@book{CTT100832015, author = {井村順一 and 原 辰次}, title = {次世代電力システム設計論 ―再生可能エネルギーを活かす予測と制御の調和―}, publisher = {オーム社}, year = 2019, } @book{CTT100459428, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御理論の回顧と展望}, publisher = {計測と制御}, year = 2001, } @book{CTT100445643, author = {藤岡久也 and 原辰次 and 山本裕}, title = {サンプル値制御理論―IV-最適制御問題の一般化}, publisher = {システム/制御/情報}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100445644, author = {藤岡久也 and 原辰次 and 山本裕}, title = {サンプル値制御理論-V-実システムへの応用と数値計算法}, publisher = {システム/制御/情報}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100445645, author = {山本裕 and 藤岡久也 and 原辰次}, title = {サンプル値制御理論-VI-ディジタル信号処理への応用}, publisher = {システム/制御/情報}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100445646, author = {穴井宏和 and 原辰次}, title = {新しい数式処理アルゴリズムQEを用いたロバスト制御系設計}, publisher = {システム/制御/情報}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100446993, author = {Mathukumalli VIDYASAGAR and 原辰次 訳}, title = {統計的学習理論を用いたロバスト制御器設計に対するランダム化アルゴリズム}, publisher = {計測と制御}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100446992, author = {原 辰次}, title = {同定/制御における確率論的アプローチ}, publisher = {計測と制御}, year = 2000, } @book{CTT100384070, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Repetitive Control}, publisher = {計測自動制御学会}, year = 1989, } @book{CTT100384071, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Introduction to Digital Control}, publisher = {コロナ社}, year = 1988, } @book{CTT100384072, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Mechanical System Control}, publisher = {オーム社}, year = 1984, } @article{CTT100459245, author = {Jie Chen and Zhang Ren and Hara S. and Li Qiu}, title = {Optimal tracking perfomance: preview control and exponential signals}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459252, author = {S.Hara and T.Iwasaki}, title = {Characterization of Easily Controllable Mechanical Systems Towards to Structure/Control Design Integration}, journal = {proc. of TITech/COE Symposium 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459251, author = {M.Ishikawa and Y.Saitou and A.Neki and T.Seki and T.Hirabayashi and T.Nagano and S.Hara}, title = {Design and control of coorperative jumping robot system}, journal = {proc. of TITech/COE Symposium 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459360, author = {木山健 and 原辰次 and 岩崎徹也}, title = {セクター型非線形性を有する線形時不変系に対する円板条件を用いたロバスト制御系設計}, journal = {計測自動制御学会第一回制御部門大会資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459247, author = {Chen Jie and Hara Shinji}, title = {Best tracking and regulation performance under control effort constraint}, journal = {proc. of 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459246, author = {Kiyama Tsuyoshi and Hara Shinji and Iwasaki Tetsuya}, title = {When does or does not circle criterion help in robust control synthesis for LTI systems with sector type nonlinearities?}, journal = {proc. of 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459240, author = {関卓史 and 石川将人 and 原辰次 and 斎藤豊}, title = {制約条件を考慮した跳躍システムの最適制御}, journal = {第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演概要集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459239, author = {根木敦氏 and 石川将人 and 原辰次}, title = {ジャグリングとのアナロジーを利用したトランポリンロボットの制御}, journal = {第19回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演概要集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459234, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御系設計:H∞制御からLMIへ}, journal = {SICEセミナー 「ロバスト制御入門」}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459233, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御系設計の基礎}, journal = {SICEセミナー 「ロバスト制御入門」}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459232, author = {S.Hara}, title = {Super Mechano-Systems: The Fusion of Mechanical and Control Engineering}, journal = {proc. of The 20th Chinese Control Conference}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459226, author = {伊藤修二 and 原辰次 and 森耕平}, title = {確率的分枝限定法によるBMI最適化問題の求解}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459440, author = {S.Hara and J.Chen and G.Chen}, title = {Best Achievable Control Performance in Practice}, journal = {proc. of TITech/COE Symposium 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459439, author = {Y.Iwatani and M.Ishikawa and S.Hara}, title = {Hybrid control of variable constraint systems based on complementarity system representation}, journal = {proc. of TITech/COE Symposium 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459438, author = {Y.Iwatani and M.Ishikawa and S.Hara}, title = {Switched feedback control of first-order symmetric affine systems}, journal = {proc. of TITech/COE Symposium 2001}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459437, author = {森耕平 and 原辰次}, title = {探索空間拡張による二次形式の0-1最適化}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文誌}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459422, author = {Y.Iwatani and M.Ishikawa and S.Hara}, title = {Hybrid controller design and its application to a class of nonholonomic systems based on complementary approach}, journal = {proc. of 5th IFAC symposium Nonlinear Control Systems}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459366, author = {S.Hara}, title = {A probabilistic approach to robust disturbance attenuation for LTI systems with deterministic and stochastic-noises}, journal = {proc. of 2001 American Control Conference}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459365, author = {H.Yamauchi and S.Hara and T.Iwasaki}, title = {Characterization of robust finite frequency positive-real property}, journal = {proc. of 2001 American Control Conference}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459364, author = {S.Hara and Jie Chen and Gang Chen}, title = {A Practical Performance Limiter for Tracking}, journal = {proc. of 30th SICE Symposium on Control Theory}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459363, author = {岩谷靖 and 石川将人 and 原辰次}, title = {三又蛇型移動ロボットの運動解析と制御}, journal = {第30回制御理論シンポジウム資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459362, author = {戸田信一 and 石川将人 and 原辰次}, title = {滑らかでないリアプノフ関数を用いた不連続フィードバック制御}, journal = {第30回制御理論シンポジウム資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459361, author = {岩谷靖 and 石川将人 and 原辰次}, title = {一次の可制御構造を持つ対称アフィン系のフィードバック制御 ---時間軸状態制御形に基づく切替制御戦略}, journal = {第30回制御理論シンポジウム資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459220, author = {山田雄二 and 原辰次}, title = {行列積固有値問題(MPEP)大域最適化の計算量解析}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100459219, author = {森耕平 and 原辰次}, title = {二次最小化問題の超複素数への非凸緩和 ---性質とそれに基づく探索アルゴリズム}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文誌}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100457769, author = {斎藤豊 and 関卓史 and 原辰次 and 石川将人}, title = {相補性システム表現に基づく跳躍システムの制御}, journal = {計測自動制御学会第一回制御部門大会資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100457770, author = {倉田隆行 and 原辰次}, title = {サンプル値ループ整形法とその機構/制御の統合化設計への応用}, journal = {計測自動制御学会第一回制御部門大会資料}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100445949, author = {S.Hara and T.Miyazato}, title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Robust Control for LTI Discrete-time Systems}, journal = {第29回制御理論シンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100428546, author = {木山健 and 岩崎徹也 and 原辰次}, title = {変数消去法に基づく非凸ロバスト制御系設計問題の最適化}, journal = {第23回Dynamical System Theory シンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445948, author = {Shinji Hara}, title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Robust Control for LTI Discrete-time Systems with Unstructured Perturbations}, journal = {第23回Dynamical System Theory シンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445651, author = {Hirokazu Anai and Shinji Hara}, title = {Fixed-structure robust controller synthesis based on sign definite condition by a special quantifier elimination}, journal = {Proc. of 2000 American Control Conference}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100430393, author = {Toru Asai and Shinji Hara and Tetsuya Iwasaki}, title = {Simultaneous Parametric Uncertainty Modeling and Robust Control Synthesis by LFT Scaling}, journal = {Automatica}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100430394, author = {宮里智樹 and Tong Zhou and 原 辰次}, title = {入出力データによるモデル集合の確率論的検証}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445647, author = {宮里智樹 and 原辰次 and 周彤}, title = {適合性確率に基づくモデル集合の検証}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445648, author = {Supachai VORAPOJPISUT and Shinji HARA}, title = {A General Framework for a Class of Autonomous Hybrid Systems: Stability Analysis, Stabilizing Control, and H∞ Control}, journal = {シミュレーション}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445649, author = {上野晃嗣 and 合田憲人 and 原辰次}, title = {設計支援システムにおける並列プログラミングのためのマクロデータフローモデル}, journal = {シミュレーション}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445650, author = {Tetsuya Iwasaki and Shinji Hara and Hirokazu Yamauchi}, title = {Structure/control design integration with finite frequency positive real property}, journal = {Proc. of 2000 American Control Conference}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445959, author = {Kohei Mori and Shinji Hara}, title = {Non-Convex Relaxation to the Space of Hypercomplex Numbers for Indefinite Quadratic Programming---Properties and Optimaization Algorithms---}, journal = {Book of Abstracts: The First Sino-Japan Optimization Meeting}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445958, author = {森耕平 and 原辰次}, title = {探索空間拡張による二次形式の0-1最適化}, journal = {統計数理研究所共同研究レポート}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445957, author = {森耕平 and 原辰次}, title = {超複素数を用いた凸制約2次計画問題の非凸緩和}, journal = {第44回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会講演論文集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445956, author = {横澤敏弘 and 原辰次 and 石川将人}, title = {Complementarity System表現に基づく最適跳躍制御}, journal = {日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445955, author = {Shinji Hara and Tomoki Miyazato}, title = {A Probabilistic approach to robust control design}, journal = {Proc. of the 39th Conference on Decision and Control}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445954, author = {Zhang Ren and Jie Chen and Shinji Hara and Li Qiu}, title = {Optimal tracking performance:Preview control and exponentially growing signals}, journal = {Proc. of the 39th Conference on Decision and Control}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445953, author = {T.Yokozawa and S.Hara and M.Ishikawa}, title = {Optimal Control Strategy for High Jump based on Complementarity Modeling}, journal = {Proc. of The 39th Conference on Decision and Control}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445952, author = {岩谷靖 and 石川将人 and 原辰次}, title = {Complementarity System表現に基づく非ホロノミックシステムのハイブリッド制御}, journal = {第23回Dynamical System Theoryシンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445951, author = {石川将人 and 岩谷靖 and 原辰次}, title = {複数のジェネレータを持つ対称アフィンシステムの位相構造と不連続フィードバック制御}, journal = {第23回Dynamical System Theoryシンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100445950, author = {伊藤修二 and 原辰次 and 森耕平}, title = {確率的分枝限定法によるBMI最適化問題の求解}, journal = {第39回計測自動制御学会学術講演会予稿集}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100428542, author = {山内浩和 and 原辰次 and 岩崎徹也}, title = {ロバスト有限周波数正実/有界実条件?LMN十分条件の導出と機構/制御系統合化設計への応用?}, journal = {第23回Dynamical System Theory シンポジウム資料}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100428549, author = {原 辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御系設計の基礎}, journal = {SICEセミナー「ロバスト制御入門」}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428522, author = {Toru Asai and Shinji Hara}, title = {A unified approach to LMI-based reduced order self-scheduling control synthesis}, journal = {Systems & Control Letters}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428529, author = {B. D.O. Anderson and K. Chongsrid and D.J.N. Limebeer and Shinji Hara}, title = {Direct Reduced Order discretization of Continuous-Time Controller}, journal = {Int.J.of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428530, author = {山田雄二 and 原 辰次}, title = {定数スケールド H-∞ 制御大域最適化問題の計算複雑度解析 - ブロック対角ケース-}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428531, author = {山本裕 and 原 辰次}, title = {サンプル値制御理論 - I:システムとその表現}, journal = {システム制御情報学会誌}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428532, author = {山本裕 and 原 辰次}, title = {サンプル値制御理論 - II:周波数応答とその計算}, journal = {システム制御情報学会誌}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428533, author = {原 辰次 and 山本裕}, title = {サンプル値制御理論 - III:最適制御問題とその解法}, journal = {システム制御情報学会誌}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428534, author = {S. Hara}, title = {Classical vs Modern Sampled-data Control}, journal = {Workshop and Seminar on Digital Control}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428535, author = {Shinji Hara and Masashi Nishio and Tsugito Maruyama}, title = {Intergrated Design for High Robust Performance with Quick Time-Response: An Application to Head Positioning Control of a Hard Disk}, journal = {Proc. of the CCA'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428536, author = {S. Hara}, title = {System Theoretic Approach to Design and Control of Super Mechano-System}, journal = {Proc. of the SMC'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428537, author = {T. Iwasaki and S. Hara}, title = {Dynamical Function Design from a Control Perspective}, journal = {Proc. of the SMC'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428538, author = {F. Matsuno and S. Hara}, title = {Bottom-up and Top-down approaches to Dynamics of Hyper-Redundant Mechanical Systems}, journal = {Proc. of the SMC'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428539, author = {T. Miyazato and T. Zhou and S. Hara}, title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Model Set Validation}, journal = {Proc.of the CDC'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428540, author = {宮里智樹 and Tong Zhou and 原 辰次}, title = {適合性確率に基づくモデル集合の検証と同定}, journal = {第28回制御理論シンポジウム}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428545, author = {H. Fujioka and Y. Yamamoto and S. Hara}, title = {Sampled-Data Control Toolbox:a Software Package via Object-Oriented Programming}, journal = {Proc. of the CACSD'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428547, author = {原 辰次 and 西尾仁志 and 丸山次人}, title = {正規化既約分解法によるハードディスクのフォロイング制御}, journal = {第7回制御技術シンポジウム}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428548, author = {H. Anai and S. Hara}, title = {Robust Control Synthesis Based on Sign Definite Condition by a Special Quantifier Elimination}, journal = {22nd DST シンポジウム}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428550, author = {原 辰次}, title = {H∞制御系設計}, journal = {SICEセミナー「ロバスト制御入門」}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428551, author = {原 辰次}, title = {制御理論今昔物語}, journal = {SICE夏期セミナー'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100428552, author = {原 辰次}, title = {ベンチマークで理解する制御理論}, journal = {SICE夏期セミナー'99}, year = 1999, } @article{CTT100384104, author = {Tetsuya Iwasaki and Shinji Hara}, title = {Well-Posedness of Feedback Systems : Insights into Exact Robustness Analysis and Approximate Computations}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100430392, author = {Hideaki Tokunaga and Tetsuya Iwasaki and Shinji Hara}, title = {●Analysis and synthesis of the robust impulse-to-peak performance}, journal = {Automatica}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100384103, author = {Yuji Yamada and Shinji Hara}, title = {Global Optimization for H∞ Contorol with Constant Diagonal Scaling}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100384099, author = {原辰次}, title = {DVDFBとH∞制御を併用した柔軟構造物のロバスト制御}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文誌}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100428541, author = {Hideaki Tokunaga and Tesuya Iwasaki and Shinji Hara}, title = {●Analysis and synthesis of the robust impulse-to-peak performance}, journal = {Automatica}, year = 1998, } @article{CTT100384096, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Interior-Point Methods For The Monotone Semidefinite Liner Complementarity Problem In Symmetric Matrices}, journal = {SIAMJ. OPTIM}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384101, author = {原辰次}, title = {半正定置計画法(SDP)-LMIに基づく制御系設計-}, journal = {シミュレーション}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384100, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御における数値最適化の動向}, journal = {計測と制御}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384102, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Computational Complexity Reduction in Scaled H∞ Synthesis}, journal = {Automatica}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384098, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {ε-Feasibility for H∞ Control Problem with Constant Diagonal Scaling}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384097, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {An LMI approach to local optimization for constantly scaled H∞ control problems}, journal = {Int. J. Control}, year = 1997, } @article{CTT100384091, author = {原辰次}, title = {パラメータ変動のモデリングと設計を同時に行うロバスト制御系設計法}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100384095, author = {原辰次}, title = {半正定置計画法(SDP)-SDPによる数値最適化-}, journal = {シミュレーション}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100384094, author = {原辰次}, title = {線形行列不等式(LMI)表現とRiccati不等式}, journal = {計測と制御}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100384093, author = {原辰次}, title = {パラメータ推定誤差を考慮したゲインスケジューリングコントローラの設計}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100384092, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {A Sysnthesis for Robust Tracking Systems Based on H∞ Control}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1996, } @article{CTT100384085, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Control for Systems with Pneumatic Actuator Using Feedback Linearization}, journal = {システム制御情報学会論文誌}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384090, author = {原辰次}, title = {双一次変換パラメータを持つ補間コントローラ}, journal = {計測自動制御学会論文集}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384089, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Hankel Norm of Sampled-Data Systems}, journal = {Transactions on Automatic Control}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384088, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Robust Stabilization of the Uncertain Linear Systems Based on Descriptor Form Representation}, journal = {Trans. of the SICE}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384087, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御のためのベンチマーク問題(II)-位置制御系の設計例-}, journal = {計測と制御}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384086, author = {原辰次}, title = {ロバスト制御のためのベンチマーク問題(I)-3慣性系に対する位置制御速度制御-}, journal = {計測と制御}, year = 1995, } @article{CTT100384076, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {State Covariance Assignment Problem with Measurement Noise : A Unifiled Approach Based on Symmetric Matrix Equation}, journal = {Linear Algebra and Its Applications}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100384075, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {H┣D2∞┫D2Type Problem for Sampled-Data Control Systems : A Solution via Minimum Energy Characterization}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Automatic Control}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100384078, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {H┣D22┫D2 Type Optimal Control Problem I : Transformation to a Discrete-Time Problem}, journal = {電気学会論文誌}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100384077, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {A Hybrid State Space Approach to Sampled-Data Feedback Control}, journal = {Linear Algebra and Its Applications}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100384074, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Frequency-restricted Norm Bounds for Interval Systems}, journal = {Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100384079, author = {原辰次}, title = {並列型分枝限定法の加速効果-確率分布モデルによる解析-}, journal = {電気学会論文誌}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100384082, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {State-Space Model and Control System Design in Sampled-Data System}, journal = {計測と制御}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100384081, author = {SHINJI HARA}, title = {Parallel Branch and Bound Method Using Systematic Shuffiling-Application to Multiprocessor Task Scheduling-}, journal = {電気学会論文誌}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100384080, author = {原辰次}, title = {段取り時間を考慮した細粒度タスク・スケジュラ}, journal = {電気学会論文誌}, year = 1993, } @article{CTT100384073, author = {Pierre T. 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