣旨についての簡易メッセージが土木事業の賛否意識に及ぼす効果の分析}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556971, author = {藤井聡}, title = {“モビリティ・マネジメント研究の展開”特集にあたって}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556975, author = {藤井聡}, title = {鉄道の利用促進を目的としたモビリティ・マネジメントの取組と課題}, journal = {土木学会論文集D, 64}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556974, author = {藤井聡}, title = {家庭訪問形式によるモビリティ・マネジメント}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556973, author = {藤井聡}, title = {萩原 剛, 村尾 俊道, 島田 和幸, 義浦 慶子, 藤井 聡;大規模職場MMの集計的効果検証とMM施策効果の比較分析}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556972, author = {藤井聡}, title = {龍ケ崎市におけるコミュニティ•バス利用促進モビリティ•マネジメントの効果分析”}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100556983, author = {藤井聡 and 染谷 祐輔}, title = {藤井 聡・染谷祐輔:交通行動と居住地選択行動の相互依存関係に関する行動的分析}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556992, author = {藤井聡}, title = {環境配慮行動における客観的CO2排出削減量―事実情報提供の効果に関する実験研究―}, journal = {土木学会論文集G}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556991, author = {藤井聡}, title = {心理的方略による放置駐輪削減施策の実証的研究:東京メトロ千川駅周辺における実務事例}, journal = {交通工学}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556990, author = {藤井聡 and 鈴木春菜}, title = {利用店舗への愛着が地域愛着へ及ぼす影響とその規定因に関する研究}, journal = {都市計画論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556989, author = {藤井聡}, title = {公共事業における国民の行政に対する信頼形成プロセスに関する研究}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556988, author = {藤井聡}, title = {インターネット利用と生活圏域の拡がりに関する研究}, journal = {交通工学}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556987, author = {藤井聡 and 萩原剛}, title = {“事業所における組織的なモビリティ・マネジメントに関する分析”.}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556986, author = {谷口綾子 and 藤井聡}, title = {特定駅の駅勢圏における全世帯を対象とした鉄道 利用促進のためのTFPの実証分析}, journal = {運輸政策研究}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556985, author = {藤井聡 and 谷口 綾子}, title = {郊外型大学キャンパスにおけるバスを主体としたモビリティ・マネジメントの展望と課題}, journal = {都市計画論文集}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556979, author = {藤井聡}, title = {藤井 聡:日本における「モビリティ・マネジメント」の展開について}, journal = {IATSS Review}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100556978, author = {藤井聡}, title = {公共事業をめぐる世論における“沈黙”の分析}, journal = {心理学研究}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533930, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {「魅力ある学会誌」のための誌面づくり}, journal = {土木学会誌}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533928, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント-クルマと「かしこく」つきあう社会を目指した社会的試み-}, journal = {自動車技術}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533901, author = {Horeni, O and . Gärling, T. and Loukopoulos, P. and Fujii and S. (2007)}, title = {An experimental simulation of adaptations to increased car-use costs}, journal = {Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533902, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Communication with non-drivers for promoting long-term pro-environmental travel behaviour}, journal = {Transportation Research D}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533912, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {総合的交通政策としてのモビリティ・マネジメント:ソフト施策とハード施策の融合による持続的展開}, journal = {運輸政策研究}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533903, author = {Taniguchi, A and Fujii, S.}, title = {Promoting public transport using marketing techniques in mobility management and verifying their quantitative effects,}, journal = {Transportation}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100411214, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {ロードプライシングの公共受容におけるフレーミング効果-公衆の「倫理性」を前提とした広報活動に関する基礎研究-}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100411215, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {政府に対する国民の信頼-大義ある公共事業による信頼の醸成-}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533904, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Environmental concern, attitude toward frugality, and ease of behavior as determinants of pro-environmental behavior intentions}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Psychology}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533905, author = {Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A.}, title = {Determinants of the effectiveness of travel feedback programs—a review of communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behavior in Japan}, journal = {Transport Policy}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533906, author = {Choocharukul, K. and Van, H. T. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Psychological determinants of car use reduction and acceptance of car use restriction in Japan and Thailand,}, journal = {IATSS Research}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533907, author = {Loukopoulos, P. and Jakobsson, C. and Garling, T. and Meland, S. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Understanding the process of adaptation to car-use reduction goals}, journal = {Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533908, author = {Loukopoulos, P. and Gärung, T. and Eek, D. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Palatable punishment in real-world social dilemmas? Punishing others to increase cooperation among the unpunished}, journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533910, author = {谷口 綾子 and 藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメントにおける情報技術の活用可能性,}, journal = {IATSS Review}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533914, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {風景の近代化とニヒリズム-宗教性無きデザインの破壊的帰結について-}, journal = {景観デザイン論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533915, author = {藤井 聡 and 高須 豊}, title = {自動車免許非保有者に対する自動車に関する情報提供効果に関する研究}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533916, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {実践的風土論にむけた和辻風土論の超克-近代保守思想に基づく和辻「風土:人間学的考察」の土木工学的批評-}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533917, author = {谷口綾子 and 藤井聡}, title = {公共交通利用促進のためのモビリティ・マネジメントの効果分析}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533918, author = {谷口綾子 and 藤井聡}, title = {商店街の自動車流入規制に対する商店主の態度変容分析-自由が丘商店街における歩行者調査データ提供による心理効果-}, journal = {都市計画論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533919, author = {谷口綾子 and 藤井 聡}, title = {英国における個人対象モビリティ・マネジメントの現状と我が国への政策的含意}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533920, author = {谷口綾子 and 平石 浩之 and 藤井 聡}, title = {学校教育モビリティ・マネジメントにおける簡易プログラム構築に向けた実証的研究 -秦野市TDM推進計画における取り組み-}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533921, author = {鈴木 春菜 and 谷口 綾子 and 藤井 聡}, title = {国内TFP事例の態度・行動変容効果についてのメタ分析}, journal = {土木学会論文集D}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533922, author = {遠藤 弘太郎 and 近藤 真哉 and 新倉 淳史 and 土居 厚司 and 藤井 聡 and 兵藤 哲朗}, title = {行動意図法(BI法)による鉄道新線需要予測への適用事例}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533923, author = {水野 絵夢 and 古池 弘隆 and 森本 章倫 and 藤井 聡}, title = {LRTの導入が高齢者の交通行動に及ぼす影響に関する意向データ分析}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533924, author = {萩原 剛 and 太田 裕之 and 藤井 聡}, title = {アンケート調査回収率に関する実験研究:MM参加率の効果的向上方策の検討}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100542700, author = {Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A.}, title = {Determinants of the effectiveness of travel feedback programs—a review of communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behavior in Japan}, journal = {Transport Policy}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100542701, author = {Loukopoulos, P. and Jakobsson, C. and Garling, T. and Meland, S. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Understanding the process of adaptation to car-use reduction goals}, journal = {Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior,}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100542702, author = {Loukopoulos, P. and Gärung, T. and Eek, D. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Palatable punishment in real-world social dilemmas? Punishing others to increase cooperation among the unpunished}, journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533909, author = {Fujii, S. and Arai, K.}, title = {Forced commitment promotes attitudinal commitment and trust in an organization}, journal = {Journal of Human Environmental Studies}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391750, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {The effects of a compressed working week on commuters’ daily activity patterns}, journal = {Transportation Research A}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391747, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Reducing family car use by providing travel advice or requesting behavioral plans: an experimental analysis of travel feedback programs}, journal = {Transportation Research D}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391745, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Reducing inappropriate bicycle-parking through persuasive communication}, journal = {Journal of Applied Social Psychology}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391764, author = {藤井聡}, title = {囚人のジレンマゲームにおける意思決定と焦点化}, journal = {理論心理学研究}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391767, author = {藤井聡}, title = {他者の協力行動に関するフィードバック情報が道徳意識に及ぼす影響}, journal = {心理学研究}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391752, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Public Attitudes towards Policy Measures for Reducing Private Car Use}, journal = {Environmental Science & Policy}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100411219, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {土木計画学の新しいかたち: 社会科学・社会哲学と土木の関わり}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100411218, author = {藤井 聡 and 染谷祐輔 and 土井勉 and 本田豊}, title = {被験者分類に基づくTFP効率化に関する研究,2003年度川西市・猪名川町におけるモビリティ・マネジメント}, journal = {計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100411217, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {意思決定研究と公共政策}, journal = {知能と情報}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100411216, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {行政に対する信頼の醸成条件}, journal = {実験社会心理学研究}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100411212, author = {Fujii, S. and Arai, K.}, title = {Forced commitment promotes attitudinal commitment and trust in an organization}, journal = {Journal of Human Environmental Studies}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100391772, author = {藤井聡}, title = {『一時的構造変化方策』の有効性の検証:自動車運転者への無料バス定期券配布実験}, journal = {交通工学}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391757, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Adaptation of private car use in response to travel demand management measures: Potential roles of intelligent transportation system}, journal = {Intelligent Transportation Systems}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391755, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Car-user responses to travel demand management measures: goal setting and choice of adaptation alternatives,}, journal = {Transportation Research D}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386417, author = {藤井聡}, title = {藤井 聡:行動意図法(BI法)による交通需要予測の検証と精緻化}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386416, author = {Fujii and S. Gärling, T. and Jakobsson, C. and Jou, R.C.}, title = {A cross-country study of fairness and infringement on freedom as determinants of car owners’ acceptance of road pricing,}, journal = {Transportation}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386415, author = {Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R.}, title = {Drivers' mental representation of travel time and departure time choice in uncertain traffic network conditions}, journal = {Networks and Spatial Economics}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386414, author = {Fujii and S. Kitamura, R. and Suda, H}, title = {Contingent Valuation Method for Procedural Justice}, journal = {Journal of Economic Psychology}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100399432, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {ハリウッド映画の陰鬱}, journal = {発言者}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391800, author = {藤井聡}, title = {不確実性の分類とリスク評価-理論枠組の提案-}, journal = {社会技術研究論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391775, author = {藤井聡}, title = {学校教育型TFPの効果に関する心理過程分析}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391774, author = {藤井聡}, title = {行動プラン法を用いたTFPの開発:小学校教育プログラムへの適用事例}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391773, author = {藤井聡}, title = {免許取得による自動車利用に関する信念の変化分析}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391771, author = {藤井聡}, title = {合意形成問題における“修正可能性”と“謝罪”の決定的役割}, journal = {運輸政策研究}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391770, author = {藤井聡}, title = {東電シュラウド問題にみる原子力管理への信頼の変化}, journal = {社会技術研究論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391768, author = {藤井聡}, title = {TDMの受容問題における意思決定フレーム}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100391811, author = {藤井聡}, title = {TDMの心理的方略としてのTFP (トラベル・フィードバック・プログラム) -実務的課題と展望-}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391804, author = {藤井聡}, title = {公共的問題を題材とした学校教育プログラムについての基礎的考察}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391803, author = {藤井聡}, title = {行動意図法(BI法)による交通需要予測-新規バス路線の“潜在需要”の予測事例-}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391801, author = {藤井聡}, title = {交通需要予測におけるSPデータの新しい役割}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391758, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = { Moderating effects of social value orientation on determinants of proenvironmental behavior intention,}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Psychology}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391759, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {The effectiveness of panels in detecting changes in discrete travel behavior}, journal = {Transportation Research B: Methodological}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391761, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Travel Feedback Program for Travel Behavioral Modification}, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391814, author = {藤井聡}, title = {技術的安全と社会的安心}, journal = {社会技術研究論文}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391813, author = {藤井聡}, title = {個人のOD所要時間動的算定のための交通流シミュレータの開発}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391812, author = {藤井聡}, title = {協力行動依頼コミュニケーションによる経路転換の実証分析}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391810, author = {藤井聡}, title = {土木事業に関する賛否世論の心理要因分析}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100484288, author = {Fujii, S. and Gärling, T.}, title = {Development of script-based travel mode choice after forced change}, journal = {Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100484289, author = {Fujii, S. and Gärling, T.}, title = {Application of attitude theory for improved predictive accuracy of stated preference methods in travel demand analysis}, journal = {Transport Research A: Policy & Practice}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100484290, author = {Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R.}, title = {What does a one-month free bus ticket do to habitual drivers? -An experimental analysis of habit and attitude change}, journal = {Transportation}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100484292, author = {藤井聡}, title = {交通計画のための態度・行動変容研究-基礎的技術と実務的展望-}, journal = {土木学会論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391809, author = {藤井聡}, title = {防災行政と自主的防災行動に対する京都市民の重要性認知分析}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391808, author = {藤井聡}, title = {リスク管理者に対する信頼と監視-炉心シュラウド問題が住民意識に及ぼした影響分析-}, journal = {社会技術研究論文}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391807, author = {藤井聡}, title = {自動車免許非保有者に対するコミュニケーション実験}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391805, author = {藤井聡}, title = {自動車利用抑制コミュニケーションに対する心理的リアクタンスについての理論実証研究}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391762, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Effects of economic disincentives on private car use}, journal = {Transportation}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100466112, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「決め方」と合意形成-社会的ジレンマにおける利己的動機の抑制にむけて-}, journal = {Journal of infrastructure planning and management}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100484291, author = {Eek, D. and Loukopoulos, P. and Fujii, S. and Gärling, T.}, title = {Spill-over effects of intermittent costs for defection in social dilemmas}, journal = {European Journal of Social Psychology}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100391763, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {A conceptual analysis of the impact of travel demand management on private car use}, journal = {Transport Policy}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100466109, author = {藤井聡}, title = {リスク態度と注意-状況依存焦点モデルによるフレーミング効果の計量分析-}, journal = {The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466104, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Changes in drivers' perceptions and use of public transport during a freeway closure: Effects of temporary structural change on cooperation in a real-life social dilemma}, journal = {Environment and Behavior}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100546816, author = {Gärling, T. and Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Structural equation modeling of determinants of planning}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Psychology}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466111, author = {藤井聡}, title = {土木計画のための社会的行動理論-態度追従型計画から態度変容型計画へ-}, journal = {Journal of infrastructure planning and management}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466110, author = {藤井聡}, title = {TDMと社会的ジレンマ:交通問題解消における公共心の役割}, journal = {Journal of infrastructure planning and management}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466107, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Evaluation of trip-inducing effects of new freeways using a structural equations model system of commuters' time use and travel}, journal = {Transportation Research B}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100466106, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Anticipated travel time, information acquisition and actual experience: The case of Hanshin expressway route closure}, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100466108, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {An Analysis of Individuals’ Joint Activity Engagement Using a Model System of Activity-Travel Behavior and Time Use}, journal = {Transportation Research Record}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100466113, author = {藤井聡}, title = {時間的空間的制約を考慮した生活行動軌跡を再現するための行動シミュレーションの構築}, journal = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100610928, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 三木谷智 and 福田大輔 and 藤井聡}, title = {モノに関する所有経験の想起が愛着意識に及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {日本心理学会年次講演集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610939, author = {三木谷智 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 福田大輔}, title = {大規模鉄道駅周辺を対象としたコミュニケーションによる放置自転車削減の取り組み}, booktitle = {第五回 日本モビリティ・マネジメント会議}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610935, author = {三木谷智 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 福田大輔}, title = {心理的方略による放置駐輪削減施策の実証的研究~JR東日本赤羽駅での取り組み~}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610929, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 三木谷智 and 福田大輔 and 藤井聡}, title = {自転車に対する愛着意識と放置駐輪行為に関する実証的検討}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100610944, author = {三木谷智 and 福田大輔 and 田村直也 and 藤井聡}, title = {心理的方略による放置駐輪削減施策に関する実証的研究}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100609060, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 三木谷智 and 藤井聡}, title = {心理的方略による放置駐輪削減施策の効果検証:東急電鉄東横線都立大学駅における実施事例}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・論文集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100609074, author = {伊地知 恭右 and 羽鳥 剛史 and 藤井 聡}, title = {On reducing the vulgarity of the mass: Moralizing effects of classical books in social dilemmas}, booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Social Dilemmas}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100609073, author = {羽鳥 剛史 and 藤井 聡 and 小松 佳弘}, title = {Can the mass man discuss with others? An empirical study on spiritual vulgarity of the masses and failure of dialectic discussion}, booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Social Dilemmas}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100609071, author = {小松佳弘 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡}, title = {個人の大衆性と弁証法的議論の失敗に関する実証的研究}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100566677, author = {Tsuyoshi Hatori and Satoshi Fujii and Yoshihiro Komatsu}, title = {The mass man as defector: Implications of Ortega’s “the rebellion of the masses” on social dilemma research}, booktitle = {International Journal of Psychology}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100566676, author = {Tsuyoshi Hatori and Satoshi Fujii and Tetsushi Suminaga}, title = {The Emergence of Evolutionary Altruistic Behavior in Volunteer’s Dilemmas through Multilevel Selection}, booktitle = {International Journal of Psychology}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100566679, author = {小松佳弘 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡}, title = {景観保全に及ぼす大衆性の破壊的影響に関する実証的研究-オルテガ「大衆の反逆」の景観問題への示唆(2)-}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100556966, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Psychological effects of travel behavior on preference of residential location choice,}, booktitle = {Transportation Research A}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100556967, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Process model of voluntary behavior modification and effects of travel feedback programs}, booktitle = {Transportation Research Record}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566684, author = {水野絵夢 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡}, title = {公共事業に関する賛否世論の心理要因分析}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556968, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Mobility management in Japan: Its development and meta-analysis of travel feedback programs}, booktitle = {Transportation Research Record}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566675, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 水野絵夢}, title = {道路行政を巡る賛否世論の政治心理学的分析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100562492, author = {松本 治之 and 福田 大輔 and 藤井 聡}, title = {新たな小型可搬式電動交通手段の利用意向に関する基礎的研究}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566674, author = {羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡 and 住永哲史}, title = {階層淘汰論に基づく利他的行動に関する実証的検討}, booktitle = {日本社会心理学会第48回大会論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566672, author = {藤井聡 and 羽鳥剛史 and 小松佳弘}, title = {オルテガに基づく大衆性尺度の構成とその発達的要因と行動的帰結}, booktitle = {日本心理学会第71回大会論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566673, author = {藤井聡 and 羽鳥剛史 and 小松佳弘}, title = {オルテガ「大衆の反逆」論についての実証的検討}, booktitle = {日本社会心理学会第48回大会論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566668, author = {Tsuyoshi Hatori and Satoshi Fujii and Tetsushi Suminaga}, title = {The Emergence of Evolutionary Altruistic Behavior in Volunteer’s Dilemmas through Multilevel Selection}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566671, author = {Satoshi Fujii and Tsuyoshi Hatori and Yoshihiro Komatsu}, title = {The vulgarities of masses as predictors of defective behavior:Implications of Ortega’s “the rebellion of the masses” on social dilemma research}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100566681, author = {小松佳弘 and 羽鳥剛史 and 藤井聡}, title = {伝統的な景観保全に及ぼす大衆性の破壊的影響―オルテガ「大衆の反逆」の景観問題への示唆―}, booktitle = {土木計画学研究・講演集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556981, author = {藤井聡}, title = {総合的交通政策としてのモビリティ・マネジメント:ソフト施策とハード施策の融合による持続的展開}, booktitle = {運輸政策研究}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100556969, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {Educational method to change the attitudes of transport planners towards environmentally sustainable transportation systems in developing countries}, booktitle = {ATSS Research}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100611794, author = {Daisuke Fukuda and Haruyuki Matsumoto and Satoshi Fujii}, title = {A new transport mode "Personal Mobile Vehicle (PMV)" to support mobility management by reducing mobility gap}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Mobility Management}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100533937, author = {Van and H.T and Fujii, S.}, title = {A cross Asian country analysis in attitudes toward car and public transport}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100411233, author = {Fujii, S. and Ohta, H}, title = {Comparative analysis of the determinants of pro-environmental behavioral intentions for travel and non-travel behaviors}, booktitle = {Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533936, author = {Hagihara, G. and Fujii, S.}, title = {A study on organizational behavioral modification process.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533938, author = {Choocharukul, K and Van and H.T and Fujii, S.}, title = {Psychological determinants of moral obligation of car use reduction and acceptance of car use restriction in Japan and Thailand}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533939, author = {Van and H.T and Choocharukul, K. and Fujii, S.}, title = {The effect of attitudes toward car and public transport on behavioral intention of commuting mode choice - a cross six Asian country comparison}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533940, author = {Sundo, M. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Determinants of Employee Acceptance of a Compressed Workweek Scheme}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533941, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Effects of Social Values and Consideration of Future Consequences on Pro-environmental Behavioral Intention}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533942, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Hierarchically-norm-activation model on pro-environmental behavior6.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533943, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Communication with non-drivers for promoting long-term pro-environmental travel behavior}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533944, author = {Fujii, S. and Gärling, T.}, title = {The Role and Acquisition of a Car-Use Habit}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533945, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S.}, title = {An Analysis of Effects on Workplace Mobility Management Targeting Commuter Transport.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533946, author = {Loukopoulos, P. and Jakobsson, C. and Gärling, T. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Determinants of car-use change goals and public acceptability: the stockholm road pricing field trial.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533947, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Can state regulation of car use activate moral obligation to use sustainable modes of transport?}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533948, author = {Gärling, T. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Travel Behavior Modification: Theories, Methods, and Programs,}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100533949, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Suzuki, H. and Fujii, S.}, title = {A meta-analysis to evaluate an effectiveness of mobility management in Japan and comparison to the case of EU countries.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100399442, author = {Hagihara, G. and Fujii, S.}, title = {The psychological effects of car use on place attachment}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100399441, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S.}, title = { Hierarchically-norm-activation model on pro-environmental behavior}, booktitle = {6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, September, 19th-21st, Bochum, Germany.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100399440, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = { 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, September, 19th-21st, Bochum, Germany.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411235, author = {Fujii, S. and Kazuhisa, T. and Kikkawa, T}, title = {Attention and Decision Making in Prisoners’ Dilemmas}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411236, author = {Fujii, S.}, title = {Activating moral obligation of cooperation without increasing awareness of consequences of defection}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411237, author = {Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A.}, title = {Travel feedback programs: Communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behavior}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 6th Eastern Association of Transport Studies Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411238, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. and Hara, F.}, title = {Promotion of a public transport by mobility management and verification of its quantitative effect: A case study for community bus in Obihiro city}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 6th Eastern Association of Transport Studies Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411234, author = {Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S.}, title = {How defectors get to be cooperative in a real world social dilemma?: An integrated model of behavior change process hypothesizing theory of planned behavior, norm activation theory, habits and implementation intention}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100411239, author = {Pendyala, R.M. and Kitamura, R. and Kikuchi, A. and Yamamoto, T. and Fujii, S.}, title = {FAMOS: The Florida activity mobility simulator}, booktitle = {CD-ROM of Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100399443, author = {Takemura, K. and Morokami, S. and Okubo, S. and Fujii, S.}, title = {Influence of positive affect on eye movement patterns in decision making process}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100559262, author = {桑子敏雄 and 合田良實 and 藤井聡}, title = {土木と信仰からみた社会の幸福とは}, year = 2008, } @misc{CTT100556997, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「環境に優しい行動」をするなら,「かしこくクルマを使うこと」が一番です.}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100556994, author = {藤井聡}, title = {海外で働く,ということ~東南アジアの日本人土木技術者を訪ねて~}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100556998, author = {藤井聡}, title = {藤井 聡:「モビリティ・マネジメント」特集にあたって}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100556995, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「硫黄島からの手紙」に寄せて}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100556993, author = {藤井聡}, title = {土木技術者のための哲学・教養誌に向けて-歴代の『土木学会誌』編集委員長を訪ねて-}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100556996, author = {藤井聡}, title = {公共事業逆風世論の真実}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533931, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {無文化社会への没落}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533913, author = {谷口綾子 and 藤井 聡}, title = {「交通事業者」によるモビリティ・マネジメント―顧客主義とエモーショナルキャンペーン―}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533925, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {「硫黄島からの手紙」に寄せて}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533926, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {「環境に優しい行動」をするなら,「かしこくクルマを使うこと」が一番です}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533927, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {土木技術者のための哲学・教養誌に向けて-歴代の『土木学会誌』編集委員長を訪ねて-}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100533929, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {小岩井農場と井上勝}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100411221, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {「学会員のコスト・ベネフィット」を考える}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411222, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント-クルマと公共交通のかしこい使い方を考える交通政策-}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411223, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメントによる渋滞対策-渋滞対策のための道路行政マネジメント施策-}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411224, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {日本の農と社会基盤整備}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411225, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {正統なる市場、邪道なる市場~道路関係四公団民営化を巡る社会哲学的考察~}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411226, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {行政マネジメントの虚実}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411227, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {幹線交通整備の社会的なメリットとデメリット}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411228, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {政府の大小を決すは,国民の声ならず,モラリティなり}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411229, author = {田昇 and 中村文彦 and 高橋勝美 and 藤井 聡 and 武政功}, title = {交通まちづくり}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411230, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {「行政マネジメント」の虚と実}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100533911, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {日本における「モビリティ・マネジメント」の展開について}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100533932, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {絶望と希望/信仰と躓きの弁証法}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100533933, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {大衆の弄舌と庶民の沈黙}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100533934, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「技術者倫理」をいま一度考える -「心理学」からみた倫理の問題-}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100533935, author = {藤井聡}, title = {「土木パンフレット」の試み -小さなことから1つずつ-}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100542704, author = {依田照彦 and 藤井 聡}, title = {地道に、そして毅然と一般社会に土木の風を送り続けたい}, year = 2006, } @misc{CTT100411232, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {プリスクリプティブ・アプローチ(処方的研究)について}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100399429, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント:道路/運輸/都市/地方行政問題のためのソフト的交通施策}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100399427, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント:大規模かつ個別的なコミュニケーション型交通需要マネジメント施策}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100399425, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {スロー・モビリティ}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100411231, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {自転車を巡る都市交通計画論}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100399436, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {モビリティ・マネジメント-「豊かな社会」のための総合的な交通計画-}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100399435, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {:土木逆風世論の真実-「沈黙の螺旋理論」による大衆心理分析-}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100399434, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {公共事業と大衆世論}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100399433, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {土木技術者の気概の起源}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100399431, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {:「社会的ジレンマ」における意思決定}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100399439, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {需要の創造/決意の計画,}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100399437, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {合意形成問題に関する一考察:フレーミング効果と社会的最適化の限界}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100399438, author = {藤井 聡}, title = {TDMと社会的信頼}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100594075, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {生活行動を考慮した交通需要予測ならびに交通政策評価手法に関する研究}, year = 1998, } @phdthesis{CTT100594075, author = {Satoshi Fujii}, title = {生活行動を考慮した交通需要予測ならびに交通政策評価手法に関する研究}, school = {京都大学}, year = 1998, }