@book{CTT100434152, author = {Katsumi Kurita and Hiroaki Yamanaka and Tatsuo Ohmachi and Kazuoh Seo and Yoshihiro Kinugasa and Saburoh Midorikawa and Takumi Toshinawa and Kazuo Fujimoto and Norio Abeki et. al.}, title = {Strong Motion Observation in Metro Manila,Philippines; 12th World Conf. on Earthq.Eng.}, publisher = {12th World Conf. on Earthq.Eng.}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100434154, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = { Characteristics of Seismic Ground Motion from Aftershock Records of the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake}, publisher = {The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion-Recent Progress and New Horizon on ESG Study}, year = 1998, } @book{CTT100434155, author = {栗田勝実}, title = {1995年兵庫県南部地震の余震観測記録に基づく神戸市東灘区の地震動特性}, publisher = {第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,第1分冊}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100470357, author = {栗田勝実 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {1995年兵庫県南部地震時に観測されたやや長周期地震動はどこで励起されたのか?-大阪平野におけるやや長周期地震動の予測に向けて-}, journal = {日本地震学会講演予稿集2002年度秋季大会}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100456425, author = {Hirano, M. and H. Yamanaka and K. Kurita and K. Seo and N. Maeda and I. C. Narag and D. C. Garcia and E. L. Banganan and I. Matsuda and E. Ishii and K. Masaki and C. Sekiya and T. Enomoto and T. Ikara}, title = {Exploration of Deep Sedimentary Layers by Seismic Refraction Survey in Metro Manila, Philippines}, journal = {International Workshop on the Integration of Data for Seismic Disaster Mitigation in Metro Manila}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100456424, author = {栗田勝実 and 瀬尾和大 and 入倉孝次郎 and 嶋田隆一}, title = {阪神・神戸地域の地震基盤に関する一考察-1995年兵庫県南部地震の地震動をよりよく理解するために-}, journal = {日本地震学会講演予稿集2001年度秋季大会}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100692687, author = {栗田勝実 and 山中浩明 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測に基づく地盤震動特性}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文報告集}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100418255, author = {栗田勝実 and 山中浩明 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測に基づく地盤震動特性}, journal = {日本建築学会構造学論文集}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100418256, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Observation of Seismic Ground Motion around Tachikawa Fault Area}, journal = {Proceeding of the 98th SEGJ Conference}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100418257, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Effects of sedimentary layer from aftershock records of Hyogoken nanbu earthquake and its simulation}, journal = {ABSTRACTS 1998 Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meetig}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100434153, author = {栗田勝実 and 山中浩明 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {兵庫県南部地震の余震記録を用いた神戸市東灘区の地盤増幅特性の評価}, journal = {日本建築学会構造系論文集}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100418251, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Study of Earthquake Ground Motion in Higashinada, Kobe using Aftershocks}, journal = {Proceedings of the 24th JSCE Earthquake Engineering Symposium Volume 1}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100418254, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Geophysical Exploration of Sedimentary Layers for Estimation of Strong Ground Motion}, journal = {BUTSURI-TANSA}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100418252, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Characteristics of Source, Path and Site Effects from Aftershocks Observation in Higashinada, Kobe}, journal = {Proceeding of the 96th SEGJ Conference}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100418253, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Evaluation of Seismic Source Characteristics and Site Response Using Seismic Ground Motion Recorded in Higashi-nada Ward in Kobe City}, journal = {Progamme and Abstracts the Seismological Society of Japan 1996, No2}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100418250, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Study of Site Effects in Kobe Area using Microtremors}, journal = {Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100418249, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Characteristics of Seismic S-wave Propagation at the Edge of Sedimentary Plain}, journal = {Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100418248, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {Characteristics of Weak Earthquake Ground Motions in the Sumiyoshi Area of Kobe}, journal = {Journal of Physics of the Earth}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745853, author = {栗田勝実 and 山中浩明 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区で観測された地震の地震動特性}, booktitle = {第24回地震工学研究発表会講演概要集}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100745858, author = {山中浩明 and 栗田勝実 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震観測と地震波の伝播特性について}, booktitle = {第1回都市直下地震災害総合シンポジウム論文集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745860, author = {山中浩明 and 栗田勝実 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測 その2 後続位相と基盤構造}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745859, author = {栗田勝実 and 山中浩明 and 中丸明子 and 瀬尾和大 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎}, title = {神戸市東灘区で得られた地震動を用いた震源特性と地盤特性の評価}, booktitle = {地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745861, author = {栗田勝実 and 松岡昌志 and 山中浩明 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測 その1 観測と増幅特性}, booktitle = {日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745868, author = {山中浩明 and 栗田勝実 and 松岡昌志 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測 その1 後続位相と基盤構造}, booktitle = {地球惑星科学関連学会1996年合同学会予稿集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100745867, author = {栗田勝実 and 松岡昌志 and 山中浩明 and 翠川三郎 and 瀬尾和大}, title = {神戸市東灘区における地震動のアレイ観測 その2 地震動特性について}, booktitle = {地球惑星科学関連学会1996年合同学会予稿集}, year = 1996, } @misc{CTT100596026, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {堆積平野端部近傍の地下構造が地震波動の伝播性状に与える影響 -1995年兵庫県南部地震における神戸市東灘区を対象として-}, year = 2001, } @misc{CTT100593988, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {堆積層の影響を考慮した震源パラメータの推定}, year = 1994, } @phdthesis{CTT100596026, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {堆積平野端部近傍の地下構造が地震波動の伝播性状に与える影響 -1995年兵庫県南部地震における神戸市東灘区を対象として-}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2001, } @mastersthesis{CTT100593988, author = {KATSUMI KURITA}, title = {堆積層の影響を考慮した震源パラメータの推定}, school = {東京学芸大学}, year = 1994, }