@book{CTT100757780, author = {奥村 学 and 狩野芳伸 and 浅原正幸 and 松本裕治 and 白井清昭 and 竹内孔一 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸 and 関洋平}, title = {コーパスと自然言語処理}, publisher = {朝倉出版}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100748085, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Ongoing Efforts: Toward Behaviour-based Corpus Evaluation}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100690976, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Sophia Y.M. Lee and Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Kiyoaki Shirai and Shu-Kai Hsieh and Chu-Ren Huang}, title = {LMF and its implementation in some Asian languages}, publisher = {John Wiley & Sons}, year = 2013, } @book{CTT100634988, author = {藤井 敦 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {文書処理}, publisher = {}, year = 2011, } @book{CTT100553401, author = {栗山直子 and 船越孝太郎 and 徳永健伸 and 楠見孝}, title = {共同問題解決におけるメタファーの役割}, publisher = {ひつじ書房}, year = 2007, } @book{CTT100489032, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Koyama Tomofumi and Saito Suguru and Okumura Manabu}, title = {Bridging the gap between language and action}, publisher = {Intelligent Virtual Agent - 4th International Workshop IVA 2003}, year = 2003, } @book{CTT100447385, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {情報検索と言語処理}, publisher = {東京大学出版会}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100926760, author = {Yasuyo Sawaki and Yutaka Ishii and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Developing and validating an online module for formative assessment of summary writing with automated content feedback for EFL academic writing instruction}, journal = {Language Testing in Asia}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100915871, author = {石渡 太智 and 後藤 淳 and 山田 寛章 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {近傍事例を用いた対話における感情認識}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100914494, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryutaro Ohara and Akira Tokutsu and Keisuke Takeshita and Mihoko Sumida}, title = {Japanese tort-case dataset for rationale-supported legal judgment prediction}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence and Law}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100902601, author = {Yikai Tseng and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hikaru Yokono}, title = {Lexical level alignment in dialogue}, journal = {Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (MariLogue)}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100890921, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Improving logical flow in English-as-a-foreign-language learner essays by reordering sentences}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100884172, author = {Fariz Ikhwantri and Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Looking deep in the eyes: Investigating interpretation methods for neural models on reading tasks using human eye-movement behaviour}, journal = {Information Processing & Management}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100884682, author = {Dolça Tellols and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hilofumi Yamamoto and Hikaru Yokono}, title = {Pic2PLex: A Test for Assessing Free Productive Vocabulary}, journal = {Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100884314, author = {Hideya Mino and Kazutaka Kinugawa and Hitoshi Ito and Isao Goto and Ichiro Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Lexically Constrained Knowledge Distillation for Neural Machine Translation}, journal = {Journal of Natural Language Processing}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100884040, author = {Keisuke Miyazaki and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Cross-domain Analysis on Japanese Legal Pretrained Language Models}, journal = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100864599, author = {美野 秀弥 and 伊藤 均 and 後藤 功雄 and 山田 一郎 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {ニューラル機械翻訳での目的言語側の文脈の効果的な利用}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100863502, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Kana Matsumura and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {TIARA 2.0: an interactive tool for annotating discourse structure and text improvement}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100861149, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Annotating argumentative structure in English-as-a-Foreign-Language learner essays}, journal = {Natural Language Engineering}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100823245, author = {Yuni Susanti and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa}, title = {Integrating automatic question generation with computerised adaptive test}, journal = {Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100800686, author = {珊瑚彩主紀 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {外界一人称と二人称を考慮する日本語述語項構造解析の分野適応}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100800687, author = {山城颯太 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {大規模格フレームによる解候補削減を用いたニューラルネットゼロ照応解析}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100792071, author = {福永隼也 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光 and 高橋哲朗}, title = {タスク指向対話におけるユーザ要求の理解とその根拠の抽出}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788427, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Building a corpus of legal argumentation in Japanese judgement documents: towards structure-based summarisation}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence and Law}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100772683, author = {Yuni Susanti and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Hiroyuki Obari}, title = {Automatic distractor generation for multiple-choice English vocabulary questions}, journal = {Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100760796, author = {Yuni Susanti and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Hiroyuki Obari}, title = {Controlling item difficulty for automatic vocabulary question generation}, journal = {Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100738781, author = {Yuni Susanti and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Hiroyuki Obari}, title = {Evaluation of automatically generated English vocabulary questions}, journal = {Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100721020, author = {Dain Kaplan and Tokunaga Takenobu and Simone Teufel}, title = {Citation block determination using textual coherence}, journal = {Journal of Information Processing}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100690975, author = {Philipp Spanger and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga and Asuka Terai and Naoko Kuriyama}, title = {A task-performance evaluation of referring expressions in situated collaborative task dialogues}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100690971, author = {Vera Sheinman and Christiane Fellbaum and Isaac Julien and Peter Schulam and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Large, huge or gigantic? Identifying and encoding intensity relations among adjectives in WordNet}, journal = {Language Resrouces and Evaluation}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100791237, author = {Funakoshi, K. and Nakano, M. and Takenobu Tokunaga and Iida, R.}, title = {A unified probabilistic approach to referring expressions}, journal = {SIGDIAL 2012 - 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, Proceedings of the Conference}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100690982, author = {Dain Kaplan and Ryu Iida and Kikuko Nishina and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Slate - A tool for creating and maintaining annotated corpora}, journal = {Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistic}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100691766, author = {SPANGER PHILIPP and Masaaki Yasuhara and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga and asuka terai and Naoko Kuriyama}, title = {REX-J: Japanese referring expression corpus of situated dialogs. Language Resources and Evaluation}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100601304, author = {Vera Sheinman and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {AdjScale: Visualizing differences between adjectives for language learners}, journal = {IEICE Transaction of Information and Systems}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100601278, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Chu-Ren Huang and Yat Mei Lee}, title = {Asian language resources: the state-of-the-art}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100601274, author = {小林竜己 and 寺井あすか and 徳永健伸}, title = {空間語選択における幾何的要因の影響}, journal = {認知科学}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100570424, author = {三浦菊佳 and 山田一郎 and 住吉英樹 and 八木伸行 and 奥村学 and 徳永健伸}, title = {放送番組を素材としたマルチメディア百科事典の自動構築}, journal = {映像情報メディア学会誌}, year = 2008, } @article{CTT100553412, author = {山田一郎 and 三浦菊佳 and 河合吉彦 and 住吉英樹 and 八木伸行 and 奥村学 and 徳永健伸}, title = {大域的な文章構造の類似性を利用したクローズドキャプション中の定型的な文章区間の抽出}, journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100553394, author = {橋本泰一 and 吉田恭祐 and 野口正樹 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {関係データベースを用いた構文木付きコーパス検索手法}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100553341, author = {船越孝太郎 and 渡辺聖 and 徳永健伸}, title = {知覚的群化を利用した参照表現の生成}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100553335, author = {Chu-Ren Huang and Takenobu Tokunaga and Sohpia Yat Mei Lee}, title = {Asian language processing: current state-of-the-art}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100907143, author = {船越 孝太郎 and 渡辺 聖 and 栗山 直子 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {知覚的群化に基づく参照表現の生成}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100544622, author = {野呂智哉 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {大規模日本語文法の開発}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100386215, author = {Tomoya Noro and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {A Large-Scale Japanese CFG Derived from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus and Its Evaluation}, journal = {the 3rd Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2004)}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386297, author = {渡辺聖 and 船越孝太郎 and 栗山直子 and 徳永健伸}, title = {集合内の関係を用いた参照表現の生成}, journal = { 言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386306, author = {徳永健伸 and 小山智史 and 斎藤豪 and 奥村学}, title = {エージェントとの対話における空間表現の漠然性の扱い}, journal = {言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386312, author = {手塚芳樹 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {日本語名詞句のパラフレーズ検索に関する研究}, journal = {言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386203, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Koyama Tomofumi and Saito Suguru and Nakajima Masayuki}, title = {Classification of Japanese spatial nouns}, journal = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004)}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386195, author = {Yoshida Kyosuke and Hashimoto Taiichi and Tokunaga Takenobu and Tanaka Hozumi}, title = {Retrieving annotated corpora for corpus annotation}, journal = {Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004)}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386187, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Tezuka Yoshiki and Tanaka Hozumi}, title = {Chinese character expansion for retrieving Japanese paraphrases}, journal = {Proceedings of RIAO 2004}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100383338, author = {Tomoya Noro and Taiishi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Building a Large-Scale Japanese CFG for Syntactic Parsing}, journal = {Fourth Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100383337, author = {Slaven Bilac and Wataru Watanabe and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Dictionary search based on the target word description}, journal = {Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100383336, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Animated Agents Capable of Understanding Natural Language and Performing Actions. Life-Like Characters}, journal = {Springer}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386317, author = {吉田恭祐 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {大規模コーパス作成支援システムBonsai}, journal = {言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386348, author = {美野秀弥 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {日本語の連体修飾関係に関する研究}, journal = {言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100387534, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Satoru Watanabe and Naoko Kuriyama and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Generating Referring Expressions using Perceptual Groups}, journal = {Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation: INLG04}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100382959, author = {Akira Terada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Automatic expansion of abbreviations by using context and character information}, journal = {Information Processing & Management}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386212, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Satoru Watanabe and Naoko Kuriyama and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Generation of Relative Referring Expressions based on Perceptual Grouping}, journal = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : COLING 2004}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386284, author = {徳永健伸 and 小山智史 and 斎藤豪}, title = {日本語空間名詞の分類}, journal = {情報処理学会自然言語処理研究会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386286, author = {阿玉泰宗 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積.}, title = {日英言語横断情報検索のための翻訳知識の獲得}, journal = { 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386291, author = {阿玉泰宗 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {語彙拡張を利用した言語横断情報検索に関する研究}, journal = {言語処理学会第10回年次大会}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100386210, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Kotaro Funakoshi and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {K2: Animated agents that understand speech commands and perform actions}, journal = {8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: PRICAI2004}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100489031, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Evaluation of a Robust Parser for Spoken Japanese}, journal = {Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489030, author = {Terada Akira and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {Corpus based method of transforming nominalized phrases into clauses for text mining application}, journal = {IEICE Transactons on Information and Systems}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489029, author = {船越 孝太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {音声対話システムにおける日本語自己修復の処理}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489028, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Tanaka Hozumi and Kimura Kenji}, title = {Paraphrasing Japanese Noun Phrases using Character-based Indexing}, journal = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2003)}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489027, author = {Mineki Takechi and Takenobu Tokunaga and Yuji Matsumoto and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Feature Selection in Categorizing Procedural Expressions}, journal = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL2003)}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489026, author = {船越 孝太郎 and 鈴木 泰裕 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {音響情報を用いた言い直しの検出}, journal = {第17回人工知能学会全国大会}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489024, author = {岡崎 篤 and 船越 孝太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {仮想空間中のエージェントとの対話による行動制御}, journal = {情報処理学会第65回全国大会論文講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489023, author = {徳永 健伸 and 関谷 幸恵 and 田中穂積}, title = {対話システムにおけるプランベースの照応解析}, journal = {情報処理学会第65回全国大会論文講演論文集}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100489033, author = {徳永 陽 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {ロボットの行動命令における不明確性の解消}, journal = {第2回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2003)}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100467005, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Okumura Manabu and Saito Suguru and Tanaka Hozumi}, title = {Constructing a lexicon of action}, journal = {Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100467008, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Kimura Kenji and Ogibayashi Hironori and Tanaka Hozumi}, title = {Selecting effective index terms using a decision tree}, journal = {Natural Language Engineering}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100466995, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Syotu Yasuhiro and Tanaka Hozumi and Shirai Kiyoaki}, title = {Integration of heterogeneous language resources: A monolingual dictionary and a thesaurus}, journal = {Proceedings of the 6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466990, author = {Hashimoto Taiichi and Nishidate Kosuke and Shirai Kiyoaki and Tokunaga Takenobu and Tanak Hozumi}, title = {Decision Lists for Determining Adjective Dependency in Japanese}, journal = {Machine Translation Summit VIII}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100466989, author = {寺田 昭 and 徳永健伸}, title = {Automatic disabbreviation by using context information}, journal = {情報処理学会自然言語処理研究会}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100590453, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Kentaro Inui and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Selective Sampling for Example-based Word Sense Disambiguation}, journal = {Computational Linguistics}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100590454, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Kentaro Inui and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Case Contribution in Example-Based Verb Sense Disambiguation}, journal = {自然言語処理}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100914492, author = {Hikaru Yamanaka and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {SIERA: An Evaluation Metric for Text Simplification using the Ranking Model and Data Augmentation by Edit Operations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with REAding DIfficulties (READI)}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911901, author = {Yusei Kido and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Rika Kimura and Yuriko Miura and Yumi Sakyo and Naoko Hayashi}, title = {Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100914493, author = {Fariz Ikhwantri and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Analyzing Interpretability of Summarization Model with Eye-gaze Information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911343, author = {Yi Kai Tseng and 徳永健伸 and 横野光}, title = {大規模言語モデルを用いた対話システムの語彙レベル制御}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第30回年次大会(NLP2024)発表論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911158, author = {伊藤悠馬 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {複数文書要約を用いた事実性の検証}, booktitle = {研究報告自然言語処理(NL)}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911151, author = {鈴木颯仁 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {事前学習済みモデルを用いた日本語直喩表現の解釈}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第30回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911150, author = {Cao Zhihan and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {対義関係バイアス:事前訓練済み言語モデルと人間の意味関係間の弁別能力に関する分析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第30回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911147, author = {新保彰人 and 菅原祐太 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {大規模言語モデルを用いた日本語判決書の自動要約}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第30回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911145, author = {山田寛章 and 徳永健伸 and 小原隆太郎 and 得津晶 and 竹下啓介 and 角田美穂子}, title = {日本語不法行為事件データセットの構築}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第30回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100911154, author = {Supawich Jiarakul and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {MONETECH at the NTCIR-17 FinArg-1 Task: Layer Freezing, Data Augmentation, and Data Filtering for Argument Unit Identification}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100907340, author = {Akito Shimbo and Yuta Sugawara and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Nearest Neighbor Search for Summarization of Japanese Judgment Documents}, booktitle = {Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Series}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100917520, author = {Yasuyo Sawaki and Marcello Gecchele and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Designing automated feedback on source text content representation in a web-based formative assessment module for L2 summary writing}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888581, author = {石渡太智 and 美野秀弥 and 後藤淳 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {近傍事例を用いた対話における感情認識}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888587, author = {宮崎桂輔 and 徳永健伸}, title = {複数の参照訳を考慮したニューラル機械翻訳モデルの学習手法}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888586, author = {伊藤光一 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {低資源な法ドメイン含意タスクにおけるデータ拡張}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888585, author = {新保彰人 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {参照例を使わないキャッチコピーの自動評価}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888583, author = {山中光 and 徳永健伸}, title = {編集操作によるデータ拡張を用いたテキスト平易化の自動評価}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888582, author = {鈴木偉士 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {敵対的学習を用いた知識蒸留への中間層蒸留と対照学習の導入}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第29回年次大会(NLP2023)発表論文集}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100875396, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryutaro Ohara and Keisuke Takeshita and Mihoko Sumida}, title = {Annotation Study of Japanese Judgments on Tort for Legal Judgment Prediction with Rationales}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100875399, author = {Marcello Gecchele and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Yasuyo Sawaki and Mika Ishizuka}, title = {Automating Idea Unit Segmentation and Alignment for Assessing Reading Comprehension via Summary Protocol Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869150, author = {Dolça Tellols and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hikaru Yokono}, title = {Vocabulary Volume: A New Metric for Assessing Vocabulary Knowledge}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869145, author = {川添正太郎 and 徳永健伸}, title = {イベントの社会的影響度を用いた伝記生成のための内容選択}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869144, author = {Zhihan Cao and 徳永健伸}, title = {文脈化された単語埋め込みの語義への単語頻度と語義分布の影響}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869149, author = {牧元大悟 and 徳永健伸}, title = {SNS上の攻撃的表現の検出と位置特定}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869148, author = {TSENG YI KAI and 徳永健伸 and 横野光}, title = {質問応答におけるユーザ入力表現のドメイン固有の表現へのマッピング}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869147, author = {宮崎桂輔 and 菅原祐太 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {日本語法律分野文書に特化したBERTの構築}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869146, author = {菅原祐太 and 宮崎桂輔 and 山田寛章 and 徳永健伸}, title = {日本語法律BERTを用いた判決書からの重要箇所抽出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022)発表論文集}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100863162, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Multi-task and multi-corpora training strategies to enhance argumentative sentence linking performance}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Argument Mining}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863167, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Parsing argumentative structure in English-as-foreign-language essays}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846854, author = {Dolça Tellols and 徳永健伸 and 横野光}, title = {日本語学習者の単語表記の自動評価に向けて}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846853, author = {武石健吾 and 徳永健伸}, title = {議論の流れを利用した皮肉を含むコメントの検出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846860, author = {小河晴菜 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光}, title = {Minecraftを用いた状況付けられたタスク指向型対話データの収集}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846859, author = {加藤舜介 and 徳永健伸}, title = {過去情報の内容選択を取り入れたスポーツダイジェストの自動生成}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846857, author = {新城大希 and 徳永健伸 and 牧野拓哉 and 岩倉友哉}, title = {構文情報とラベルなしデータを用いた化学分野の関係抽出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846856, author = {畠山和久 and 徳永健伸}, title = {Transformerを用いた日本語併置型駄洒落の自動生成}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第27回年次大会(NLP2021)発表論文集}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100844357, author = {Hideya Mino and Hitoshi Ito and Isao Goto and Ichiro Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Effective Use of Target-side Context for Neural Machine Translation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826537, author = {Haruna Ogawa and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hikaru Yokono}, title = {Gamification Platform for Collecting Task-oriented Dialogue Data}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826535, author = {Hideya Mino and Hideki Tanaka and Hitoshi Ito and Isao Goto and Ichiro Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Content-Equivalent Translated Parallel News Corpus and Extension of Domain Adaptation for NMT}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826536, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Kana Matsumura and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {TIARA: A Tool for Annotating Discourse Relations and Sentence Reordering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826386, author = {小河晴菜 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光}, title = {ゲーミフィケーションを用いたアノテーション付き対話データの収集基盤}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100846850, author = {Dolça Tellols and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hilofumi Yamamoto}, title = {Assessing Language Learners’ Free Productive Vocabulary with Hidden-task-oriented Dialogue System}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on User-Aware Conversational Agents (user2agent 2020)}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826388, author = {新城大希 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 牧野拓哉 and 岩倉友哉}, title = {自動生成した学習データを用いたマルチタスク学習によるタンパク質と化学物質間の関係抽出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826387, author = {菅井内音 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {ニューステキストの要約及び平易化}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826385, author = {川添正太郎 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {コピー機構と長さ正規化を用いたData-to-text生成}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826384, author = {TELLOLS ASENSI Dolça and 狩野 竜示 and 谷口 友紀 and 大熊 智子 and 西川 仁 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {書き手ごとの要約スタイルの分析と学習}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100826383, author = {山田寛章 and Simone Teufel and 徳永健伸}, title = {見出し情報を考慮した階層型RNNによる日本語判決書のための修辞役割分類}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第26回年次大会(NLP2020)発表論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100814855, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Neural network-based Rhetorical status classification for Japanese judgement documents}, booktitle = {Legal Knowledge and Information Systems}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100808372, author = {Dolca Tellols Asensi and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Dialogue Systems for the Assessment of Language Learners' Productive Vocabulary}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100802966, author = {Marcello Gecchele and Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga and Yasuyo Sawaki}, title = {Supporting content evaluation of student summaries by Idea Unit embedding}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100800688, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {A performance study on fine-tuned large language models in the Legal Case Entailment task}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE 2019)}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100792070, author = {珊瑚彩主紀 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {述語項構造解析における単語埋め込みの影響}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019)発表論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100792069, author = {福永隼也 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光 and 高橋哲朗}, title = {Sequence-to-Sequenceモデルを用いた非明示的条件の分類とその根拠抽出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019)発表論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100792067, author = {山城颯太 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {大規模格フレームによる解候補削減を用いたニューラルネットゼロ照応解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019)発表論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100792065, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Simone Teufel and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {An Argument Annotation Scheme for the Repair of Student Essays by Sentence Reordering}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第25回年次大会(NLP2019) 発表論文集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100787220, author = {Kazuma Murao and Shintaro Takemae and Hayato Kobayashi and Taichi Yatsuka and Masaki Noguchi and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Neural Headline Generation with Self-Training}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Computation + Journalism Symposium 2019}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100800685, author = {Souta Yamashiro and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Neural Japanese Zero Anaphora Resolution using Smoothed Large-scale Case Frames with Word Embedding}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 32)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100800684, author = {Mizuki Sango and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Effectiveness of Domain Adaptation in Japanese Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 32)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100772682, author = {Shun-ya Fukunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hikaru Yokono and Tetsuro Takahashi}, title = {Interpretation of Implicit Conditions in Database Search Dialogues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100769914, author = {福永隼也 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光 and 高橋哲朗}, title = {タスク指向対話におけるユーザ要求の理解とその根拠の抽出}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100769588, author = {竹前慎太郎 and 村尾一真 and 谷塚太一 and 小林隼人 and 野口正樹 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {自己学習を用いたニューラル見出し生成}, booktitle = {2018年度人工知能学会全国大会(第32回)論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100769587, author = {Shun-ya Fukunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hikaru Yokono and Tetsuro Takahashi}, title = {Analysis of Implicit Conditions in Database Search Dialogues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100760800, author = {福永隼也 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光 and 高橋哲朗}, title = {タスク指向対話における発話の分類と根拠抽出}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第24回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100760798, author = {山城颯太 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {分散表現による大規模格フレームの汎化を利用した統合的ニューラルゼロ照応解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第24回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100760799, author = {山田寛章 and Simone Teufel and 徳永健伸}, title = {判決書自動要約のための修辞役割分類}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第24回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100755420, author = {福永隼也 and 徳永健伸 and 西川仁 and 高橋哲朗 and 横野光}, title = {対話行為スロット自動生成のための話題タグアノテーション}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100760794, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Designing an annotation scheme for summarizing Japanese judgment documents}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100752897, author = {Hiroaki Yamada and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Annotation of argument structure in Japanese legal documents}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Argument Mining}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100752895, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Tomoya Iwakura}, title = {An eye-tracking study of named entity annotation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100752896, author = {Arief Yudha Satria and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Evaluation of automatically generated pronoun reference questions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100781144, author = {山城颯太 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {分散表現による格フレームの格要素の汎化を利用したニューラルゼロ照応解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100749178, author = {Jan Wira Gotama Putra and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Evaluating text coherence based on semantic similarity graph}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100741328, author = {Arief Yudha Satria and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Automatic generation of English reference question by utilising nonrestrictive relative clause}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017)}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100738779, author = {後藤大希 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {空間配置課題における物体の向きを含む指示表現の解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第23回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100738778, author = {福永隼也 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸 and 横野光 and 高橋哲朗}, title = {対話における話題の抽出を目的とした発話クラスタリング}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第23回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100738777, author = {牧諒亮 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {視線情報を用いた述語項構造解析モデルへの単語分散表現の導入}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第23回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100738776, author = {山城颯太 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {分散表現による格フレームの格要素の汎化を利用したゼロ照応解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会 第23回年次大会 発表論文集}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100735121, author = {後藤大希 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {空間配置課題における命令表現の解析}, booktitle = {情報処理学会自然言語処理研究会報告}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100735122, author = {牧諒亮 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {視線情報を用いた日本語述語項構造解析モデルのパラメータ推定}, booktitle = {情報処理学会自然言語処理研究会報告}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100735120, author = {Ryosuke Maki and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Parameter estimation of Japanese predicate argument structure analysis model using eye gaze information}, booktitle = {Proceedings the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016)}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100735119, author = {Daiki Gotou and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {An extension of ISO-Space for annotating object direction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100755425, author = {後藤大希 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {空間配置課題における物体の向きを含む指示表現の解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100755423, author = {牧諒亮 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {視線情報を用いた日本語述語項構造解析モデルのパラメータ推定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100704726, author = {Yuni Susanti and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga and Obari Hiroyuki}, title = {Item Difficulty Analysis of English Vocabulary Questions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100705445, author = {Dain Kaplan and Neil Rubens and Simone Teufel and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Solving the AL chicken-and-egg corpus and model problem: Model-free active learning for phenomena-driven corpus construction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702199, author = {牧諒亮 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {視線情報を利用した日本語述語項構造解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第22回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702202, author = {Vu Ngoc Son and Hitoshi Nishikawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Summarizing Events using Twitter Updates}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第22回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702201, author = {岩永朋樹 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {テキスト速報を用いた野球ダイジェストの自動生成}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第22回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702200, author = {後藤大希 and 西川仁 and 徳永健伸}, title = {空間配置課題に向けたISO-Spaceの拡張}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第22回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702203, author = {徳永健伸 and 西川仁 and 岩倉友哉 and 湯上伸弘}, title = {固有表現認識課題におけるアノテータの視線分析}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100690966, author = {Yuni Susanti and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Automatic generation of English vocabulary tests}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2015)}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100690967, author = {Casey Kennington and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga and David Schlangen}, title = {Incrementally tracking reference in human/human dialogue using linguistic and extra-linguistic information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100721014, author = {光田航 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {アノテーションとアノテーション作業者の信頼性推定}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第21回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100721016, author = {飯田諒 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {比較記述テキスト中の比較表現の分析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第21回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100721017, author = {飯田諒 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {比較記述テキスト中の比較表現のアノテーションと分析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100690968, author = {Yuni Susanti and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Collecting pairs of word senses and their context sentences for generating English vocabulary tests}, booktitle = {Work-in-Progress Poster (WIPP) Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014)}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100690969, author = {Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Building a corpus of manually revised texts from discourse perspective}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014)}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100690970, author = {Koh Mitsuda and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Detecting missing annotation disagreement using eye gaze information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100690972, author = {Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Automatic voice selection in Japanese based on various linguistic information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2013)}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100690973, author = {Ryu Iida and Koh Mitsuda and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Investigation of annotator's behaviour using eye-tracking data}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Linguistic Annotation Workshop and Interoperability with Discourse}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100690974, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Watatani Toshiaki and Iida Ryu and Terai Asuka}, title = {Empirical investigation on spatial templates for a diagonal spatial term}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 35th Annual Cognitive Science Conference (CogSci 2013)}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100690977, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryu Iida and Koh Mitsuda}, title = {Annotation for annotation - Toward eliciting implicit linguistic knowledge through annotation -}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-9)}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100690978, author = {Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {A metric for evaluating discourse coherence based on coreference resolution}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Computational linguistics (Coling 2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100690979, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Mikio Nakano and Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryu Iida}, title = {Modeling referring expressions with Bayesian Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SemDial 2012 (SeineDial): The 16th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100634991, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Yuya Fujii and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Effects of Document Clustering in Modeling Wikipedia-style Term Descriptions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100690980, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryu Iida and Asuka Terai and Naoko Kuriyama}, title = {The REX corpora: A collection of multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving dialogues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012)}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100634865, author = {藤井 裕也 and 藤井 敦 and 徳永 健伸}, title = {Wikipedia記事構造のモデル化による用語説明の自動編集}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第18回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100690981, author = {Vera Sheinman and Takenobu Tokunaga and Isaac Julien and Peter Schulam and Christiane Fellbaum}, title = {Refining WordNet adjective dumbbells using intensity relations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100690983, author = {Ryu Iida and Masaaki Yasuhara and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Multi-modal reference resolution in situated dialogue by integrating linguistic and extra-linguistic clues}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2011)}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100906309, author = {Naoko Kuriyama and Asuka Terai and Masaaki Yasuhara and Takenobu Tokunaga and Kimihiko Yamagishi and Takashi Kusumi}, title = {Gaze matching of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100690985, author = {Asuka Terai and Naoko Kuriyama and Masaaki Yasuhara and Takenobu Tokunaga and Kimihiko Yamagishi and Takashi Kusumi}, title = {Using metaphors in collaborative problem solving: An eye-movement analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Dual Eye Tracking in CSCW (DUET 2011)}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100699325, author = {栗山直子 and 寺井あすか and 安原正晃 and 徳永健伸 and 山岸侯彦 and 楠見孝}, title = {共同問題解決における参照表現と視線一致率の関係ー参照表現の属性に基づく分析ー}, booktitle = {日本認知科学会第28回大会発表論文集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100699330, author = {Naoko Kuriyama and Asuka Terai and Masaaki Yasuhara and Takenobu Tokunaga and Kimihiko Yamagishi and Takashi Kusumi}, title = {Effect of gaze matching on collaborative problem solving}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS2010)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100690986, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Iida Ryu and Yasuhara Masaaki and Terai Asuka and David Morris and Anja Belz}, title = {Construction of bilingual multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100690988, author = {Philipp Spanger and Iida Ryu and Tokunaga Takenobu and Terai Asuka and Kuriyama Naoko}, title = {Towards an extrinsic evaluation of referring expressions in situated dialogs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG 2010)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100690987, author = {Ryu Iida and Shumpei Kobayashi and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Incorporating extra-linguistic information into reference resolution in collaborative task dialogue}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100690989, author = {Dain Kaplan and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Annotation process management revisited}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601312, author = {林賢吾 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {述語と項の分布類似度を利用した非明示的な根拠帰結関係の同定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601313, author = {藤井裕也 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {Wikipedia 記事を利用した曖昧性のある表現の固有表現クラス分類}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601309, author = {高木想一郎 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {照応関係を利用した日本語質問文の生成}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601310, author = {飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {述語対の項共有情報を利用した文間ゼロ照応解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601308, author = {Dain Kaplan and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {SLAT 2.0: Corpus construction and annotation process management}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601311, author = {小林俊平 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸 and 船越孝太郎 and 中野幹生}, title = {非言語情報を用いた協調作業対話における照応解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100601307, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Aspects of Language Resource Management: Creation and Utilisation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd FLaReNet Forum}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100696654, author = {栗山直子 and 寺井あすか and 安原正晃 and 徳永健伸 and 山岸侯彦 and 楠見孝}, title = {共同問題解決における視線の一致が解決過程に及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {日本認知科学会第26回大会発表論文集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601306, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Dain Kaplan and Nicoletta Calzolari and Monica Monachini and Claudia Soria and Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Thatsanee Charoenporn and Xia YingJu and Chu-Ren Huang and Shu-Kai Hsieh and Kiyoaki Shirai}, title = {Query expansion using LMF-compliant lexical resources}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100696655, author = {寺井あすか and 栗山直子 and 安原正晃 and 徳永健伸 and 山岸侯彦 and 楠見孝}, title = {視線情報に基づく共同問題解決における比喩の効果の実験的検討}, booktitle = {日本心理学会第73回大会予稿集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601305, author = {Dain Kaplan and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Automatic extraction of citation contexts for research paper summarization: A coreference-chain based approach}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601303, author = {Philipp Spanger and Masaaki Yasuhara and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Using extra linguistic information for generating demonstrative pronouns in a situated collaboration task}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601302, author = {徳永健伸 and Philipp Spanger and 安原正晃 and 飯田龍}, title = {日本語参照表現コーパスの構築と分析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601301, author = {Dain Kaplan and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {A citation-based approach to automatic paper summarization}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601300, author = {安原正晃 and Philipp Spanger and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {協調作業対話で用いられる参照表現の収集と分析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601299, author = {松井信太朗 and 野口正樹 and 飯田龍 and 徳永健伸}, title = {階層構造を持つタグセットのためのタグ選択インターフェース}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601298, author = {Vera Sheinman and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {AdjScale: Differentiating between similar adjectives for language learners}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601297, author = {Philipp Spanger and Masaaki Yasuhara and Ryu Iida and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {A Japanese corpus of referring expressions used in a situated collaboration task}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601296, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Philipp Spanger and Mikio Nakano and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {A probabilistic model of referring expressions for complex objects}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100601295, author = {Dain Kaplan and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Sighting citation sights: A collective-intelligence approach for automatic summarization of research papers using C-sites}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601294, author = {宮村祐一 and 徳永健伸}, title = {情報探索雑談におけるトピック遷移検出}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601293, author = {Spanger Philipp and Takahiro Kurosawa and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {On “redundancy” in selecting attributes for generating referring expressions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601290, author = {tatsumi kobayashi and Asuka Terai and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {The role of attention in understanding spatial expressions under distractor condition}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601279, author = {Masaki Noguchi and Kenta Miyoshi and Takenobu Tokunaga and Ryu Iida and Mamoru Komachi and Kentaro Inui}, title = {Multiple Purpose Annotation using SLAT - Segment and Link-based Annotation Tool -}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100570460, author = {河野将弘 and 奥村学 and 徳永健伸 and 三浦菊佳 and 山田一郎 and 住吉英樹 and 八木伸行}, title = {CRFを用いたテレビ番組クローズドキャプションからの質問-解答対自動抽出}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601270, author = {熊野正 and 田中 英輝 and 徳永健伸}, title = {Joint Probability SMT モデルを用いた非直訳文書対間の表現対応づけ}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601289, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Dain Kaplan and Chu-Ren Huang and Shu-Kai Hsieh and Nicoletta Calzolari and Monica Monachini and Claudia Soria and Kiyoaki Shirai and Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Thatsanee Charoenporn and YingJu Xia}, title = {Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601267, author = {黒澤崇浩 and Spanger Philipp and 徳永健伸}, title = {参照表現の生成における属性選択}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601266, author = {小林竜己 and 寺井あすか and 徳永健伸}, title = {幾何的要因に基づく空間語選択モデルに関する考察}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100601269, author = {野口正樹 and 三好健太 and 徳永健伸 and 飯田龍 and 小町 守 and 乾健太郎}, title = {汎用アノテーションツールSLAT}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100571825, author = {Rubens, N. and Sheinman, V. and Tokunaga, T. and Sugiyama, M}, title = {Order retrieval}, booktitle = {Large-scale Knowledge Resources, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100553418, author = {Vera Sheinman and Neil Rouben and 徳永 健伸}, title = {Commonly Perceived Order within a Category}, booktitle = {Proceedings of OntoLex 2007: from text to knowledge}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553407, author = {Philipp Spanger and Kurosawa Takahiro and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {TITCH: Attribute selection based on discrimination power and frequency}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the MT Summit XI Workshop: Using Corpora for Natural Langauge Generation}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553405, author = {白井清昭 and 徳永健伸}, title = {呼応する名詞の包含関係に着目した助数詞オントロジーの自動構築と評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553403, author = {Vera Sheinman and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {WordSets: Finding Lexically Similar Words for Second Language Acquisition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553398, author = {Philipp Spanger and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {On perceptual grouping of reference expressions}, booktitle = {IPSJ SIG Technical Reports}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553390, author = {Mineki Takechi and Takenobu Tokunaga and Yuji Matsumoto}, title = {Chunking-based Question Type Identification for Multi-Sentence Queries}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGIR 2007 Workshop on Focused Retrieval}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553386, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Dimensions of Dialogue}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553366, author = {野口慎一朗 and 徳永健伸}, title = {格フレーム辞書を用いた日本語複合名詞の解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553382, author = {Ichikawa Hiroshi and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {An empirical study on detection and prediction of topic shifts in information seeking chats}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100508463, author = {野呂智哉 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {文法抽出を目的としたEDRコーパスへの構文構造の付与}, booktitle = {NICT-EDR電子化辞書シンポジウム}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553381, author = {市川宙 and 徳永健伸}, title = {情報探索雑談における自然なトピック遷移の実現}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553364, author = {野口正樹 and 三好健太 and 徳永健伸 and 飯田龍 and 小町守 and 乾健太郎}, title = {セグメントとリンクに基づくアノテーションツールの設計と実装}, booktitle = {}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100691599, author = {寺井あすか and 中川正宣 and 徳永健伸}, title = {比喩理解過程における創発特徴の心理実験による検証}, booktitle = {日本認知科学会第23回大会発表論文集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507354, author = {山田一郎 and 三浦菊佳 and 住吉英樹 and 八木伸行 and 奥村学 and 徳永健伸}, title = {AdaBoostを利用した字幕テキストからの定型表現文章区間抽出}, booktitle = {自然言語処理研究会}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507353, author = {Funakoshi Kotaro and Watanabe Satoru and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {Group-based generation of referring expressions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Natural Language Generation Conference}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507351, author = {Ichikawa Hiroshi and Hakoda Keita and Hashimoto Taiichi and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {Efficient sentence retrieval based on syntactic structure}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507352, author = {Tokunaga Takenobu and Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Thatsanee Charoenporn and Nicoletta Calzolari and Monica Monachini and Claudia Sonia and Chu-Ren Huang and Xia YingJu and Yu Hao and Laurent Prevot and Shirai Kiyoaki}, title = {Infrastructure for standardization of Asian language resources}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507355, author = {Noguchi Masaki and Ichikawa Hiroshi and Hashimoto Taiichi and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {A new approach to syntactic annotation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2006)}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507357, author = {Funakoshi Kotaro and Tokunaga Takenobu}, title = {Identifying Repair Targets in Action Control Dialogue}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL2006)}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507359, author = {山田一郎 and 三浦菊佳 and 住吉英樹 and 八木伸行 and 奥村学 and 徳永健伸}, title = {AdaBoostを利用した字幕テキストからの定型表現抽出の検討}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100553315, author = {野口正樹 and 市川宙 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸}, title = {システム主導型コーパス作成インタフェースとその評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507364, author = {箱田慶太 and 市川宙 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸}, title = {構文的類似度を用いた文の検索.}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507363, author = {野口正樹 and 市川宙 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸}, title = {構文木付きコーパス作成支援統合環境eBonsaiの新しいインターフェース}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507362, author = {西田泰示 and 徳永健伸 and 山田一郎}, title = {テレビの情報番組における指示詞の照応先同定}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507361, author = {渡辺聖 and 船越孝太郎 and 徳永健伸}, title = {知覚的群化を利用した参照表現の生成}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507360, author = {西村徹郎 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸}, title = {単語の定義文による辞書検索}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第12回年次大会予稿集}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507358, author = {船越孝太郎 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {自然言語理解アニメーションシステム: K3}, booktitle = {インタラクション2006}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100507365, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Conversational Animated Agent System K3}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI2006)}, year = 2006, } @inproceedings{CTT100395551, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Satoru Watanabe and Takenobu Tokunaga and Naoko Kuriyama}, title = {Understanding Referring Expressions Involving Perceptual Grouping}, booktitle = {IEEE Computer Society}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100391627, author = {Tomoya Noro and Chimato Koike and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Evaluation of a Japanese CFG Derived from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus with Respect to Dependency Measures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395567, author = {Hiroshi Ichikawa and Masaki Noguchi and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {eBonsai: An Integrated Environment for Annotating Treebanks}, booktitle = {Asia Federation of Natural Language Processing}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395572, author = {Tomoya Noro and Chimato Koike and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Evaluation of a Japanese CFG Derived from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus with respect to Dependency Measures}, booktitle = {Asia Federation of Natural Language Processing}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395565, author = {Kotaro Funakoshi and Takenobu Tokunaga}, title = {Controlling Animated Agents in Natural Language}, booktitle = {Asia Federation of Natural Language Processing}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395546, author = {渡辺聖 and 船越孝太郎 and 栗山直子 and 徳永健伸}, title = {物体の集合関係を含む参照表現の解析}, booktitle = {情報処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395543, author = {市川宙 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {テキスト構文構造類似度を用いた類似文検索手法}, booktitle = {情報処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395540, author = {Tokunaga, T. and Koyama, T. and Saito, S.}, title = {Meaning of Japanese spatial nouns}, booktitle = {Association of Computational Linguistics}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100544648, author = {橋本泰一 and 野呂智哉 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {品詞タグ付きコーパスのための品詞体系変換ツール:Conbu}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第11回年次大会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395536, author = {徳永陽 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {事例ベース推論によるロボットの行動命令に含まれる不明確性の解消}, booktitle = {情報処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395531, author = {船越孝太郎 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {基盤化に基づく修復発話の理解}, booktitle = {言語処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395521, author = {Tokunaga, T. and Tanaka, H. and Iwayama, M.}, title = {Toward computational model of understanding metaphors}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395522, author = {Noro, T. and Hashimoto, T. and Tokunaga, T. and Tanaka, H.}, title = {Building a large-scale Japanese syntactically annotated corpus for deriving a CFG}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395533, author = {市川宙 and 野口正樹 and 吉田恭介 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {構文木付きコーパス作成支援統合環境:eBonsai}, booktitle = {言語処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395529, author = {吉田恭介 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {構文木による構文木付きコーパス検索システム}, booktitle = {言語処理学会}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100544649, author = {野呂智哉 and 小池千万人 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穗積}, title = {文法抽出のための日本語構文構造付きコーパスの開発}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第11回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395523, author = {Funakoshi, K. and Hamamoto, K. and Kuriyama, N. and Tokunaga, T.}, title = {Action control dialogue corpus}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100395525, author = {Tokuda, T. and Tokunaga, T. and Tokosumi, A.}, title = {Serving knowledge resources with ontology}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100389955, author = {Tomoya Noro and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {A Large-Scale Japanese CFG Derived from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus and Its Evaluation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100906322, author = {栗山直子 and 船越孝太郎 and 徳永健伸 and 楠見孝}, title = {共同問題解決過程における比喩産出過程とその役割}, booktitle = {日本認知科学会 第20回大会}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100544616, author = {Tomoya Noro and Taiichi Hashimoto and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Building a Large-Scale Japanese CFG for Syntactic Parsing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}, year = 2004, } @inproceedings{CTT100544651, author = {八木豊 and 野呂智哉 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {単語の共起情報を利用した文法主導の係り受け解析}, booktitle = {情報処理学会第157回自然言語処理研究会}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100544629, author = {野呂智哉 and 八木豊 and 橋本泰一 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {大規模日本語文法の開発に関する諸問題}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第9回年次大会}, year = 2003, } @inproceedings{CTT100544641, author = {野呂智哉 and 白井清昭 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {大規模日本語文法の開発 -- 事例研究}, booktitle = {情報処理学会第150回自然言語処理研究会研究報告}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100544644, author = {野呂智哉 and 岡崎篤 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {大規模日本語文法構築に関する一考察}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第8回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 2002, } @inproceedings{CTT100544646, author = {八木豊 and 野呂智哉 and 白井清昭 and 徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {決定リストを用いた語義曖昧性解消}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会言語理解とコミュニケーション研究会}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100590593, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {An Empirical Comparison of Recent Corpus-Based Word Sense Disambiguation Techniques}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590595, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Toshihiro Hasegawa and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Integration of Hand-Crafted and Statistical Resources in Measuring Word Similarity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL-EACL Workshop on Automatic Information Extraction and Building of Lexical Semantic Resources}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590594, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Kentaro Inui and Timothy Baldwin and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Towards the Application of Word Sense Disambiguation to Information Extraction}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Lexically Driven Information Extraction}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590596, author = {Takenobu Tokunaga and Atsushi Fujii and Makoto Iwayama and Naoyuki Saskurai and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Extending a thesaurus by classifying words}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL-EACL Workshop on Automatic Information Extraction and Building of Lexical Semantic Resources}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590813, author = {藤井 敦 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {事例に基づく動詞多義性解消における事例の類似度計算について}, booktitle = {人工知能学会全国大会(第11回)論文集}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590812, author = {藤井 敦 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {シソーラスと統計情報を統合した単語の類似度計算について}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590814, author = {藤井 敦 and 乾 健太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {単語多義性解消法の比較検討}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590815, author = {藤井 敦 and 乾 健太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {コーパスに基づく単語多義性解消システムの評価法について}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第3回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100590597, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Kentaro Inui and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {Selective Sampling of Effective Example Sentence Sets for Word Sense Disambiguation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Very Large Corpora}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100590598, author = {Atsushi Fujii and Kentaro Inui and Takenobu Tokunaga and Hozumi Tanaka}, title = {To what extent does case contribute to verb sense disambiguation?}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100590816, author = {藤井 敦 and 乾 健太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {効用最大化法に基づく多義性解消用事例の選択的収集}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100590817, author = {藤井 敦 and 乾 健太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {多義性解消に用いる事例の獲得}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第2回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100590818, author = {藤井 敦 and 乾 健太郎 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {動詞多義性解消における格要素の貢献度について}, booktitle = {情報処理学会研究報告}, year = 1996, } @inproceedings{CTT100590819, author = {藤井 敦 and 秋山 典丈 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {動詞の多義性解消における格の弁別能力と集中度の有効性について}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第1回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100590820, author = {秋山 典丈 and 藤井 敦 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {形態素解析で残る曖昧性を考慮した日本語文の係り受け解析}, booktitle = {言語処理学会第1回年次大会発表論文集}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100590821, author = {藤井 敦 and 秋山 典丈 and 徳永 健伸 and 田中 穂積}, title = {動詞の多義性解消における格の弁別能力と集中度について}, booktitle = {IPALシンポジウム'95論文集}, year = 1995, } @misc{CTT100601291, author = {徳永健伸 and 寺井あすか}, title = {比喩理解のための言語処理}, year = 2008, } @misc{CTT100553415, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {言語処理を利用した知的情報アクセス-検索,抽出,要約,分類,QA-}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100553347, author = {徳永健伸 and 田中穂積}, title = {ロボットにおける言語理解}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100595871, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {自然言語処理のための統語的・意味的知識に関する基礎研究}, year = 1991, } @misc{CTT100601793, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {自然言語処理のための統語的・意味的知識に関する基礎研究}, year = 1991, } @phdthesis{CTT100595871, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {自然言語処理のための統語的・意味的知識に関する基礎研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 1991, } @phdthesis{CTT100601793, author = {徳永健伸}, title = {自然言語処理のための統語的・意味的知識に関する基礎研究}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 1991, }