@article{CTT100540456, author = {M. Tomozawa and K. Okutsu and H. Y. Kim and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Characterization of High-Speed Microactuator Utilizing Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films}, journal = {Materials Science Forum}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100390542, author = {Y. Liu and M. Kohl and K. Okutsu and S. Miyazaki}, title = {A TiNiPd Thin Film Microvalve for High Temperature Applications}, journal = {Materials Science and Engneering}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100390541, author = {P.L. Potapov and S.E. Kulkova and A.V. Shelyakov and K. Okutsu and S. Miyazaki and D. Schryvers}, title = {Crystal Structure of Orthorohmbic Martensite in TiNi-Cu and TiNi-Pd Intermetallics}, journal = {Jouornal de Physique IV}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100391179, author = {K. Okutsu and H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Shape Memory Behavior of Sputter-Deposited Ti-26.5Ni-22.7Pd High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films Heat-Treated at Various Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100390538, author = {K. Okutsu and K. Yamazaki and H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Microstructures of Sputter-Deposited Ti-26.5Ni-22.7Pd High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films Heat-Treated at Various Temperatures}, journal = {Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100635408, author = {Kaiji Sato and Kazutoshi Okutsu}, title = {Basic Characteristics of a Micromechanical Optical Switch Using an S-Shaped Deformable Thin-Film Mirror}, journal = {Journal of Lightwave Technology}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100547301, author = {Kaiji Sato and Keunuk Lee and Masahiko Nishimura and Kazutoshi Okutsu}, title = {Self-Alignment and Bonding of Microparts Using Adhesive Droplets}, journal = {International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100529554, author = {H.Y. Kim and T. Sasaki and K. Okutsu and J.I. Kim and T. Inamura and H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Texture and shape memory behavior of Ti-22Nb-6Ta alloy}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100390583, author = {松本勇樹 and 萩原利宣 and 奥津和俊 and 佐藤海二}, title = {薄膜ミラーの変形を利用した光スイッチの動特性}, booktitle = {2005年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100390539, author = {K. Okutsu and J.I. Kim and H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Shape Memory Behavior of Sputter-Deposited Ti-Ni-Pd Thin Films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100390540, author = {K. Okutsu and H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki}, title = {Characteristics of Ti-12.7Ni-35.3Pd High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films}, booktitle = {}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100592806, author = {Kazutoshi Okutsu and Takehiko Yamaguchi and Kaiji Sato}, title = {Fabrication Process Improvement of Optical MEMS Switch Using a Belt-shaped Thin Film Mirror}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100583185, author = {Kazutoshi Okutsu and Masahiko Nishimura and Kaiji Sato}, title = {Driving Characteristic of an Optical MEMS Switch Using a Belt-Shaped Thin Film Mirror and a High Dielectric Constant Layer}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100583184, author = {Kazutoshi Okutsu and Yuuki Matsumoto and Kaiji Sato}, title = {Principle and Basic Characteristics of a New Optical MEMS Switch Using a Belt-Shaped Thin Film Mirror}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 JSME-IIP/ASME-ISPS Joint Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100570701, author = {山口 岳彦 and 奥津 和俊 and 佐藤 海二}, title = {帯状薄膜ミラーを利用したMEMS光スイッチの製作・組立法}, booktitle = {2008年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100547305, author = {西村雅彦 and 奥津和俊 and 佐藤海二}, title = {帯状薄膜ミラーと高誘電体膜を利用したMEMS光スイッチ}, booktitle = {2007年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100396959, author = {奥津和俊 and 宮崎修一}, title = {Ti-Ni形状記憶合金の格子定数およびマルテンサイト変態に及ぼすNi濃度の効果}, booktitle = {1999年日本金属学会春季大会講演概要}, year = 1999, } @misc{CTT100390544, author = {金熙榮 and 奥津和俊 and 宮崎修一}, title = {Ti-Ni基およびNi-Al基高温形状記憶合金の変態挙動}, year = 2003, } @misc{CTT100594169, author = {Kazutoshi OKUTSU}, title = {Ti-Ni-Pd形状記憶スパッタ薄膜の開発とマイクロアクチュエータへの応用}, year = 2004, } @misc{CTT100596461, author = {Kazutoshi OKUTSU}, title = {Ti-Ni-Pd合金スパッタ薄膜の内部組織と形状記憶特性}, year = 2001, } @phdthesis{CTT100594169, author = {Kazutoshi OKUTSU}, title = {Ti-Ni-Pd形状記憶スパッタ薄膜の開発とマイクロアクチュエータへの応用}, school = {筑波大学}, year = 2004, } @mastersthesis{CTT100596461, author = {Kazutoshi OKUTSU}, title = {Ti-Ni-Pd合金スパッタ薄膜の内部組織と形状記憶特性}, school = {筑波大学}, year = 2001, }