author = {出口弘 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {エージェントベースの社会システム科学宣言—地球社会のリベラルアーツめざして},
publisher = {勁草書房},
year = 2009,
author = {木嶋恭一 and 中條尚子 and 小林憲正 and マイケルジャクソン and 高橋真吾 and 根来龍之 and 吉田武稔},
title = {ホリスティック・クリエイティブ・マネジメント},
publisher = {丸善},
year = 2007,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {システム知の探求1:決定するシステム(編著)},
publisher = {日科技連出版},
year = 1997,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {交渉とアコモデーション},
publisher = {日科技連出版},
year = 1996,
author = {木嶋 恭一},
title = {交渉システム学入門},
publisher = {丸善},
year = 2005,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {マルテチメディア時代の人間と社会(編著)},
publisher = {日科技連出版},
year = 1995,
author = {Takahashi, T and Kijima, K. and Sato and R. (ed.)},
title = {Applied General Systems Research on Organizations},
publisher = {Springer Varlag},
year = 2003,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ドラマ理論への招待:多主体複雑系モデルの新展開},
publisher = {オーム社},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Delphai Mediation of Symbiotic Hypergame: Intelligent Poly-agent Systems Approach},
publisher = {「複雑性の科学」シンポジウム講演会資料(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)},
year = 2000,
author = {桑子敏雄 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {(翻訳分担)MS/OR用語大事典(森村・刀根・伊理監訳)},
publisher = {朝倉書店},
year = 1999,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Poly-agent Systems Theory: Evolution Model and its Applications},
publisher = {Synergy Matters: Working with Systems in the 21th Century (Edit. Castell, Gregory, Hindel, James and Ragsdel)},
year = 1999,
author = {辻本将晴 and 宮崎久美子 and 木嶋恭一 and 田中義敏 and 仙石愼太郎},
title = {第14章「エコシステム論」},
publisher = {放送大学教育振興会},
year = 2017,
author = {辻本将晴 and 宮崎久美子 and 木嶋恭一 and 田中義敏 and 仙石愼太郎},
title = {第7章「組織マネジメント」},
publisher = {放送大学教育振興会},
year = 2017,
author = {Adrian Gheorghe and Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Systems of System Failure: Meta Methodology for Prevent Systems Failures},
publisher = {INTECH},
year = 2012,
author = {今田高俊 and 石黒晋 and 中井豊 and 中丸麻由子 and 木嶋恭一 and 永田えり子 and 木村洋二 and 鈴木正仁},
title = {第2章 社会システム学に期待する—シリーズ執筆者座談会},
publisher = {ミネルヴァ書房},
year = 2011,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {合意形成のモデルと方法},
publisher = {勁草書房},
year = 2011,
author = {Takao Terano and Hajime and Hiroshi Deguchi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Agent-Based Approches in Economic and Sosial Complex SYstems IV - Post-Proceedings of the AESCS International Workshop 2005-},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Japan},
year = 2007,
author = {高原康彦 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {経営・情報のための数学入門},
publisher = {日刊工業新聞社},
year = 1991,
author = {GALBRUNJEROME and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {A Co-evolutionary Perspective in Medical Technology: Clinical Innovation Systems in Europe and in Japan},
journal = {Asian Journal of Technology Innovation},
year = 2009,
author = {Karin Löffler and Hugo Tschirky and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Embedding enterprise science into SSM for improving innovation systems in technology-based companies},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences},
year = 2009,
author = {Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Optimal Structure of Set-valued Solutions of Normal-form Games and Coordination},
journal = {Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.},
year = 2009,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {System of system failures: Meta methodology for IT engineering safety},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2009,
author = {Pri Hermawan and Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Holistic formal analysis of dilemmas of negotiation},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2008,
author = {Hermawan Pri and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Structure of Dilemmas of Negotiation: A Drama Theoretic Model},
journal = {Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences},
year = 2008,
author = {naoki konno and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {A New Criterion for Environmental Risk Management of Multiplication Processes},
journal = {Journal of Systems Science and Information},
year = 2006,
author = {Hisako Chujo and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Soft Systems Approach to Project-based Education and its Practice in a Japanese University},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2006,
author = {Hisako Chujo and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Soft Systems Approach to Project-based Education and its Practice in a Japanese University},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2006,
author = {N. Konno and K. Kijima},
title = {A New Criterion for Environmental Risk Management of Multiplication Processes},
journal = {Journal of Systems Science and Information},
year = 2006,
author = {Chunhui Xu and Naoki Shiba and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Misrepresentation-proof Strategies in Poly-agent Systems},
journal = {European Journal of Operational Research},
year = 2006,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Contingent Framework for Supporting Participatory Decision Making},
journal = {International Journal of Knowlege and Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {石野泰輝 木嶋恭一},
title = {企業風土活性化コンサルティングのプロジェクトマネジメント方法論},
journal = {プロジェクトマネジメント学会誌},
year = 2004,
author = {Ishino Y. and Kijima, K.},
title = {Project Management Methodology for Stimulating Strategic Communication in Japan: Soft Systems Approach for Knowledge Creation},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2004,
author = {Tajino, A. and James, R. and Kijima, K.},
title = {Beyond Needs Analysis: Soft Systems Methodology for Meaningful Collaboration in EAP Course Design},
journal = {Journal of English for Academic Purpose},
year = 2004,
author = {Konno, N. and Kijima, K.},
title = {Does Rational Decision making Always Lead to High Social welfare? - Dynamic Modeling of Rough Reasoning},
journal = {Proceedings of 2004 AI, Simulation and Planning Conference (AIS 2004)},
year = 2004,
author = {Kijima, K. and Hirata, H},
title = { Diffusion of Word-of-mouth in Segmented Society: Agent-based Simulation Approach},
journal = {Proceedings of 2004 AI, Simulation and Planning Conference (AIS 2004)},
year = 2004,
author = {古屋 崇 木嶋恭一},
title = {ブランドロイヤリティを考慮したスイッチングコストモデル},
journal = { 経営情報学会2004年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2004,
author = {中條尚子 木嶋恭一},
title = {研修と職場実践の連携を実現するプロジェクト型教育へのソフトシステムアプローチ},
journal = { 経営情報学会2004年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2004,
author = {束磊 木嶋恭一},
title = {スモールワールド理論に基づく求職情報ネットワークモデル},
journal = { 経営情報学会2004年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2004,
author = {Konno, K. and Kijima, K.},
title = {A Dynamic Model of Decision making with Rough Reasoning and its Appication},
journal = {Proceedings of Knowlege Systems Science 2004 Conference, JAIST},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyota, T. and Kijima, K.},
title = {Two-level Hierarchical Hypergame Model and its Applications},
journal = {Proceedings of Knowlege Systems Science 2004 Conference, JAIST},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyota, T. and Kijima, K.},
title = {Modeling of Two-level Negotiation in Hierarchicaal Hypergame Framework},
journal = {Proceedings of 2004 AI, Simulation and Planning Conference (AIS 2004)},
year = 2004,
author = {R. Matsumura and K. Kijima and B. Nakano and T. Inohara},
title = {Design of an incentive system for application in a creative organization},
journal = {Kybernetes},
year = 2003,
author = {Matsumura R. and Kijima K. and Nakano B. and Takahashi S.},
title = {An analysis of an incentive problem considering non-monetary utility},
journal = {Kybernetes},
year = 2003,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {戦略的交渉のモデル化},
journal = {経営情報学会2003年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2003,
author = {石野泰輝 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {企業風土活性化コンサルティングのプロジェクトマネジメント手法},
journal = {プロジェクトマネジメント学会春季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2003,
author = {今野 直樹 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {推論能力の限界を考慮した動学的多主体意思決定状況のモデル化-ムカデゲームへの適用-},
journal = {日本OR学会2003年春季研究発表会アブストラクト集},
year = 2003,
author = {Harada, N. and Kijima K.},
title = {Consumption -leisure preference structure : a new explanation of the Evans-Jovanovic results for entrepreurial choice},
journal = {Small Business Economics, in print},
year = 2002,
author = {Jun oura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Organization Design Initiated by Information System Development: A Methodology and its Practice in Japan},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2002,
author = {高原康彦 and 劉咏梅 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {組織の適応行動ー定式化アプローチ},
journal = {経営情報学会誌},
year = 2002,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ソフトシステムアプローチ},
journal = {社会経済システム学会誌},
year = 2002,
author = {松村良平 and 木嶋恭一 and 中野文平 and 猪原健弘},
title = {新たなモラル・ハザード概念を分析するためのエージェンシー・モデルの提案},
journal = {オペレーションズ・リサーチ 経営の科学},
year = 2002,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {形式的ドラマ理論の基本定理},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2002年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {冨山 陽平 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {アライアンス構造に対する安定性評価方法の提案},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2002年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {多主体複雑系の最近動向:モデル化とアコモエーションの方法},
journal = {専攻ディスカッションプログラム配付資料},
year = 2002,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {相互理解と学習のためのソフトシステムアプローチ},
journal = {計測自動制御学会関西支部講習会資料},
year = 2002,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ドラマ理論と多主体複雑系},
journal = {防衛庁計画課装備体系システム分析室講演会資料},
year = 2002,
author = {佐藤 則子 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {チームワークを考慮した組織の報酬システムの数理的分析},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2002年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {近藤 勇人 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {アメリカンフットボールチームの攻撃能力の評価},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2002年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {神取 直貴 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {包絡分析法を用いた行 政評価の新しい評価基準},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2002年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {小柳津拓 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {主体の柔軟性を考慮したグループ意思決定の支援},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2001年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {External Model Principle and B2B e-commerce},
journal = {Proceedings of IIASA-TIT Technical Meeting on Mathematical Modeling and Empirical Analysis of Industrial Elasticity and Functionality Development in Information-based Techno-economic Development},
year = 2001,
author = {今野直樹 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {探索コストを考慮したダイナミックサーチプロセスのモデル化},
journal = { 計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {和田紘子 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {政策支援を目的としたアライアンス形成過程モデルとその応用},
journal = {計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Externalization/Internalization of Decision Model: Principles and Applications},
journal = {計測自動制御学会システム・情報部門学術講演会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ソフトシステムアプローチ},
journal = {社会・経済システム学会第20回大会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Collaborative e-commerce as Externalization of Decision Model: Set-theoretic Approach},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2000年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Hugo Tschirky},
title = { Enterprise Science for Technology-intensive Company and its Elaboration by Systems Thinking},
journal = {Proceedings of PACIS 2001, Soel, Korea, June 20-22 (CD-ROM)},
year = 2001,
author = {Putoro and U. Kijima and K. and Takahashi S},
title = {Simulation of Adaptation Process in Hypergame Situation by Genetic Algorithm},
journal = {Systems Analysis, Modelling, Simulation},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Poly-agent Systems Approach to Evolution: Model and Applications},
journal = {Systems Analysis, Modelling, Simulation},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Generalized Landscape Theory: Agent-based Approach to Alliance Formations in Civil Aviation Industry},
journal = {Journal of Systems Science and Complexity},
year = 2001,
author = {関 敦生 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {ナレッジマーケット活性化への提言~シミュレーションによるアプローチ~},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2001年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {増田浩通 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {組織事故へのポリエージェントシステム論的アプローチ},
journal = {プロジェクトマネージメント学会学会誌},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Why Stratification of Networks Emerges in Innovative Society},
journal = {Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory},
year = 2001,
author = {増田浩通 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {組織事故へのポリエージェントシステム論的アプローチ},
journal = {プロジェクトマネージメント学会学会誌},
year = 2000,
author = { Putoro and U. Kijima and K. and Takahashi S.},
title = {Adaptive Learning of Hypergame Siotuations by using Genetic Algorithm},
journal = {IEEE trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics},
year = 2000,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Generalized Landscape Theory and its Application to Alliance Formation in Civil Aviation Industry},
journal = {Proceedings of International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Science 2000},
year = 2000,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {多主体複雑系の考え方と敵対分析},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2000年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2000,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ネットワーク重層化のメカニズム},
journal = {「複雑系の科学」シンポジウム講演資料(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)},
year = 2000,
author = {藤原直人 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {インフォーマルグループとして中小企業連携が形成されるプロセス},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2000年秋季研究発表大会論文集,},
year = 2000,
author = {今野直樹 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {期待効用最大化の原理の問題点とそれを補う行動原理},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2000年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2000,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ハイパーゲーム状況の統合可能性問題},
journal = {経営情報学会学会2000年春季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2000,
author = {Putoro U. and Kijima K. and Takahashi S.},
title = {Adaptation Process of Bounded Rational Agents in Hypergame Situation},
journal = {Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on Operations research Society (CD-ROM)},
year = 2000,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Emergence of Hierarchy from Networks in Innovative Society: A Mathematical Model and its Implications},
journal = {Proceedings of the ISSS 2000, Toronto (CD-ROM)},
year = 2000,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Why Does IT-based Entrepreneurs Society Emerge Hierarchy of the Networks?},
journal = {Proceedings of PACIS 2000, Hong Kong (CD-ROM)},
year = 2000,
author = {中西 晶 木嶋 恭一},
title = {「学習する組織」に向けた人材開発システム再構築,},
journal = {経営情報学会学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurial Networking and its Implications for Japanese Industry in the Internet Era},
journal = {Journal of Enterprising Culture},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ソフトシステム方法論とは何か},
journal = {ファジー学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {芝野 誠一 木嶋 恭一},
title = {デジタルプラットフォームの戦略価値とシステム監査パラダイムの研究--オートポイエシスの視座からの基本的考察},
journal = {システム監査学会誌},
year = 1999,
author = {H. Akizawa and K.Kijima},
title = {Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurial Networking and its Implications for Japanese Industry in the Internet Era},
journal = {Journal of Enterprising Culture},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ドラマ理論と意思決定科学},
journal = {経営情報学会学会1999年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {創造型社会におけるネットワークの階層化現象のモデル},
journal = {経営情報学会学会1999年春季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {地域医療活動へのシステムアプローチの試み},
journal = {国立医療病院管理研究所講演会資料},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {企業家支援ネットワークへのインターネットの援用},
journal = {政策研究},
year = 1999,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Poly-agent Systems Theory and its Models},
journal = {筑波大学社会工学系ファカルティセミナー配付資料},
year = 1999,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {階層的ネットワーク社会の数理モデル},
journal = {情報処理学会「複雑系と社会」講演会予稿集},
year = 1999,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Method for quantifying risk factors for system failure and its application to ICT},
journal = {Risk Management},
year = 2015,
author = {Hironobu Matsushita and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Value-in-Context of Healthecare: What Human factors differentiate Quality of Nursing Service?},
journal = {Service Science},
year = 2014,
author = {Taku Kato and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Dynamics of Mini-box Service Retailers' Store Network Management},
journal = {International Business Research},
year = 2013,
author = {荒井祐介 and 木嶋恭一 and 出口弘},
title = {地域活性化のコミュニティマネジメントとしての価値協奏プラットフォーム戦略},
journal = {国際P2M学会誌},
year = 2012,
author = {Taku Kato and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Store Development Strategies of Mini-Box Service Retailers: Analytical Framework and Case Study in Japanese Food Service},
journal = {International Journal of Marketing Studies},
year = 2012,
author = {Santi Novani and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Value Co-creation by Customer-to-customer Communication: Social Media and Face-to-face for Case of Airline Selection},
journal = {Journal of Service Science and Management},
year = 2012,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Total System Intervention for System Failures and Its Application to Information and Communication Technology Systems},
journal = {Systems Research and Behavioral Science},
year = 2011,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Total System Intervention for System Failure: Methodology and Its Application to ICT systems},
journal = {International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science},
year = 2011,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Agent-based Systems Approach to Misunderstanding: Risk in Communication},
journal = {リスク・ソリューションに関する体系的研究},
year = 2011,
author = {Hermawan Pri and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Conflict analysis of Citarum River Basin pollution in Indonesia: A drama-theoretic model},
journal = {Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering},
year = 2009,
author = {松村良平 and 木嶋恭一 and 中野文平 and 猪原健弘},
title = {エージェントの努力水準に関する n 個の指標に基づいたインセンティブ・システムの設計問題について},
journal = {オペレーションズ・リサーチ 経営の科学},
year = 2001,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Innovation in Systems Sciences Perspective},
booktitle = {Abstract of the 10th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences},
year = 2009,
author = {南山徳之 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {カスタマー主導の相互作用を考慮し たサービス提供システムの分析},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2009,
author = {亀井宏和 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {エージェントの主観的評価を考慮し た階層的提携形成プロセスのシミュ レーション分析},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2009,
author = {中村信之 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {人材育成型人事制度構築をめざして},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2009年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2009,
author = {GALBRUNJEROME and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Cocreating Social Value through Lead User Interactions: Experiencing Innovative Clinical Solutions in Healthcare},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 18th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference},
year = 2009,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {A Methodology to Prolong System Lifespan and Its Application to IT Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2009,
author = {GALBRUNJEROME and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Fostering Innovation System of a Firm with Hierarchy Theory: Narratives on Emergent Clinical Solutions in Healthcare},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2009,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Systems Sciences as Advanced Liberal Arts},
booktitle = {Operational Research 50},
year = 2008,
author = {Yasuo Sasaki and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Preservation of Misperceptions – Stability Analysis of Hypergames},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2008,
author = {JEROME GALBRUN and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Growth Strategy And Hierarchy Theory: Emergence of Super-Players In The Healthcare Computed Tomography Oligopoly},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2008,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Failure Of Foresight: Learning From System Failures Through Dynamic Model},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2008,
author = {広瀬政紀 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {購買意思決定における妥協効果の合理性の分析とその応用},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2007年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2007,
author = {本川友理 and 中條尚子 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {エージェントベースシミュレーションによるミーティングにおけるファシリテーションの創発効果の分析},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2007年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2007,
author = {酒井陽祐 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {ポイント提携の有用性のモデル分析},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Hermawan Pri and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Holistic Formal Analysis of Dilemmas of Negotiation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.},
year = 2007,
author = {Yasuo Sasaki and Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Mixed Extension of Hypergames and Applications to Inspection Games},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.},
year = 2007,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Conference Chair Plenary: Smart ISSS},
booktitle = {The Abstractbook of The 51st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2007,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Systems of system failures: Meta system methodology to prevent system failures},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2007,
author = {林 剛史 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {マーケッティングにおけるクチコミ現象のエージェントベースモデリング},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2006年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2006,
author = {Naoki Konno and Kyoichi kijima},
title = {Is Good Algorithm for Computer Players Also Good for Human Players?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2006,
author = {Pri Hermawan and Kyoichi kijima},
title = {Foundation of Subjective Confrontation Analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2006,
author = {Kyoichi kijima},
title = {Decision Systems Sciences: Aims and Principle (Presidential Speech)},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2006,
author = {Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi kijima},
title = {Group Decision Analysis (GDA): A Framework of Structural Rationa Group Decision},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2006,
author = {Hermawan Pri and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Foundation of Subjective Confrontation Analysis},
booktitle = {The 50th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Sonoma,},
year = 2006,
author = {中條尚子 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {エージェントによる付加価値メカニズムの研究},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2006年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2006,
author = {K. Kijima},
title = {Integrated Systems Thinking},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Introduction and Systemic Innovation Management},
booktitle = {Systems Meet Innovation Management, The 21st Century COE Program, Creation of Agent-based Social Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Introduction to Drama Theory: Science of Negotiation-},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Open Forum of the 21st Century COE Program, Creation of Agent-based Social Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {T. Matsumoto and K. Kijima},
title = { Confrontation Resolution Analysis of Pre-play Mechanism for Increasing Social Welfare},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {N. Kobayashi and K. Kijima},
title = {Consulting as Outsourcing of Decision Making},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {N. Konno and K. Kijima},
title = {Simple Decision Heuristics in Perfect Information Games},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {S. Murata and K. Kijima},
title = {Landscape Model with Dynamic Parameters: Alliance Formation of Enterprises influenced by the Consumer Behavior},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {H. Chujo and K. Kijima},
title = {Project-based Collective On-the-Job Training: Methodology using Soft Systems Methodology},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {K. Kijima},
title = {Mathematical Modeling of Symbiosis and Confrontation},
booktitle = {第1回横幹連合コンファレンス},
year = 2005,
author = {K. Niwano and K. Kijima},
title = {Methodology of Data Mining: Utilization of Reduct and Identification of Decision Rule},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research},
year = 2005,
author = {N. Kobayashi and K. Kijima},
title = {Strategic Restriction of Perspectives},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference, The International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {T. Toyota and K. Kijima},
title = {Analysis of International Negotiation of Kyoto Protocol using Two-level Hierarchical Hypergame Model},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference, The International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {N. Konno and K. Kijima},
title = {Is Backward induction Always Optimal? -An Analysis of the Reasoning with Mistakes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference, The International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {H. Chujo and K. Kijima},
title = {Soft Systems Approach to Action Education by Project and its Practice in Japan},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Conference, The International Society for Systems Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {宮崎 貴史 and 木嶋 恭一},
title = {知識創造におけるファシリテーションのシミュレーションモデル},
booktitle = {経営情報学会2004年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2004,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Agent-based Simulation of Alliance Formation and its Stability Analysis: Application to Aviation Industry},
booktitle = {Proceedings of PACIS2003, Adelaide, Australia},
year = 2003,
author = {R. Matsumura and K. Kijima and B. Nakano and T. Inohara},
title = {An incentive problem considering the conflict between the individual and the organization's objectives},
booktitle = {},
year = 2000,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Timo Rintamaki and Lasse Mitronen},
title = {Value Orchestration Platform and Value Co-Creation Process: A Hierarchical Service Systems Model and its Implications},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 Forum},
year = 2013,
author = {Hironobu Matsushita and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Value-in-context of Healthcare: What human factors differentiate quality of nursing services?},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 Forum},
year = 2013,
author = {Timo Rintamaki and Lasse Mitronen and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Exploring mobile value creation in retail experience},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 Forum},
year = 2013,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2012,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2012,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Timo Rintamki and Lasse Mitronen},
title = {Value Orchestration Platform: Model and Strategies},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering},
year = 2012,
author = {Timo Rintamki and Lasse Mitronen and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Value co-creation in cross-channel service contexts: A service science perspective},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Human Side of Service Engineering},
year = 2012,
author = {荒井祐介 and 木嶋恭一 and 出口弘},
title = {地域活性化のコミュニティマネジメントとしての価値協奏プラットフォーム戦略},
booktitle = {国際P2M学会2012年度春季研究大会予稿集},
year = 2012,
author = {Taku Kato and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {How Should Service Firms Develop Store Networks in Domestic Markets? Analysis of Store Expansion Strategies for Japanese Foodservice Industry},
booktitle = {Proceedings for the 19th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management},
year = 2012,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2011,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Mary Edson},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2011,
author = {Taku Kato and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Geographic Expansion or Diversification: Analysis of Growth Strategies for Japanese Food Service Industry},
booktitle = {},
year = 2011,
author = {Santi Novani and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Value Created by Customers’ Information Exchange about Provider: Agent-based Simulation Approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the SRII Global conference 2011},
year = 2011,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Systems Science in Global Perspective},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {山岸淳一 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {社会的影響力の大きな規範の普及メカニズムの数理解析},
booktitle = {経営情報学会2010年秋季全国研究発表大会要旨集},
year = 2010,
author = {崔炳徳 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {企業のCSR活動に対するインセンティブの数理モデル分析},
booktitle = {経営情報学会2010年秋季全国研究発表大会要旨集},
year = 2010,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {A methodology to prolong system lifespan and its application to IT systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2010,
author = {Santi and Kyoichi Kijima},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2010,
author = {Takafumi Nakamura and Kyoichi Kijima},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference The International Society for the Systems Sciences},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Santi Novani},
title = {Symbiotic Hypergame Analysis of Value Co-Creation Process in Service System},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {A Perspective of Service Systems Science},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Science and Service Management},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima and Santi Novani},
title = {Value Co -Creation Model of Service Innovation: Symbiotic Hypergame Analysis},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {GALBRUNJEROME and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Innovation in Medical Imaging Technology: Toward A Systemic Service Perspective},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Science and Service Management},
year = 2010,
author = {Yasuo Sasaki and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Hypergame Modeling of Systems Intelligent Agents},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Service Science and Service Management},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Systems Science Education at Tokyo Tech},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Systems Science Perspectives on Services},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Service Systems Science at Tokyo Tech},
booktitle = {},
year = 2010,
author = {前山崇 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {生産性の異なる2種類の仕事を考慮したインセンティブ・システムの設計},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2008年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2008,
author = {川部修太郎 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {利他的な主体間の二人ハイパーゲーム},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2008年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2008,
author = {山口修司 and 木嶋恭一},
title = {組織事故防止に対するメンタル・モデル共有の効果},
booktitle = {経営情報学会学会2008年秋季研究発表大会論文集},
year = 2008,
author = {Yasuo Sasaki and Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Hypergames with Mixed Strategies -- Equilibria and Comparative Statics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2007,
author = {Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Group Decision Analysis (GDA)-- A Framework of Structural Rational Group Discussion --},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the ISSS},
year = 2006,
author = {Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Strategic Restriction of Perspectives in Decision Making},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the ISSS},
year = 2005,
author = {Norimasa Kobayashi and Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {Consulting as Outsourcing of Decision Making},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of IFSR in Kobe},
year = 2005,
author = {R. Matsumura and K. Kijima and B. Nakano and T. Inohara},
title = {How to design incentive systems based on the multiple signals from agent's behavior},
booktitle = {},
year = 1999,
author = {R.Matsumura and K.Kijima and B.Nakano and T.Inohara},
title = {Analysis of the incentive problems considering intrinsic motivation and multiple objectives of the agent},
booktitle = {},
year = 1999,
author = {R.Matsumura and K.Kijima and B.Nakano and T.Inohara},
title = {A new development of the garbage can model for exploring modern business organizations},
booktitle = {},
year = 1999,
author = {松村良平 and 木嶋恭一 and 中野文平 and 猪原健弘},
title = {複数の評価指標に基づくインセンティブ・メカニズムの設計問題について},
booktitle = {},
year = 1999,
author = {松村良平 and 木嶋恭一 and 中野文平 and 猪原健弘},
title = {動機づけ、情報創造を考慮に入れた組織モデルの開発},
booktitle = {},
year = 1998,
author = {木嶋恭一},
title = {ランドスケープ理論とその周辺},
year = 2004,
author = {木嶋恭一 and 出口弘 and 寺野隆雄},
title = {サービスのためのシステム・サイエンス},
year = 2014,
author = {木嶋恭一 and 岡安英俊},
title = {東京工業大学におけるサービスイノベーション人材育成推進事業},
year = 2010,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {意思決定基準に関する研究},
year = 1980,
author = {Kyoichi Kijima},
title = {意思決定基準に関する研究},
school = {東京工業大学},
year = 1980,