author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Matović, B.},
title = {Advanced Ceramics for Nuclear Applications},
publisher = {},
year = 2013,
author = {Matović, B. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Silicon Carbide and Other Carbides: From Stars to the Advanced Ceramics},
publisher = {},
year = 2013,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Shunji Iio},
title = {Special Issue : Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development of the World},
publisher = {Elsevier Ltd.},
year = 2008,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックスの物性と評価:4,機械的性質},
publisher = {平成18年度セラミックス大学 テキストA、セラミックス協会教育委員会},
year = 2006,
author = {Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development of the World},
publisher = {Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier},
year = 2005,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {平成17年度セラミックス大学 テキストA、セラミックスの物性と評価:4,機械的性質},
publisher = {セラミックス協会教育委員会},
year = 2005,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Matsumoto and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two Dimensional Stoichiometric Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composite by Hot-Pressing},
publisher = {Proc. 5th International conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {原子力システムとセラミックス},
publisher = {セラミックス},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックスの物性と評価:5,機械的性質},
publisher = {平成16年度セラミックス大学 テキストB、セラミックス協会教育委員会},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {平成16年度セラミックス大学 テキストB、セラミックスの物性と評価:5,機械的性質},
publisher = {セラミックス協会教育委員会},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {結晶構造空位および空隙を利用した長寿命核種消滅用セラミックスの創製},
publisher = {核燃料サイクル公募型研究に関する平成14年度研究概要報告},
year = 2003,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {電子顕微鏡法の実践と応用写真集},
publisher = {日本金属学会},
year = 2002,
author = {四竈樹男 and 矢野豊彦 and 鵜飼重治 and 小野瀬庄二},
title = {核変換ガス原子の効果に関する研究},
publisher = {不活性母材用セラミックス材料の照射効果に関する研究},
year = 2002,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミック工学ハンドブック},
publisher = {技報堂出版},
year = 2002,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {スピネルの照射損傷に及ぼすノンストイキオメトリーの影響},
publisher = {平成10-12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B(2))研究成果報告書},
year = 2001,
author = {K. Yoshida and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hot-Pressed SiC/SiC Composite Using SiC Matrix Containing Coarse SiC Grains},
publisher = {High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, Ed. By W. Krenkel, R. Naslain and H. Schneider, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.},
year = 2001,
author = {J.-S. Lee and K. Yoshida and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Room and High Temperature Mechnical Properties of Hot-Pressed SiC Chopped-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite},
publisher = {High-Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites. Ed. By W. Krenkel, R. Naslain and H. Schneider, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.},
year = 2001,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射によりβ-Si3N4中に導入された転位ループの微細構造解析},
publisher = {まてりあ},
year = 2001,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Gyuseong Cho},
title = {Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
publisher = {Bulletin of Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors,Special Issue Vol.3, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2000,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Gyuseong Cho},
title = {Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
publisher = {Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Special Issue},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {SiC/Al接合界面構造のHREM観察},
publisher = {まてりあ},
year = 1998,
author = {G.-S. Cho and T. Yano},
title = {Proceedings of the 3rd Korea-Japan Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
publisher = {KAIST},
year = 1998,
author = {H. Miyazaki and A. Kawaguchi and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Re-Distribution of Oxide Sintering Aids in Liquid-Phase-Sintered Silicon Carbide due to Heat Treatment},
publisher = {Proc. The 3rd Okinaga Symp. on Materials Science and Engineering Seving Society},
year = 1998,
author = {H. Miyazaki and A. Kawaguchi and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Re-Distribution of Oxide Sintering Aids in Liquid-Phase-Sintered Silicon Carbide due to Heat Treatment},
publisher = {Proc. 3rd Okinaga Symp. on Materials Science and Engineering Seving Society},
year = 1998,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックス辞典(第2版)分担},
publisher = {丸善},
year = 1997,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {これだけは知っておきたいセラミックスのすべて(分担)},
publisher = {日刊工業新聞社},
year = 1996,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {高分解能電子顕微鏡によるセラミックスの微構造観察},
publisher = {無機マテリアル},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Iseki and T. Yano and M. Ikari},
title = {Hardness Change of Nonstoichiometric MgO・3Al2O3 by Neutron Irradiation},
publisher = {Plastic Deformation of Ceramics},
year = 1995,
author = {井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {先端材料評価のための電子顕微鏡技術},
publisher = {朝倉書店},
year = 1991,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミック工学ハンドブック(分担)},
publisher = {技報堂出版},
year = 1989,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Radiation damage analysis in SiC microstructure by transmission electron microscopy},
journal = {},
year = 2022,
author = {Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Fajar Muhammad and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna V. Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Effect of CNT addition and its orientation on thermal shock resistance of B4C/CNT composites fabricated by hot-pressing},
journal = {Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies},
year = 2022,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery behavior of neutron-irradiated aluminum nitride with and without containing interstitial dislocation loops},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2021,
author = {Branko Matovic and Jelena Maletaskic and Jelena Zagorac and Vladimir Pavkov and Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of pyrochlore lanthanide (Pr, Sm) zirconate ceramics},
journal = {Journal of the European Ceramic Society},
year = 2020,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and Anna Gubarevich and Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Tohru S. Suzuki and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Effect of Al2O3 addition on texturing in a rotating strong magnetic field and densification of B4C},
journal = {Ceramics International},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Oxidation mechanisms of SiC-fiber-reinforced Si eutectic alloy matrix composites at elevated temperatures},
journal = {Journal of the American Ceramic Society},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {High temperature bending behavior of polycrystalline Si and SiC particle-reinforced Si matrix composites},
journal = {Materials Today; Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Branko Matović and Jelena Maletaškić and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis, characterization and sintering of fluorite and pyrochlore-type compounds: Pr2Zr2O7, Sm2Zr2O7 and PrSmZr2O7},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Anna V.Gubarevich and Riki Tamura and J. Maletaskic and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of aluminium addition on yield and microstructure of Ti3SiC2 prepared by combustion synthesis method},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Chin-Chet See and Anna V. Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of aluminum, boron and carbon additives on microstructure of porous silicon carbide ceramics and their properties},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Ryosuke Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna V. Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Evaluation of thermal shock fracture resistance of B4C/CNT composites with a high-frequency induction-heating furnace},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Jelena Maletaskic and Jelena Lukovic and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Anna V. Gubarevich and Branko Matovic},
title = {High-temperature synthesis and characterization of boron suboxide (B6O) and boron containing hard materials},
journal = {Materials Today: Proceedings},
year = 2019,
author = {Kenji Miyashita and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yukio Kishi},
title = {Fluorine and oxygen plasma exposure behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2019,
author = {Riku Akatsu and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yukio Kishi},
title = {Densification Behavior of Yttrium Oxyfluoride Ceramics by Rate Controlled Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Fabrication and bending behavior of amorphous SiC-fiber-reinforced Si-Co eutectic alloy composites at elevated temperatures},
journal = {Composites Part B},
year = 2019,
author = {Yuhao Jin and Katsumi Yoshida and Zhengcao Li and Desheng Ai and Tadashi Maruyama and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Investigation of kinetic recovery process in low dose neutron-irradiated nuclear graphite by thermal annealing},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology},
year = 2019,
author = {Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Combustion Synthesis of MAX Phases for Accident-Tolerant Fuels},
journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2019,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toru Tsunoura and Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Characterization and Fluorine-Plasma Exposure Behavior of Dense Yttrium Oxyfluoride Ceramics},
journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2019,
author = {Branko Matovic and Jelena Maletaskic and Bucevac Dusan and Jelena Zagorac and Muhammad Fajar and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis, characterization and sintering of Gd2Hf2O7 powders synthesized by solid state displacement reaction at low temperature},
journal = {Ceramics International},
year = 2018,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Physical property changes of neutron-irradiated aluminum nitride and their recovery behavior by annealing using a step-heating dilatometer},
journal = {Nuclear Materials and Energy},
year = 2018,
author = {Ryuki Tahara and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yukio Kishi},
title = {Fabrication of Dense Yttrium Oxyfluoride Ceramics by Hot-Pressing and Their Mechanical, Thermal, and Electrical Properties},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2018,
author = {Yan You and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {First-principles investigation of neutron-irradiation-induced point defects in B4C, a neutron absorber for sodium-cooled fast nuclear reactors},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2018,
author = {Yan You and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yan},
title = {First-principles study on the helium migration energies in B12X2 (X=O, Si, P, As) crystals for neutron absorber use},
journal = {Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies},
year = 2018,
author = {Marija Prekajski Đorđević and Jelena Maletaškić and Nadežda Stanković and Biljana Babić and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Branko Matović},
title = {In-situ immobilization of Sr radioactive isotope using nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite},
journal = {Ceramics International},
year = 2018,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Mechanical Properties and Machinability of SiC/BN Composites with Oxide Additives},
journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy},
year = 2018,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Yosuke Okubo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Oxidation behavior of monolithic HfSi2 and SiC fiber-reinforced composites fabricated by melt infiltration using Si-8.5 at%Hf alloy at 800-1200°C in dry air},
journal = {Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2018,
author = {Yan You and Katsumi Yoshida and Toshihiko Inoue and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Helium babbles and trace of lithium in B4C control rod pellets used in JOYO experimental fast reactor},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology},
year = 2018,
author = {Jelena Maletaškić and Branko Matović and Nadezda Stanković and Marija Prekajski Djordjević and Jelena Luković and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Phase Evolution of Sphene Based Ceramics during Annealing},
journal = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2017,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Saishun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery behavior of SiCf/SiC composites by post-irradiation annealing up to of 1673 K},
journal = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2017,
author = {Branko Matovic and Marija Prekajski Djordjevic and Jelena Maletaskic and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Preparation and properties of hydroxyapatite nano-spheres for immobilization of Sr isotopes},
journal = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2017,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Hiroshi Konishi and Saishun Yamazaki and Mohd Idzat bin Idris and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Recovery of neutron-irradiation-induced defects of Al2O3, Y2O3, and yttrium-aluminum garnet},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology},
year = 2017,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yukio Kishi},
title = {Fabrication, characterization, and fluorine-plasma exposure behavior of dense yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics},
journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2017,
author = {Liang Sun and Yimin Gao and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Wen Wang},
title = {Prediction on structural, mechanical and thermal properties of Al4SiC4, Al4C3 and 4H-SiC under high pressure by first-principles calculation},
journal = {Modern Physics Letters B},
year = 2017,
author = {Branko Matovic and Jelena Maletaskic and Marija Prekajski Djordjevic and Vesna Maksimovic and Jelena Zagorac and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of nanometric gadolinia powders by room temperature solid-state displacement reaction and low temperature calcination},
journal = {Journal of the European Ceramic Society},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure of Porous SiC Ceramics Based on In-Situ Grain Growth},
journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy},
year = 2017,
author = {Yuhao Jin and Katsumi Yoshida and Zhengcao Li and Tadashi Maruyama and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Precision dilatometer analysis of neutronirradiated nuclear graphite recovery process up to 1673 K},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology},
year = 2017,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Mohd Idzat Idris and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Recovery Behavior of High Purity Cubic SiC Ceramics by Post-Irradiation Annealing after Low Temperatture Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy},
year = 2017,
author = {Liang Sun and Yimin Gao and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yefei Li and Yangzhen Liu},
title = {Structural, Mechanical, Thermal and Electronic Properties of Novel Ternary Carbide Al4Si2C5 under High-Pressure by DFT Calculation},
journal = {International Journal of Modern Physics B},
year = 2017,
author = {Makoto Koizumi and Motoaki Utamura and Toyohiko Yano and Susumu Nakano and Takanori Shibata and Chihiro Myoren},
title = {CFD Analysis of Water Droplet Behavior in Axial Flow Compressor},
journal = {International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems},
year = 2016,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Saishun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Defects annihilation behavior of neutron-irradiated SiC ceramics densified by liquid-phase-assisted method by post-irradiation annealing},
journal = {Nuclear Materials and Energy},
year = 2016,
author = {Liang Sun and Yimin Gao and Yefei Li and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Dawei Yi},
title = {Structural, Bonding, Anisotropic Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Al4SiC4 and Al4Si2C5 by First-Principles Investigations},
journal = {Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Fiber Orientation and Fiber Volume Fraction on Mechanical Properties of SiCf/SiC Composites},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2016,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Noppasint Jiraborvornpongsa and Wasana Khongwong and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Formation Mechanism of SiC Nanowires Synthesized by Thermal Evaporation Method},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2016,
author = {Areerak Rueanngoen and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure of Low-Dose Neutron Irradiated Si3N4 and SiAlON Ceramics after Thermal Annealing},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akimoto and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional and Crossply SiCf/SiC Composites Using SiC Fibers with Carbon Interphase Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition Process},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2015,
author = {Hiroshi Konishi and Mohd Idzat Idris and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Effects of Oxide Sintering Additives for SiCf/SiC Composites},
journal = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2015,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Hiroshi Konishi and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Swelling of SiC and SiCf/SiC for Advanced Nuclear Applications},
journal = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2015,
author = {Gentaro Fujii and Junichi Ryu and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Yukitaka Kato},
title = {Possibility of Application of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell on a Smart Iron-making Process Based on an Active Carbon Recycling Energy System},
journal = {ISIJ international},
year = 2015,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Areerak Rueanngoen and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Physical Property Change of Polymorphs of Silicon Nitride and SiAlON Ceramics by Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Yuki Sekimoto and Keiichi Katayama and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Improvement of Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Heat-Treatment},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2015,
author = {Idris, M.I. and Yamazaki, S. and Yoshida, K. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Recovery behavior of high purity cubic SiC polycrystals by post-irradiation annealing up to 1673 K after low temperature neutron irradiation},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and CHIN CHET SEE and Satoshi Yokoyama and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of SiC Particle Size and Sintering Temperature on Microstructure of Porous SiC Ceramics Based on In-Situ Grain Growth},
journal = {Ceramic Engineering Science and Proceedings},
year = 2014,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Yan You and Koumei Kanazawa and Tomohiro Kobayashi and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Saishun Yamazaki},
title = {Recovery Behavior of Neutron-Irradiation- Induced Point Defects of High-Purity β-SiC},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {Areerak Rueanngoen and Koumei Kanazawa and masamitsu imai and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Analysis of Recovery Process of Low Dose Neutron Irradiation-Induced Defects in Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics by Thermal Annealing},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {Yo-suke O-kubo and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Fabrication of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Matrix Composites by Low Temperature Melt Infiltration Method Using Si-Hf and Si-Y Alloy},
journal = {Ceramic Engineering Science and Proceedings},
year = 2014,
author = {Jiraborvornpongsa, N. and Enomoto, S. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Exhaust gas analysis and formation mechanism of SiC nanowires synthesized by thermal evaporation method},
journal = {Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies},
year = 2014,
author = {Matović, B. and Stojmenović, M. and Pantić, J. and Varela, A. and Žunić, M. and Jiraborvornpongsa, N. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Electrical and microstructural properties of Yb-doped CeO2},
journal = {Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies},
year = 2014,
author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Fabrication of carbon nanotube reinforced boron carbide composite by hot-pressing following extrusion molding},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {Aoki, T. and Ogasawara, T. and Okubo, Y. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Fabrication and properties of Si-Hf alloy melt-infiltrated Tyranno ZMI fiber/SiC-based matrix composites},
journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing},
year = 2014,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Akimoto, H. and Yamauchi, A. and TOYOHIKO YANO and Kotani, M. and Ogasawara, T.},
title = {Interface formation of unidirectional SiCf/SiC composites by electrophoretic deposition method},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {Jiraborvornpongs, N. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Synthesis and growth mechanism of SiC/SiO2 core-shell nanowires by thermal evaporation method},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {Rueanngoen, A. and Kanazawa, K. and Akiyoshi, M. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of neutron irradiation on polymorphs of silicon nitride and SiAlON ceramics},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of B4C/CNT composites with Al additive},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {Rueanngoen, A. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Recovery behavior of neutron irradiated α- And β-SiAlON ceramics by thermal annealing up to 1473 K},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of addition of seed grains on morphology and yield of boron carbide powder synthesized by carbothermal reduction},
journal = {Ceramics International},
year = 2013,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kajikawa, S. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Microstructure design and control for improvement of thermal conductivity of SiCf/SiC composites},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Futamura, Y. and Yamazaki, S. and Sawabe, T. and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation at ∼423 K of sintered 6H-SiC by lattice parameter and macroscopic length measurements},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {Kobayashi, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of heat-treatment temperature and starting composition on morphology of boron carbide particles synthesized by carbothermal reduction},
journal = {Ceramics International},
year = 2013,
author = {Jiraborvornpongsa, N. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of trace amount of nanometric SiC additives with wire or particle shapes on the mechanical and thermal properties of alumina matrix composites},
journal = {Journal of Materials Science},
year = 2013,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Futamura, Y. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Recovery behavior of neutron-induced damage of AlN irradiated at higher temperatures by thermal annealing},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2013,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Aoyagi, Y. and Akimoto, H. and TOYOHIKO YANO and Kotani, M. and Ogasawara, T.},
title = {Interfacial control of uni-directional SiCf/SiC composites based on electrophoretic deposition and their mechanical properties},
journal = {Composites Science and Technology},
year = 2012,
author = {Matović, B. and Bučevac, D. and Prekajski, M. and Maksimović, V. and Gautam, D. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of nanometric yttrium-doped hafnia solid solutions},
journal = {Journal of the European Ceramic Society},
year = 2012,
author = {Akiyoshi, M. and Tsuchida, H. and Takagi, I. and Yoshiie, T. and Qiu, X. and Sato, K. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Irradiation effects on thermal diffusivity and positron annihilation lifetime in ceramics induced by neutron and 30 MeV electron},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology},
year = 2012,
author = {Matovic, B. and Bucevac, D. and Jiraborvornpongsa, N. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of nanometric strontium-doped ceria solid solutions via glycine-nitrate procedure},
journal = {Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2012,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated SiC after Annealing up to 1500oC},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2011,
author = {Usuki, T. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO and Miwa, S. and Osaka, M.},
title = {Fabrication and characterization of silicon nitride-based inert matrix fuels sintered with magnesium silicates},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2011,
author = {Osaka, M. and Miwa, S. and Tanaka, K. and Akutsu, Y. and Ikeda, K. and Mimura, H. and Suzuki, T. and Usuki, T. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Reformation of hazardous wastes into useful supporting materials for fast reactor fuels},
journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy},
year = 2011,
author = {Sawabe, T. and Akiyoshi, M. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Estimation of neutron-irradiation-induced defect in 3C-SiC from change in XRD peak shift and DFT study},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2011,
author = {Yamazaki, S. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation of sintered SiC by thermal diffusivity and swelling measurements},
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials},
year = 2011,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Sekimoto, Y. and Katayama, K. and Wasanapiarnpong, T. and Imai, M. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {The effect of heat-treatment on thermal conductivity of silicon nitride ceramics},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2011,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Horie, Y. and Imai, M. and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Sintering of silicon carbide ceramics with co-addition of gadrinium oxide and silica and their mechanical properties},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2011,
author = {Yokota, H. and Yoshida, M. and Ishibashi, H. and TOYOHIKO YANO and Yamamoto, H. and Kikkawa, S.},
title = {Cathodoluminescence of Ce-doped Gd2SiO5and Gd9.33(SiO4)6O2phosphor under continuous electron irradiation},
journal = {Journal of Alloys and Compounds},
year = 2011,
author = {Hiroshi Yokota and Hiroyuki Ishibashi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Concentration Effect of Cerium in (Y0.9-xGd0.1Cex)2SiO5 Blue Phosphor},
journal = {J. Alloys and Compounds},
year = 2010,
author = {Khongwong, W. and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Fabrication and properties of core-shell type SiC/SiO2 nanowires through low-cost production technique},
journal = {Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings},
year = 2010,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Influence of Raw Powder Size, Reaction Temperature, and Soaking Time on Synthesis of β-SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires via Thermal Evaporation},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2009,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis of β-SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires by Simple Thermal Evaporation},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2009,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Junichi Yamane and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Low Temperature Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics and Its Applicability as an Ineart Matrix of the Transuranium Elements for Transmutation of Minor Actinides},
journal = {Key Engineering Mater.},
year = 2009,
author = {Y. Kameshima and A. Nakajima and K. Okada and T. Yano},
title = {Preparation of Pt particles dispersing nanocomposites by thermal treatment of tetrachloroplatinate/layered double hydroxide (LDH)},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2009,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kozue Matsukawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Formation of Carbon Coating on SiC Fiber for Two Dimensional SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition},
journal = {Mater. Sci. Engineer. B},
year = 2009,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kozue Matsukawa and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite Fabricated by Electrophoretic Deposition and Hot-Pressing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2009,
author = {Saisyun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery of Neutron-Induced Damage of Si Analyzed by Thermal Expansion Measurement},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2009,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Takashi Sawabe and Katsumi Yoshida and Yoshiro Yamamoto},
title = {High-Temperature Neutron-Irradiation Effects on CVD-Diamond, Silicon and Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2009,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and Toyohiko Yano and Osamu Odawara},
title = {Surface Oxidation of the Silicon Carbide Ceramics during Space Environment Exposure up to 3.8 Year},
journal = {J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl.},
year = 2008,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Osamu Odawara},
title = {Surface Property Change of the Silicon Carbide Ceramics during the Space Exposure for Two Years},
journal = {J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl.},
year = 2008,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Immobilization of Strontium, Cesium and Rhenium into α-SiAlON Ceramics with Co-Doping of Yttrium},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Japan},
year = 2008,
author = {Saishun Yamazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery of Neutron-Induced Damage of SiC by Thermal Annealing up to 1400oC},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2008,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron-Irradiation Effect in Ceramics Evaluated from Macroscopic Property Changes in As-Irradiated and Annealed Specimens},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2008,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Calculation of Electronic Structures in Ceramics Containing Point-Defects by DV-Xα Method},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2008,
author = {Junichi Yamane and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Basic Characterization of Silicon Nitride Ceramics as an Inert Matrix},
journal = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2008,
author = {吉田克己 and 吉田奈央 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {長寿命放射性ヨウ素の回収と核変換用焼結体の作製},
journal = {J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Japan (Muki-Materiaru)},
year = 2008,
author = {Hiroshi Yokota and Masato Yoshida and Yasuhiro Yagi and Hiroyuki Ishibashi and Toyohiko Yano and Hajime Yamamoto},
title = {Preparation of Tb-Doped Y2SiO5 Phosphor by Spray Pyrolysis Using Two-Fluid Nozzle Spray Generator},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl, Phys.},
year = 2008,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Effect on Site Distribution of Cations in Non-Stoichiometric Magnesium Aluminate Spinel},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 2008,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Hyeon-Taek Son and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Formation of ZrO2-Al2O3 Coating Layers on SiC Fiber by Dip-Coating Process},
journal = {Key Engineering Mater.},
year = 2008,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Matsumoto and Masamitsu Imai and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two Dimensional Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Electrophoretic Deposition and Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Key Eng. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Mukai and Masamitsu Imai and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Hideki Hyuga and Naoki Kondo and Hideki Kita and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Reaction Sintering of Two-Dimensional Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Sheet Stacking Method},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and masamitsu Imai and Osamu Odawara and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Property Evaluation of Ceramic Specimens Eposed in a Space Environment for One Year},
journal = {J. Japan Society of Microgravity Application},
year = 2007,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Thermal Conductivity Improvement by Heat-Treatment in Si3N4 Ceramics Using SiO2-MgO-Y2O3 Additive System},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano and Yoshiaki Tachi and Hiromi Nakano},
title = {Saturation in Degradation of Thermal Diffusivity of Neutron-Irradiated Ceramics at 3x1026 n/m2},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Kozue Matsukawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Monazite-Coated Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina/YAG Composites},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Yuki Sekimoto and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Masamitsu Imai and Keiichi Katayama and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Heat-Treatment on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics at Room and High temperature},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Kunio Fukuda and Masamitsu Imai and Hiroyuki Miyazaki},
title = {Physical Property Changes of Crystalline and Non-Crystalline SiO2 due to Neutron Irradiation and Subsequent Annealing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Saishun Yamazaki and Kousuke Yamaya and Masamtsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Analysis of Recovery Process of Neutron-Irradiation-Induced Defects in SiC by Isothermal Annealing up to 1400oC},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Saishun Yamazaki and Hiroko Kawano and Keiichi Katayama},
title = {Chemical Shift of Characteristic X-Ray Wavelength in Silicon-Containing Ceramics due to Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2007,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Lower Temperature Plessureless Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics using SiO2-MgO-Y2O3 Additives without Packing Powder},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Japan},
year = 2006,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Post-Sintering Heat-Treatment on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Si3N4 Ceramics Sintered with Different Additives},
journal = {J. Euro. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2006,
author = {Peng-Yuan Lee and Hisayuki Suematsu and Toyohiko Yano and K. Yatsui},
title = {Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline MgAl2O4 Spinel by Polymerized Complex Method},
journal = {J. Nanoparticle Research},
year = 2006,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and I. Takagi and 矢野 豊彦 and N. Akasaka and Y. Tachi},
title = {Thermal Conductivity of Ceramics during Irradiation},
journal = {Fusion Eng. Design},
year = 2006,
author = {Dae-Chul Park and Toyohiko Yano and Sae-Hoon Kim and Won-Youl Choi and Jung-Hee Cho},
title = {Surface Characterization of the Milled Silicon Nitride Nano Powders by XPS and TEM},
journal = {Key Engineering Mater.},
year = 2006,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong},
title = {Improvement of Thermal Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Post-Sintering Heat-Treatment},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2006,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Mechanical Properties of SiC Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites Fabricated by Tape Casting and Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Advanced Composites Letters},
year = 2005,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Post-Sintering Heat Treatment on Thermal Conductivity of Si3N4 Ceramics Containing Different Additives},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Japan},
year = 2005,
author = {村山雄哉 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {放射性セシウム固定化用高密度ポリューサイトセラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第17回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Pengyuan Lee},
title = {In-situ Reaction Deposition Coating for Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {Abst. on 28th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites},
year = 2004,
author = {吉田克己 and 松本英輝 and 今井雅三 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ホットプレス法によるポリカルボシラン含浸SiC繊維強化SiC複合材料の作製とその熱的・機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第17回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {Shigekazu Wada and P. Chalyapak and S. Jinawath and Thanokorn Wassanapiarnpong and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics in Air Atmosphere Furnace},
journal = {Abst. on 28th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites},
year = 2004,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Heat Treatment on Intergranular Glassy Phase and Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nitride Ceramics},
journal = {Proc. 17th Fall Meeting of the Ceramics Society of Japan},
year = 2004,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Matsumoto and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two Dimensional Stoichiometric Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composite by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Meeting Guide of Proc. 5th International conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Pengyuan Lee},
title = {High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Monazite-Coated Alumina Fiber Reinforced Alumina Composite Fabricated by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Meeting Guide of Proc. 5th International conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦 and Yudi Pramono},
title = {Helium Release and Diffusion Mechnism in SiC Containing B4C of Different 10B Concentrations},
journal = {日本原子力学会2004年春の年会予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {山崎宰春 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射損傷されたSiCの回復に及ぼす熱処理時間の影響},
journal = {日本原子力学会2004年春の年会予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {川隅晃彦 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {溶液含浸ホットプレス法による YAG添加アルミナ焼結体の作製とその機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2004年年会講演予稿},
year = 2004,
author = {井上博文 and 片山恵一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ホットプレス法を用いて作製した Y2O3-SiO2系助剤添加SiC焼結体の微構造観察},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2004年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {木下彩子 and 多々見純一 and 米屋勝利 and 目黒竹司 and 須山章子 and 亀田常治 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {反応焼結炭化ケイ素の耐食性},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2004年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {Thanokorn Wassanapiarnpong and Sihgekazu Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Heat Treatment of Silicon Nitride Ceramics to Improve Thermal Conductivity},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2004年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {A New Route to Prepare Monazite Coating on Alumina Fabric Cloths for Alumina/Alumina Composites},
journal = {Proc. of the 2nd Inter. Conf. on Mater. Processing for Properties and Performance 2003},
year = 2004,
author = {Peng-Yuan Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {The Influence of Matrix and Fiber/Matrix Interface on Mechanical Properties of Alumina/Alumina Composites},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. Supplement},
year = 2004,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fracture Behavior of Monazite-Coated Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina-Matrix Composites at Elevated Temperature},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2004,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Naoaki Akasaka and Yoshiaki Tachi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Relation Between macroscopic Length Changes and the Crystal Structure in heavily Neutron-Irradiated Ceramics},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2004,
author = {Yudi Pramono and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Helium Release and Diffusion Mechanism in SiC Containing B4C},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Khoichi Inokuchi and Tatsuo Shikama and Juji Ukai and Syoji Onose},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Effects on Isotope Tailored Aluminum Nitride Ceramics by a Fast Reactor up to 2x1026 n/m2},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2004,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Naoaki Akasaka and Yoshiaki Tachi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Interstitial Atom Behavior in Neutron-Irradiated Beta-Silicon Nitride},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. Supplement},
year = 2004,
author = {Pramono Yudi and Kazunari Sasaki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Release and Diffusion Rate of Helium in Neutron-Irradiated SiC},
journal = {J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.},
year = 2004,
author = {Shigetaka Wada and Piyaporn Chaiyapak and Supatra Jinawath and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics in Air Atmosphere Furnace (Part 2)},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2004,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Influence of Alumina Powder Size on Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Coated Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {J. Euro. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2004,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Sintering Condition on Mechanical Properties of Monazite-Coated Alumina-Fiber/Alumina-Matrix Composites Fabricated by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2004,
author = {Xiao-Zheng Rong and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {TEM Investigation of High-Pressure Reaction-Sintered cBN-Al Composites},
journal = {J. Mater. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2004,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {The Influence of Fiber Coating Conditions on the Mechanical Properties of Alumina/Alumina Composites},
journal = {Composite Interfaces},
year = 2004,
author = {Srikari Tantri P. and Jae-Seol Lee and U. Rammurthy and Toyohiko Yano and Sheela K. Ramasesha},
title = {Effect of Double Reinforcements on Elevated-Temperature Strength and Toughness of of Molybdenum Disiliside},
journal = {J. Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2004,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites by Polycarbosilane Infiltration},
journal = {J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2004,
author = {Osamu Odawara and Eiji Miyazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Exposure Tests of Carbide and Nitride Ceramics with SM/SEED on ISS},
journal = {Proc. 24Th Internat. Symp. On Space Technology and Science},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and 村山雄哉 and 木下智見 and 安田和弘 and 館義昭 and 赤坂尚昭 and 井上賢紀},
title = {結晶構造空位および空隙を利用した長寿命核種消滅用セラミックスの創製},
journal = {核燃料サイクル公募型研究に関する平成14年度研究概要報告},
year = 2004,
author = {Saishun Yamazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Physical Property Change of Neutron-Irradiated SiC by Thermal Annealing},
journal = {Abst of the First COE-INES International Symposium Innovative Nuclear energy System for Sustainable Development of the World},
year = 2004,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Thermal Conductivity Improvement of SiO2-MgO-Y2O3-added Si3N4 Ceramics by Post-Sintering Heat-Treatment},
journal = {Abst. 2nd International Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Pengyuan Lee and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Monazite-Coated Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {Abst. 2nd International Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2004,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 赤坂尚昭 and 舘義昭},
title = {中性子照射したセラミックスの照射条件によるスエリング挙動の違い},
journal = {日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {松本英輝 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動法による炭化ケイ素繊維の炭素被覆と炭化ケイ素/炭化ケイ素複合材料の作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第17回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {山根純一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {アメリシウム固定化用窒化ケイ素セラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第17回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2004,
author = {Osamu Odawara and Eiji Miyazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Exposure Tests of Carbide and Nitride Ceramics with SM/SEED on ISS},
journal = { Proc. 24th Internat. Symp. On Space Technology and Science},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Masafumi Akiyoshi},
title = {Nano-Texture Formation into Ceramics Induced by High-Energy Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2004,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Room and High Temperature Mechanical Properties of 2D-Alumina Fiber Reinforced Alumina Composite Fabricated by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Proc. 5th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, Ed. By M. Singh, R. J. Kerans, E. Lara-Curzio and R. Naslain, Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2004,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Matsumoto and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two Dimensional Stoichiometric Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composite by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Proc. 5th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, Ed. By M. Singh, R. J. Kerans, E. Lara-Curzio and R. Naslain, Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2004,
author = {Hirofumi Inoue and Keiichi Katayama and Toyohiko Yano and Masamitsu Imai},
title = {Effect of Atmospheric Pressure during Sintering on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Hot-Pressed SiC Containing Y2O3-SiO2 Additives},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Khoichi Inokuchi and Tatsuo Shikama and Juji Ukai and Syoji Onose},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Effects on Isotope Tailored Aluminum Nitride Ceramics by a Fast Reactor up to 2x1026 n/m2},
journal = {Abstract of the 11th International Conference on Fusion reactor Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {Yudi Pramono and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {Time Dependence of Helium Diffusion by Annealing in Neutron-Irradiated SiC Containing B4C},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 西ノ園純一 and 今井雅三 and 館 義昭 and 小野瀬庄二 and 堂野前貴子},
title = {長寿命核分裂生成物固定化用ポリューサイトセラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Structures of Dislocation Loops in Some eramics Induced by Fast Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2003,
author = {澤部孝史 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射によるスピネル中の陽イオン分布の変化(II)},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2003,
author = {Yudi Pramono and 矢野豊彦},
title = {Microstructure Observation of Neutron Irradiated SiC Containing B4C After Post-Irradiation Annealing},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2003,
author = {山谷孝介 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三},
title = {SiCの中性子照射損傷の加熱による回復過程},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2003,
author = { 西ノ園純一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {長寿命核分裂生成物固定化用ポリューサイトセラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {松本祐輔 and 多々見純一 and 目黒竹司 and 米屋勝利 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ガス還元窒化法により合成されたAlNファイバーの微構造},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {井上博文 and 片山恵一 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三},
title = {Y2O3-SiO2助剤を添加したSiC 焼結体特性に及ぼす焼結雰囲気の影響},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Fiber Coating on the Mechanical Properties of Alumina/Alumina Composite},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {兼子直紀 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {炭化ケイ素繊維への炭素被覆とそれらを強化材とした複合材料の作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {Lee Jae-Seol and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Sintering Additives on Mechanical Properties of Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC/SiC Composites},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {川隅晃彦 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ホットプレス法によるYAG添加アルミナ焼結体の作製と機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2003年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Akira Kawasumi and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda},
title = {Fabrication of Alumina-YAG Composites by Immersion of Liquid into Porous Alumina Matrix},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Heat Treatment on Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nitride Ceramics},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Formation of ZrO2-Al2O3 Coating Layers on SiC Fiber by Dip-Coating},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Katsutoshi Komeya and Junichi Tatami and Takeshi Meguro and Michiyasu Komatsu and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Silicon Nitride Ceramics Strengthened by In-Situ Precipitation of TiN},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Yoshiaki Tachi and Naoaki Akasaka and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {The Behavior of Interstitial Atom in Neutron Irradiated Beta-Silicon Nitride},
journal = {Abstract of the 5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies incorporatong the 16th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2003,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Room and High Temperature Mechanical properties of Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites by Tape-Casting and Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Abstracts of the 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {N. Wangmooklang and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Toyohiko Yano and K. Sujirote and Shigetaka Wada},
title = {Sintering of ■beta-Si3N4 Powder in an Air Atmosphere Furnace},
journal = {Abstracts of the 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {In-Situ Reaction Deposition Coating for Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {Abstracts of the 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and 木下智見 and 安田和弘 and 館義昭 and 小野瀬庄二 and 井上賢紀},
title = {結晶構造空位および空隙を利用した長寿命核種消滅用セラミックスの創製},
journal = {核燃料サイクル公募型研究に関する平成14年度研究概要報告},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Pengyuan Lee and Masamitsu Imai},
title = {Preparation and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {Abstract of the 1st International Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2003,
author = {Thanokorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigetaka Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Nitrogen Pressure on Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nitride Ceramics after Heat Treatment},
journal = {Abstract of the 1st International Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Masafumi Akiyoshi},
title = {Nano-Texture Formation into Ceramics Induced by High-Energy Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {Abst. in International Symp. on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology on Quantum Particles},
year = 2003,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Naoaki Akasaka and Yoshiaki Tachi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Relation Between macroscopic Length Changes and the Crystal Structure in Heavily Neutron-Irradiated Ceramics},
journal = {Abstract of the 11th International Conference on Fusion reactor Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {Yudi Pramona and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Helium Release and Diffusion Mechanism in SiC Containing B4C},
journal = {Abstract of the 11th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Yudi Pramono},
title = {Helium Release and Physical Property Change of Neutron-Irradiated a-SiC Containing Different Amount of 10B},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Jae-Seol Lee},
title = {Fabrication and Mechnical Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2003,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Physical Property Changes of Crystalline and Non-Crystalline SiO2 due to Neutron Irradiation and Recovery by Subsequent Annealing},
journal = {Proc. Of the 13th IEA Workshop on Radiation Effects in Ceramic Insulators},
year = 2003,
author = {Jae Seol Lee and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Oriented SiC Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite by Tape Casting},
journal = {Mater. Sci. Engineer. A},
year = 2003,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Mechanical and Interfacial Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites},
journal = {Strength, Fracture and Complexity},
year = 2003,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Connection Structures between Type-I and Type-II defects in Neutron Irradiated ■beta-Si3N4},
journal = {J. Electron Microscopy},
year = 2003,
author = {Pengyuan Lee and Takuji Uchijima and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Processing and Performance of Alumina Fiber-Renforced Alumina Composites},
journal = {J. Mater. Sci. Technol.},
year = 2003,
author = {Yudi Pramono and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Helium Release and Physical Property hange of Neutron-Irradiated SiC containing B4C of Different 10B concentrations},
journal = {J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.},
year = 2003,
author = {T. Yano and Dae-Chul Park and Yasutaka Horie and Hirofumi Inoue and Kei-ichi Katayama and Takayoshi Iseki},
title = {Effects of SiO2 and Rare Earth Oxide Addition on Densification and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Ceramics},
journal = {Key Engineering Mater.},
year = 2003,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Shigekazu Udagawa and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two-Dimensional SiC/SiC Composites by Hot-Pressing and Their Mechanical, Interfacial and Thermal Properties},
journal = {Key Engineering Mater.},
year = 2003,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Mechanical, Interfacial and Thermal Properties of Hot-Pressed Two-Dimensional SiC/SiC Composites},
journal = {Abst. International Symp. In Honor of Prof. K. Okamura, Adcances in Development of SiC-Based High-Temperature Materials and Its Applications},
year = 2003,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Characterization of SiC Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Compoaites by Tape-Casting & Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Abst. International Symp. In Honor of Prof. K. Okamura, Adcances in Development of SiC-Based High-Temperature Materials and Its Applications},
year = 2003,
author = {山崎宰春 and 山谷孝介 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {SiCの中性子照射損傷の加熱による回復過程(2)},
journal = {日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2003,
author = {矢野豊彦 and LEE Jae-seol},
title = {SiC短繊維強化SiC基複合材の作製と機械的性質},
journal = {第47回材料強度と破壊総合シンポジウム論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 河野博子 and 片山恵一 and 今井雅三},
title = {中性子照射Si含有化合物のEPMAによる状態分析},
journal = {日本原子力学会2002年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2002,
author = {松永俊宏 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {長寿命核分裂生成物固定化用サイアロンセラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本原子力学会2002年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2002,
author = {井上博文 and 片山恵一 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三},
title = {ホットプレス法による希土類混合酸化物-SiO2添加SiC焼結体の作製と評価},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第15回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = { Lee Jae-Seol and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己},
title = {Effect of polycalbosilane addition on the mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composites},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第15回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {川隅晃彦 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {焼結過程での粒子形状制御によるYAG添加アルミナ焼結体の作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第15回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {澤部孝史 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射によるスピネル中の陽イオン分布の変化},
journal = {日本原子力学会2002秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 井ノ口幸一 and 四竈樹男 and 鵜飼重治 and 小野瀬庄二},
title = {同位体調整したAlNの高速炉照射効果},
journal = {日本原子力学会2002秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Masafumi Akiyoshi},
title = {Neutron-Irradiation-Induced Defects in ■beta-Si3N4 Observed by High-Resolution Electron Microscopy and These Structural Models},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2002,
author = {矢野豊彦 and LEE Jae-seol},
title = {SiC短繊維強化SiC基複合材の作製と機械的性質},
journal = {材料強度と破壊総合シンポジウム論文集},
year = 2002,
author = {Xiao-Zheng Rong and Takaaki Tsurumi and Osamu Fukunaga and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {High-Pressure Sintering of cBN-TiN-Al Composite for Cutting Tool Application},
journal = {Diamond and Related Materials},
year = 2002,
author = {Minoru Takahashi and Hiroshi Sekimoto and Kotaro Ishikawa and Noaki Sawada and Tadashi Suzuki and Koji Hata and Susumu Yoshida and Suizheng Qiu and Toyohiko Yano and Masamitsu Imai},
title = {Experimental Study on Flow Technology and Steel Corrosion of Lead-Bismuth},
journal = {Proceedings of Tenth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering},
year = 2002,
author = {Lee Jae-Seol and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {Effect of Reinforcements on the Mechanical Properties of SiC/SiC composites},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {Jae-Seol Lee and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Influence of Fiber Volume Fraction on the Mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Japan},
year = 2002,
author = {井上博文 and 片山恵一 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and Park Dae-Chul},
title = {ホットプレス法によるY2O3-SiO2添加SiC焼結体の作製と評価},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {堀江靖隆 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {酸化物助剤を添加したSiCの微構造、機械的性質に及ぼす助剤成分の既発の影響},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Yoshio Yamamoto and Takayoshi Iseki},
title = {Physical Property Change of Concurrently Neutron-Irradiated CVD-Diamond, Silicon aad Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2002,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Kohki Ichikawa and Takako Donomae and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Macroscopic Properties and Microstructure Changes of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated ■beta-Si3N4 by Annealing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2002,
author = {Yudi Pramono and Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure and Helium Release Behavior of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Containing B4C},
journal = {J. Plasma and Fusion Res. SERIES},
year = 2002,
author = {米屋勝利 and 李晃 and 野口和則 and 林貴幸 and 多々見純一 and 目黒竹司 and 矢野豊彦 and Do-Kyung Kim},
title = {遷移金属化合物のIn-Situ析出による窒化ケイ素セラミックスの強化(2) 機械的特性},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {四竈樹男 and 矢野豊彦 and 鵜飼重治 and 小野瀬庄二},
title = {不活性母材用セラミックス材料の照射効果に関する研究},
journal = {先行基礎工学研究に関する平成12年度研究概要報告},
year = 2002,
author = {笠原裕司 and 橋本和明 and 戸田義朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {HApの合成に於ける加熱速度の影響},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {米屋勝利 and 李晃 and 野口和則 and 林貴幸 and 多々見純一 and 目黒竹司 and 矢野豊彦 and Do-Kyung Kim},
title = {遷移金属化合物のIn-Situ析出による窒化ケイ素セラミックスの強化(1)焼結挙動と微構造},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {内島拓次 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己},
title = {アルミナ繊維強化アルミナ複合材料の作製と機械的性質(2)},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2002年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2002,
author = {吉田克己 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {化学量論組成SiC繊維を強化材としたSiC繊維強化SiC複合材料の室温での熱的・機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第14回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {T. Yano and M. Akiyoshi and K. Ichikawa and Y. Tachi and T. Iseki},
title = {Physical Property Change of Heavily-Neutron-Irradiated Si3N4 and SiC by Thermal Annealing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 2001,
author = {関本博 and 井頭政之 and 矢野豊彦 and 小原徹 and 大崎敏郎},
title = {中性子照射により生成する鉛ビスマス合金中のポロニウムの挙動に関する研究},
journal = {日本原子力学会2001年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {内島拓次 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己},
title = {アルミナ繊維強化アルミナ複合材料の作製と機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第14回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {井上博文 and 片山恵一 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and Park Dae-Chul},
title = {Y2O5-SiO2助剤を添加したホットプレスSiC焼結体の機械的性質と微構造観察},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第14回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {笠原裕司 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {金属イオン添加リン酸三カルシウム多孔質セラミックスの作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第14回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {Yudi Pramono and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Helium Release Measurement from SiC Containing B4C of Different 10B Concentrations},
journal = {Abst. The 10th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2001,
author = {T. Yano and Y. Yamamoto and T. Iseki},
title = {Physical Property Change of Concurrently Neutron-Irradiated CVD-Diamond, Silicon Nad Silicon Carbide},
journal = {Abst. The 10th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2001,
author = {M. Akiyoshi and K. Ichikawa and T. Donomae and T. Yano},
title = {Macroscopic Properties and Microstructure Changes of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated β-Si3N4 by Annealing},
journal = {Abst. The 10th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2001,
author = {M. Akiyoshi and T. Yano and M. L. Jenkins},
title = {A Structural Model of Defects in β-Si3N4 Produced by Neutron-Irradiation},
journal = {Philos. Mag. A},
year = 2001,
author = {宇野栄高 and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {常圧焼結Si3N4セラミックスのち密化と透光性に及ぼす焼結時の詰め粉の影響},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2001,
author = {Y. S. Ko and T. Tsurumi and O. Fukunaga and T. Yano},
title = {High Pressure Sintering of Diamond-SiC Composite},
journal = {J. Mater. Sci.},
year = 2001,
author = {宮崎広行 and 箱守 明 and 安田公一 and 松尾陽太郎 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {マグネシア添加SiCセラミックスの焼結とその熱的・機械的・電気的性質},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2001,
author = {H. Suematsu and K. Yatsui and T. Yano},
title = {The Relation between the Hardness and the Point-Defect-Concentration in Neutron-Irradiated MgO・3Al2O3 Single Crystals},
journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2001,
author = {T. Yano and J. Tatami and K. Komeya and T. Meguro},
title = {Microstructure Observation of Silicon Nitride Ceramics Sintered with Titania},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2001,
author = {K. Yoshida and M.u Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Room- and High-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composites Using Oxide Sintering Additives},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2001,
author = {K. Yoshida and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Effect of Internal Strength of SiC/SiC Composites Fabricated by Hot-Pressing and Chemical Vapor Infiltration Method on Their Mechanical Properties},
journal = {Fusion Technology },
year = 2001,
author = {H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki and T.o Yano},
title = {New Constitutive Equation Including Grain-Coarsening Effect for Superplastic Ceramics},
journal = {Brit. Ceram. Trans.},
year = 2001,
author = {K. Yoshida and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Hot-Pressed Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composites by Polycarbosilane-Impregnation Method},
journal = {Composite Science and Technology},
year = 2001,
author = {M. Akiyoshi and T. Yano and M. L. Jenkins},
title = {A New Type of Defect on {112■-0} Planes in β-Si3N4 Produced by Neutron Irradiation},
journal = {Philos. Mag. Lett.},
year = 2001,
author = {Dae-Chul Park and Jui-ichi Itoh and Isao Sakakuchi and Naoki Ohashi and Toyohiko Yano and Hajime Haneda},
title = {Effect of Addition Materials on Microstructure and Electrical Properties in BaTiO3},
journal = {Proc. 18th Internat. Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics},
year = 2001,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Room and High-Temperature Mechanical and Thermal Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2001,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Damage in Aluminum Oxide and Aluminum Nitride Ceramics up to Very High Fluences},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2001,
author = {Yudi Pramono and Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure and Helium Release Behavior of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Containing B4C},
journal = {Abst. Joint Conference of the 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion and the 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma Fusion Association},
year = 2001,
author = {Dae-Chul Park and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of SiO2 Addition as a Sintering Additive on Liquid-Phase Sintering of SiC with Rere Earth Oxide, Eu2O3 and Sm2O3},
journal = {Abst. Materials Week},
year = 2001,
author = {吉田克己 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {CVI法およびホットプレス法により作製したSiC繊維強化SiC複合材料の界面強度と機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2001年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {笠原裕司 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {噴霧熱分解で得た水酸アパタイトの合成条件と粉体組成},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2001年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {菅生一朗 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {二流体ノズル式および超音波式噴霧熱分解法により合成した二酸化チタンの粉末特性と光触媒活性},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2001年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {勝又 一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {炭化ケイ素繊維強化アルミナ複合材料の作製},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2001年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 山本好郎},
title = {CVDダイヤモンドの中性子照射と熱アニールによる回復過程},
journal = {日本原子力学会2001年春の年会要旨集第I分冊},
year = 2001,
author = {T. Yano and K. Yoshida},
title = {Mechanical and Interfacial Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites},
journal = {Abst. International Conference on Complexity and Frontiers in Strength and Fracture},
year = 2001,
author = {Lee Jae-Seol and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己},
title = {Influence of Fiber Volume Fracyion on the Mechanical Properties of SiC Short-Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第14回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2001,
author = {Yudi Pramono and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三},
title = {中性子照射したB4C添加SiCからのHe放出挙動},
journal = {日本原子力学会2001年春の年会要旨集第I分冊},
year = 2001,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射によりβ-Si3N4中に形成された第二のタイプの格子欠陥構造解析},
journal = {日本原子力学会2001年春の年会要旨集第I分冊},
year = 2001,
author = {矢野豊彦 and Park Dae-Chul},
title = {SiCの液相焼結におよぼすSiO2添加の影響},
journal = {第46回材料強度と破壊総合シンポジウム論文集},
year = 2001,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 橋本和明},
title = {YBa2Cu4O8超伝導体中のCu-O鎖に関連した欠陥構造のHREM},
journal = {日本電子顕微鏡学会第56回学術講演会発表要旨集},
year = 2000,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Room and Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite Fabricated by CVI and PIP Methods},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 2000,
author = {末松久幸 and 矢野豊彦 and 八井浄},
title = {中性子照射によるAlNとMgO・3Al2O3の高硬度化},
journal = {学振153委員会第47回研究会資料},
year = 2000,
author = {Dae-Chul Park and Toyohiko Yano and Takayoshi Iseki and Kazuyori Urabe},
title = {Effect of Nitrate Salts as Sintering Additives during Ball-Milling Process on Silicon Nitride Powders},
journal = {J. Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 2000,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron- and Electron-Irradiation Effects on the Microstructure of YBa2Cu4O8 Observed by HREM},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 2000,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Kohki Ichikawa and Masafumi Akiyoshi and Yoshiaki Tachi},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Damage in Aluminum Oxide and Nitride Ceramics up to a Fluence of 4.2x1026 n/m2},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 2000,
author = {Kiyoshi Okada and Takahiro Tomita and Yoshikazu Kameshima and Atsuo Yasumori and Toyohiko Yano and Kenneth J. D. MacKenzie},
title = {Effect of Preparation Conditions on the Porous Properties of Coprecipitated Al2O3-SiO2 Xerogels Synthesized from Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate and Tetraethylorthosilicate},
journal = {Microporous and Mesoporous Materials},
year = 2000,
author = {Hiroyuki Miyazaki and Takayoshi Iseki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Modified Constitutive Equation of Superplasticity Including Grain Growth},
journal = {Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 秋吉優史 and 井関孝善 and M. L. Jenkins},
title = {β型窒化ケイ素中に見いだされる結晶構造欠陥の高分解能電子顕微鏡による解析},
journal = {高温材料基礎討論会講演要旨集},
year = 2000,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Room and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite Fabricated by CVI and PIP Methods},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2000,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Single Crystal and Polycrystals},
journal = {Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology},
year = 2000,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Room and High-Temperature Mechanical and Thermal Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite Sintered under Pressure},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善 and 宮崎広行},
title = {Si-C-O系繊維のアロイングによる微細構造制御と機械的特性},
journal = {平成11年度文部省科学研究費補助金特定領域研究(A)(1)成果報告会資料},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {異なる焼結助剤を用いたSi-C-O繊維強化SiC複合材の微細構造},
journal = {カーボンアロイニュース},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {長繊維強化SiC複合材の室温および高温における機械的性質と微構造},
journal = {第45回材料強度と破壊総合シンポジウム論文集},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックスの中性子重照射効果とその回復過程},
journal = {原子炉複合環境用材料の新展開、原子力用材料研究交流委員会},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {各種セラミックスの高温比較照射試験},
journal = {東北大学金属材料研究所附属材料試験炉利用施設平成11年度共同利用研究経過報告書},
year = 2000,
author = {末松久幸 and 矢野豊彦 and 八井浄},
title = {中性子照射によるAlNと MgO・3Al2O3 の高硬度化},
journal = {学振153委員会第47回研究会資料},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Yano and M. Akiyoshi and K. Ichikawa and Y. Tachi},
title = {Physical Property Change of Heavily-Neutron-Irradiated Si3N4 and SiC by Annealing},
journal = {Abst. 102nd Annual Meeting, American Ceramic Society},
year = 2000,
author = {D.-C. Park and T. Iseki and T. Yano},
title = {Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Liquid Phase Sintered Silicon Carbide},
journal = {Abst. 102nd Annual Meeting, American Ceramic Society},
year = 2000,
author = {箱守 明 and 宮崎広行 and 安田公一 and 松尾陽太郎 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {マグネシア添加炭化ケイ素焼結体の微構造と物性},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2000年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 多々見純一 and 米屋勝利 and 目黒竹司},
title = {チタニア添加窒化ケイ素の微構造観},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2000年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {勝又 一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {炭化ケイ素/窒化ホウ素複合材料の機械的特性},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会2000年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and D. -C. Park and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron-Induced Structural Defects in beta-Si3N4 Observed by HREM},
journal = {Proc. of the 4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
year = 2000,
author = {坂井悦郎 and 中村明則 and 矢野豊彦 and 城安市 and 大門正機},
title = {エーライトの水和に及ぼすリン酸-水素カリウムあるいは二水セッコウの影響},
journal = {日本化学会誌},
year = 2000,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and A. Toshimitsu Yokobori and Jr.},
title = {Transmission Electron Microscope Observation of Creep-Deformed Al2O3, SiC and Si3N4 Ceramics},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2000,
author = {Hiroyuki Miyazaki and Ken Kubobuchi and Kaori Yamaguchi and Takayoshi Iseki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Tensile deformation of both ZrO2/TiC composite and Al2O3/TiC composite at High Temperature},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2000,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {長繊維強化SiC複合材の室温および高温における機械的性質と微構造},
journal = {材料強度と破壊総合シンポジウム論文集},
year = 2000,
author = {吉田克己 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {SiC/SiC複合材料の界面強度と破壊挙動},
journal = {第3回核融合エネルギー連合講演会予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {福田訓大 and 宮崎広行 and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {結晶質および非晶質二酸化ケイ素の中性子照射損傷とその回復過程},
journal = {第3回核融合エネルギー連合講演会予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 橋本和明},
title = {YBa2Cu4O8超伝導体のCu-O鎖に関連した欠陥構造のHREM観察},
journal = {日本電子顕微鏡学会第56回学術講演会発表要旨集},
year = 2000,
author = {吉田克己 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ホットプレス法により作製した粗大粒子添加SiC繊維強化SiC複合材料の室温での熱的・機械的性質},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第13回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {大出 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {液相焼結炭化ケイ素の微構造および機械的性質に及ぼすSiO2添加の影響},
journal = {日本セラミックス協会第13回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {T. Yano and Y. Yamamoto and K. Imai},
title = {TEM Investigation and Fracture Behavior of SiC/SiC Composites Fabricated by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {H. Miyazaki and S. Shimizu and T. Iseki and K. Yasuda and T. Yano and M. Mitomo},
title = {Grain Boundary Geometry of Superplastic Silicon Carbide Ceramics},
journal = {Materials Science Forum},
year = 1999,
author = {K. Yoshida and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot-Pressed Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {T. Yano and M. Imai and T. Kaida and K. Hashimoto and Y. Toda},
title = {Preparation and Sintering of SiC Particulate Dispersed Al2O3 Fine Powders by Spray Pyrolysis Method},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {Kazuhiro Nonaka and Kazuyuki Kawai and Toyohiko Yano and Kiyoshi Okada and Nozomu Otsuka},
title = {Characterization of Zirconia-Toughened Alumina Composite Powder Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis Technique},
journal = {Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. of Jpn.},
year = 1999,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effects of Neutron Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Single Crystals and Polycrystals},
journal = {J. Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 1999,
author = {H. Miyazaki and T. Naganuma and T. Iseki and K. Yasuda and T. Yano},
title = {Effect of Heat-Treatment Atmosphere on Transfer of Alumina Additives in Silicon Carbide},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {H. Miyazaki and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Measurement of Strength of Ceramics Materials Using a Miniaturized Bending Method},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {Dae-Chul Park and Toyohiko Yano and Takayoshi Iseki},
title = {Electron Beam Irradiation Behaviors of the Surface of Silicon Nitride and Silicon Carbide Powders},
journal = {Proc. of the 16th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics},
year = 1999,
author = {D.-C. Park and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Effect of the Interaction between Matrix and Nitrate Additives on the Sintering of Silicon Carbide},
journal = {Korean J. Ceramics},
year = 1999,
author = {A. T. Yokobori and Jr. and T. Yano and Y. Okamoto},
title = {Creep Deformation Mechanism for Ceramics Based on Microstructural Observation},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {D.-C. Park and J.-Y. Kim and T. Iseki and T. Yano},
title = {The Influence of Nitrate Salts as Sintering Additives on Mechanical Strength in Silicon Nitride},
journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 1999,
author = {宮崎広行 and 墨泰志 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {微小試験片による炭化ケイ素標準試験片の強度推定},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and K. Yoshida},
title = {Manufacturing of SiC/SiC Composite by Hot-Pressing for Fusion Applications},
journal = {Proc. 3rd Korea-Japan Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Akatsu and M. Ohshima and Y. Tanabe and E. Yasuda and S. Yamada and T. Yano},
title = {Work-of-Fracture of SiC Whisker Reinforced Al2O3 Composites at Elevated Temperature},
journal = {Sci. Engineer. Composite Mater.},
year = 1998,
author = {石川 真 and 小浦延幸 and 宮崎広行 and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {不活性ガス融解・黒鉛添加ペレット法による粉末バナジウム中の窒素定量},
journal = {日本金属学会誌},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Akatsu and M. Ohshima and Y. Tanabe and E. Yasuda and S. Yamada and T. Yano},
title = {Work-of-Fracture of SiC Whisker Reinforced Al2O3 Composites at Elevated Temperature},
journal = {Sci. Engineer. Composite Mater.},
year = 1998,
author = {石川 真 and 小浦延幸 and 宮崎広行 and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {不活性ガス融解・黒鉛添加ペレット法による粉末バナジウム中の窒素定量},
journal = {日本金属学会誌},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and Budiyanto and K. Yoshida and T. Iseki},
title = {Fabrication of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {Fusion Engineering and Design},
year = 1998,
author = {宮崎広行 and 墨泰志 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {微小試験片による炭化ケイ素標準試験片の強度推定},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and A. Insani and H. Sawada and T. Iseki},
title = {Neutron-Induced Damage in Near-Stoichiometric Spinel Ceramics Irradiated below 200℃ and its Recovery due to Annealing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and T. Uchida and M. Imai},
title = {Preparation of SiC Particle Dispersed Alumina Powders by Spray Pyrolysis Method using Ultrasonic Atomizer},
journal = {J. Mater. Sci. Letter},
year = 1998,
author = {K. Yoshida and Budiyanto and M. Imai and T. Yano},
title = {Processing and Microstructure of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Hot-Pressing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and A. Insani and H. Sawada and T. Iseki},
title = {Neutron-Induced Damage in Near-Stoichiometric Spinel Ceramics Irradiated below 200oC and its Recovery due to Annealing},
journal = {J. Nucl. Mater.},
year = 1998,
author = {矢野豊彦 and Jae-Yuk Kim and 宇野栄高 and 宮崎広行 and 井関孝善},
title = {硝酸塩系焼結助剤添加Si3N4/SiC複合材の焼結性及び機械的性質に及ぼす焼結法の影響},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1998,
author = {T. Yano and H. Miyazaki and M. Akiyoshi and T. Iseki},
title = {X-ray Diffractometry and High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Neutron-Irradiated SiC up to a fluence of 1.9×1027n/m2},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials.},
year = 1998,
author = {坂井悦郎 and 中村明則 and 二戸信和 and 大場陽子 and 矢野豊彦 and 大門正機},
title = {塩素を含有したカルシウムケイ酸塩の水和},
journal = {日本化学会誌},
year = 1997,
author = {T. Yano and K. Yoshida and Budiyanto},
title = {Fabrication of SiC/SiCf Composites by Hot-Pressing and Their Mechanical Properties at Room and Elevated Temperature},
journal = {Proc. 2nd IEA/Jupiter International Workshop on SiC/SiC Ceramic Composites for Fusion Applications},
year = 1997,
author = {J.-Y. Kim and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {硝酸塩を焼結助剤としたSi3N4及びSi3N4/SiC複合材の常圧焼結},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1997,
author = {A. T. Yokobori and Jr. and T. Yano and T. E. Mitchell},
title = {Micromechanism of Time Dependent Deformation and Fracture of Silicon Carbide at High Temperature Condition},
journal = {Materials Sci. Forum},
year = 1997,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 橋本和明},
title = {透過型電子顕微鏡による無機粉体の微構造観察(2)},
journal = {色材協会誌},
year = 1997,
author = {T. Yano and H. Uno and Jae-Yuk Kim and K. Yoshida and T. Iseki},
title = {Fabrication and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Composites with Nitrate as Sintering Additives},
journal = {Proc. Int. Symp. on Ceramic Materials and Compornents for Engines},
year = 1997,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 秋吉優史},
title = {透過型電子顕微鏡による無機粉体の微構造観察(1)},
journal = {色材協会誌},
year = 1997,
author = {K. Hashimoto and M. Akiyoshi and A. Wisniewski and M. L. Jenkins and Y. Toda and T. Yano},
title = {A High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Study of Structural Defects in YBa2Cu4O8 Superconductor},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1996,
author = {Jae-Yuk Kim and T. Iseki and T. Yano},
title = {Pressureless Sintering of Dense Si3N4 and Si3N4/SiC Composites with Nitrate Additives},
journal = {J. Am. Ceramic Soc.},
year = 1996,
author = {K. Hashimoto and M. Akiyoshi and A. Wisniewski and M. L. Jenkins and Y. Toda and T. Yano},
title = {A High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Study of Structural Defects in YB2Cu4O8 Superconductor},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1996,
author = {T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Ceramic Components for Fusion Reactor and Their Neutron Irradiation Damage},
journal = {Proc. 2nd Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
year = 1996,
author = {M. Akiyoshi and K. Hashimoto and T. Yano},
title = {Neutron-Irradiation Damage in YBa2Cu4O8 Superconductor Observed by HREM},
journal = {Proc. 2nd Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Reactors},
year = 1996,
author = {H. Suematsu and H. Yamauchi and T. Yano and H.Li and Y. Tanaka},
title = {Microstructure ofAg-sheathed (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox Tape},
journal = {Mater. Sci. Engineer. B},
year = 1996,
author = {T. Yano and M. Suzuki and H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki},
title = {Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Passive Oxidation of Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Nudear Materials.},
year = 1996,
author = {X. Tong and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Sintering Behavior of TiC Reinforced SiC Composites Doped with Ti and C},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1996,
author = {T. Yano and H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki},
title = {Effect of Isochronal Annealing on Thermal Diffusivity of Neutron-Irradiated AlN},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1996,
author = {T. Yano and H. Sawada and A. Insani and H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki},
title = {Recovery of Neutron-Induced Defects in Near-Stoichiometric Spinel Ceramics Irradiated at around 500℃},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research},
year = 1996,
author = {X. Tong and T. Okano and T. Iseki and T. Yano},
title = {Synthesis and High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ti3 SiC2/SiC Composite},
journal = {J.Material Science},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Suzuki and T. Yano and T. Mori and H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Damage of Silicon Carbide},
journal = {Fusion Technology},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Yano and M. Ikari and T. Iseki and E. Farnum and F. Clinard and Jr. and T. E. Mitchell},
title = {Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Knoop Microhardness Anisotropy in MgO・3Al2O3 Single Crystal},
journal = {J. Am. Ceram. Soc.},
year = 1995,
author = {T. Yano and M. Pekara and A. Q. He and M. L. Jenkins},
title = {Microstractural Observations on Neutron-Irradiated YBa2Cu4O8 Superconductor},
journal = {Physica C},
year = 1995,
author = {宮崎広行 and 金 昌三 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {微小試験片によるセラミックスの強度評価},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1995,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックスの構造特性とその中性子照射効果},
journal = {まてりあ},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Okano and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Ti3SiC2 Ceramics},
journal = {Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn,},
year = 1994,
author = {H. Miyazaki and M. Suzuki and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Effects of Particle Size on the Oxidation of Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide in Flowing Air},
journal = {Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1994,
author = {T. Iseki and M. Tezuka and C.-S. Kim and T. Suzuki and H. Suematsu and T. Yano},
title = {Hardening by Point Defects in Neutron Irradiated AlN and SiC},
journal = {J. Nuclear Sci. Tech.},
year = 1993,
author = {H. Hirai and K. Kondo and T. Yano},
title = {Consolidation Mechanism of Nano crystalline Si3N4 Ceramics and Transition Mechanism of α-to β-phase under Shock-Compaction},
journal = {Rept. Res. Lab. Engineering Materials. Tokyo Inst. Tech.},
year = 1993,
author = {K. Okada and A. Kuriki and S. Hayashi and T. Yano and N. Otsuka},
title = {Mechanochemical Effects for Some Al2O3 Powders by Attrition Milling},
journal = {J. Material Science Letter},
year = 1993,
author = {安田公一 and 水流靖彦 and 松尾陽太郎 and 木村脩七 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {MgO焼結体の破壊靭性に及ぼす粒径及び第2相の影響(第3報)CoO添加系},
journal = {J. Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 1993,
author = {H. Suematsu and J. J. Petrovic and T. E. Mitchell and T. Yano},
title = {Inter facial Structure of Si3N4 Brazed with a Ag-Cu-Ti Alloy},
journal = {Ceramic Transactions},
year = 1993,
author = {T. Yano and K. Urabe and H. Ikawa and T. Teraushi and N. Ishizawa and S. Udagawa},
title = {Structure of α-Dicalcium Silicate Hydrate},
journal = {Acta Crystallographica},
year = 1993,
author = {T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Swelling and Microstructure of AlN Irradiated in a Fast Reactor},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1993,
author = {S. Hayashi and K. Okada and N. Otsuka and T. Yano},
title = {Preparation and Characterization of Diopside Powder by Several Methods from Solution},
journal = {J. Material Sci. Letter},
year = 1993,
author = {加藤 賢 and 矢野豊彦 and 井関孝善},
title = {焼結助剤の異なるSiC焼結体とAg-Cu-Ti合金との接合界面構造},
journal = {J. Ceramis Soc. Japan},
year = 1993,
author = {T. Yano and S. Kato and T. Iseki},
title = {High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of SiC/Al4C3 Interface},
journal = {J. Am. Ceramic. Society},
year = 1992,
author = {金 昌三 and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦 and 手塚光晴},
title = {中性子照射AlNの機械的性質},
journal = {日本原子力学会誌},
year = 1992,
author = {H. Suematsu and T.Iseki and T. Yano and Y. Saito and T. Suzuki and T. Mori},
title = {Point Defect Hardening in MgO・ 3Al2O3},
journal = {J. Amer. Ceramic Society},
year = 1992,
author = {H. Miyazaki and T. Suzuki and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Effects of thermal Annealing on Macroscopic Dimension and Lattice Parameter of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Nuclear Science and Technol.},
year = 1992,
author = {T. Yano and M. Tezuka and H. Miyazaki and T. Iseki},
title = {Macroscopic Length, Latlice Parameter and Microstructural Changes in Neutron-Irradiated Alminum Nitride due to Annealing},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1992,
author = {T. Iseki and T. Yano and H. Miyazaki},
title = {X-ray Line Broadening in Neutron Irradiated Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1992,
author = {B.-W. Lin and T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {High-Temperature Toughening Behavior of SiC/TiC Composites},
journal = {J. Ceramis Society of Japan},
year = 1992,
author = {T. Yano and S. Kato and H. Suematsu and T. Iseki},
title = {Structural Investigation of SiC/Al4C3 and SiC/TiC interfaces Formed in the Brazing of SiC},
journal = {Mater, Res. Soc. Proc.},
year = 1991,
author = {K. Nonaka and S. Hayashi and T. Yano and K. Okada},
title = {Synthesis of SrTiO3 and BaTiO3 Powders by Spray Pyrolysis},
journal = {Ceramic Transactions, Amer. Ceramis Society},
year = 1991,
author = {T. Yano and T. Maruyama and T. Iseki},
title = {Characterization of Macroscopic Properties and Crystalline Detects in Newtron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide},
journal = {The Science Reports of the Research Institute, Tohoku University},
year = 1991,
author = {K. Nonaka and S. Hayashi and T. Yano and K. Okada and N. Otsuka},
title = {Charactenzation and control of Phase Segregation in the Fine Particles of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 Synthesizd by the Spray Pyrolysis Method.},
journal = {J. Mater. Res.},
year = 1991,
author = {T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Neutron Irradiated Aluminum Nitride},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1991,
author = {T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Neutron-Irradiation-Indnced Dislocations in SiC},
journal = {Phil, Mag. A},
year = 1990,
author = {T. Yano and T. Iseki},
title = {A HREM Study on Neutron-Irradiation-Indnced Dislocations in Aluminum Nitride},
journal = {Phil. Mag. Lett.},
year = 1990,
author = {T. Yano and K. Sasaki and T. Maruyama and T. Iseki and M. Ito and S. Onose},
title = {A Step-Heating Dilatometry Method to Measure the Change in Length due to Annealing of a SiC Temperature Monitor},
journal = {Nuclear Technology},
year = 1990,
author = {Y. Fukushima and T. Yano and T. Maruyama and T. Iseki},
title = {Swelling, Thermal Diffusivity and Microstructural Investigation of Neutron-Irradiated Single Crystal of Non-Stoichiometric Spinel},
journal = {J. Nuclear Materials},
year = 1990,
author = {T. Suzuki and T. Yano and T. Iseki and T. Mori},
title = {Effects of External Stress on Defect Annihilation and Bubble Selling by Annealing in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide},
journal = {J. Am. Ceramis Soc.},
year = 1990,
author = {J.-Y. Kim and 井関孝善 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {硝酸塩を焼結助剤としたSi3N4およびSi3N4/10-30mass%SiC複合材の常圧焼結とその機械的性質},
journal = {J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.},
year = 1977,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Ryoshuke S. S. Maki and Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano and Shota Azuma and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Neutron-Irradiation Effects on Highly Microstructure-Controlled Boron Carbide Based Ceramic Neutron Absorbers},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,
author = {牧 涼介 and Muhammad Fajar and Maletaskic Jelena and Gubarevich Anna and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 鈴木達 and 打越哲郎},
title = {スリップキャスティング法による高次構造制御B4Cセラミック制御材の創製及び熱的特性評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2020,
author = {牧 涼介 and Muhammad Fajar and Maletaskic Jelena and Gubarevich Anna and 片渕竜也 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 鈴木達 and 打越哲郎},
title = {高速炉の安全性向上のための高次構造制御セラミック制御材の開発 (1) B4C基セラミック制御材の中性子及びヘリウム照射実験},
booktitle = {},
year = 2020,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Katsumi Yoshida and Tohru Suzuki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Particle Orientation Effect on Lattice Parameter Change by Neutron Irradiation and Recovery Behavior of Aluminum Nitride},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Kenji Miyashita and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Corrosion behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics in HCl and HNO3 solution},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {High thermal shock resistance B4C/CNT composite fabricated by hot-pressing method},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {M. FAJAR and A. GUBAREVICH and Tohru SUZUKI and Toyohiko YANO and Katsumi YOSHIDA},
title = {Processing and Properties of Textured Boron Carbide Ceramic with Alumina Additive},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Mayuko Kasakura and Ryo Shirata and Takashi Ajito Takashi and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani},
title = {Mechanical Properties of SiCf/SiC Composites with BN Interphase Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Ryosuke S.S. Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and Tatsuya Katabuchi and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Release Behavior of Helium Gas in the He-Implanted Highly Microstructure-Controlled B4C-based Ceramic Neutron Absorber},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and Tohru S. Suzuki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Anna Gubarevich},
title = {Study of Al2O3 addition effect on densification of B4C textured using rotating strong magnetic field by slip-casting},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Katsumi Yoshida and Tohru S. Suzuki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Particle Orientation on Lattice Parameter and Recovery Changes in Aluminum Nitride},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {牧 涼介 and Muhammad Fajar and Maletaskic Jelena and Gubarevich Anna and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 鈴木 達 and 打越 哲郎},
title = {熱衝撃試験によるB4C基セラミック制御材の残存強度評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {牧 涼介 and Fajar Muhammad and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and 片渕 竜也 and 矢野 豊彦 and 吉田 克己 and 鈴木 達 and 打越 哲郎},
title = {高速炉の安全性向上のための高次構造制御セラミック制御材の開発 (2) カーボンナノチューブ添加B4C基セラミック制御材の創製及びヘリウム照射試験},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 羽山直輝 and 澤開 貴也 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {溶融含浸法による一方向SiC繊維強化複合材料の引張試験片の作製},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and Tohru S. Suzuki and Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Investigation of crystallographic orientation of boron carbide fabricated in high magnetic field for improvement of fast breeder reactor},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki},
title = {Lattice Parameter Change of Highly Oriented Aluminum Nitride by Neutron Irradiation},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Oxidation behavior of HfSi2 with boron addition},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Kenji Miyashita and Ryuki Tahara and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and plasma corrosion behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Fabrication of SiC/silicides composites by melt infiltration method},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {Ryuki Tahara and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Volume resistivity of dense yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics fabricated by hot-pressing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Riku Akatsu and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Densification behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics and their mechanical properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Kenji Miyashita and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Plasma exposure behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Radiation-induced lattice parameter and length changes in aluminum nitride and thermal-annealed recovery reaction},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {グバレビッチ アンナ and 吉田 克己 and 牧 涼介 and 矢野豊彦 and 東 翔太 and 鈴木 達 and 打越哲郎},
title = {高次構造制御炭化ホウ素系セラミックスの特性評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {鈴木 達 and 東 翔太 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {磁場を用いたB4C制御材の微構造制御},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Muhammad Fajar and Toyohiko Yano and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Tohru S. Suzuki},
title = {Densification behavior and mechanical properties of textured B4C ceramics fabricated by slip casting under rotating magnetic field},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Tohru S. Suzuki and Shota Azuma and Katsumi Yoshida and Pornphatdetaudom Thanataon and Muhammad Fajar and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Control of crystallographic orientation in ceramics by a strong magnetic field},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Ryosuke S. S. Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaskic and Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Fabrication of dense B4C/CNT ceramics with high thermal shock resistance},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Pornphatdetaudom Thanataon and Yoshida Katsumi and Suzuki Tohru S. and Yano Toyohiko},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Induced Lattice Parameter Changes of Highly Oriented Aluminum Nitride},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {吉田克己 and 味戸貴志 and 白田 稜 and グバレビッチ アンナ and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷 政規},
title = {電気泳動堆積法によるSiC繊維表面への炭素及び窒化ホウ素層被覆プロセスの開発},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {牧 涼介 and Muhammad Fajar and Maletaskic Jelena and Gubarevich Anna and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 鈴木 達 and 打越哲郎},
title = {CNT添加量がB4C/CNT複合セラミックスの熱的・機械的特性及び耐熱衝撃性に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {B4C添加HfSi2の水蒸気酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Muhammad Fajar and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Texture-Controlled B4C Ceramics with Al2O3 Additives by Strong Magnetic Field},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akimoto and Tetsu Kikuhara and Takashi Ajito and Ryo Shirata and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Mechanical Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites with Carbon Interphase Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition Method},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Application of Non-oxides Ceramics for Nuclear Energy Components and their Neutron Irradiation Effects},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Chin-Chet See and Makoto Takahashi and Anna Gubarevich and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Aluminum, Boron and Carbon Additives on Microstructure of Porous SiliconCarbide Ceramics and Their Properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {High temperature bending behavior of Si and SiC/Si composites},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {S.S. Ryosuke Maki and Muhammad Fajar and Jelena Maletaškić and Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Fablication of dense B4C/CNT composites and their thermal shock resistance},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Jelena Maletaškić and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Jelena Luković and Jelena Zagorac and Branko Matović},
title = {High-Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Boron Suboxide (B6O) and boron containing hard materials},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {牧涼介 and Muhammad Fajar and Maletaskic Jelena and Gubarevich Anna and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 鈴木達 and 打越哲郎},
title = {カーボンナノチューブ添加B4C基セラミックスの耐熱衝撃性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 渡辺 健太 and 羽山 直輝 and 青木卓哉 and 笠原 新太 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {溶融含浸法によるシリサイドマトリックスの形成},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Control of secondary phases formation in combustion synthesis of nanolaminated ternary carbides},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {High temperature bending behavior of SiC/Si binary eutectic alloys},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {S.S. Ryosuke Maki and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO and S. Tohru Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Thermal and Mechanical Properties of B4C/CNT Composites and their Thermal Shock Resistance},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Riku Akatsu and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Sintering behavior of yttrium oxyfluoride (Y5O4F7) ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Microstructure and Physical Property Changes of Neutron Irradiated Aluminum Nitride and Those Recovery Behavior by Annealing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Ryuki Tahara and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of dense yttrium oxyfluoride ceramics by hot-pressing and their electrical properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Formation of Carbon Interphase on Polycrystalline and Amorphous SiC Fibers in SiC/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Gubarevich Anna and 吉田 克己 and 矢野 豊彦},
title = {炭化ケイ素関連セラミックスの中性⼦照射損傷},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Major Effects of Neutron Irradiation on AlN Macroscopic Properties Changes and Recovery Behavior under Isochronal Annealing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {SiC繊維強化Si-TiSi2共晶合金マトリックス複合材料の高温曲げ挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {白田稜 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法により形成したBN界面層の粒子サイズがSiCf/SiC複合材料の機械的特性に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {青木卓哉 and 津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {溶融含浸法によるSiC繊維強化複合材料の試作と評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {牧涼介 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {高周波誘導加熱装置を用いたB4C基セラミックスの耐熱衝撃特性評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {SiC繊維強化Siマトリックス材料の高温曲げ挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki and Tetsuo Uchikoshi},
title = {Densification of textured B4C ceramic with Al2O3 additive fabricated by slip casting in high magnetic field},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Yan You and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Study of helium bubbles in fast neutron irradiated B4C},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Wet Oxidation Behavior of Titanium Aluminum Carbide},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Macroscopic Length Recovery of Neutron-Irradiated Aluminum Nitride at a Fluence up to 4.4 x 1023 n/m2 at 573 K},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Shuhei Toike and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tadahiko Takada},
title = {Fabrication of Porous Ceramics using Natural Minerals for Radioactive Contaminated Water Purification},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Jelena Maletaskic and Branko Matovic and Vesna Maksimovic and Marija Prekasjki-Djordjevic and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Sintering behavior and mechanical properties of sintered CaTiSiO5 (sphene)},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Makoto Takahashi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Boron and Aluminum Additives on Microstructure of Porous SiC Ceramics with In-Situ Grain Growth},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Muhammad Fajar and Toyohiko Yano and Tetsuo Uchikoshi and Tohru S. Suzuki},
title = {Fabrication of Textured B4C Ceramics by Slip Casting in a Strong Magnetic Field and Their Mechanical and Thermal Properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Ryo Shirata and Takashi Ajito and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Mechanical Properties of SiCf/SiC Composites with Carbon and Boron Nitride Interfacial Coatings Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition Method},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {多原竜輝 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {ホットプレス法によるオキシフッ化イットリウム緻密体の作製とその特性評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {白田 稜 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {分散剤の異なるBN懸濁液を用いた電気泳動堆積法によるSiC繊維へのBNコーティング},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and S. Tohru Suzuki and Katsumi Yoshida and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Fabrication of Textured Boron Carbide Ceramics with Alumina Addition using Slip Casting by Strong Magnetic Field for Neutron Absorber of Fast Breeder Reactor},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {味戸貴志 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法により形成した炭素界面層を有する非晶質SiC繊維強化SiC基複合材料の作製とその機械的性質},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Transition on Macroscopic Length, Lattice Parameter, Microstructure of Aluminum Nitride after Iradiation and its Recovery Behavior},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {炭化ケイ素粒子強化ケイ素基複合材料の高温曲げ挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2017,
author = {津之浦徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {SiC繊維強化Si-TiSi2共晶マトリックス複合材料及びモノリシックTiSi2の湿潤空気中での酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Fluorine Plasma Irradiation Behavior of YOF Ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Muhammad Fajar and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Tohru S. Suzuki},
title = {Effect of Alumina as Sintering Additives on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Textured Boron Carbide Ceramics by Strong Magnetic Field},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Yan You and Toshihiko Inoue and Manabu Sekine and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Orientation of Helium Bubbles in Neutron Irradiated B4C},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Mohd Idzat Idris and Saishun Yamazaki and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery Behavior of SiCf/SiC Composites By Post-Irradiation Annealing up to of 1673 K},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Branko Matović and Marija Prekajski Djordjević and Jelena Maletaškić and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Preparation and Properties of Hydroxyapatite Nanospheres for Immobilization of Sr Isotopes},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Jelena Maletaškić and Branko Matović and Marija Prekajski Djordjević and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Phase Evolution, Sintering Behavior and Mechanical Properties of CaO-TiO2-SiO2 (Sphene) Based Ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Thanataon Pornphatdetaudom and Saishun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Macroscopic Length, Lattice Parameter, Microstructure and Recovery Behavior of Aluminum Nitride},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {佐藤勇 and 小原徹 and 矢野豊彦 and 竹下健二 and 加藤之貴 and 赤塚洋 and 木倉宏成 and 塚原剛彦 and 吉田克己 and 遠藤玄 and 鷹尾康一朗 and 原田雅幸 and 山崎宰春 and 岩附信行 and 鈴森康一 and 浅沼徳子 and 新井剛 and 川嶋健嗣 and 高木直行},
title = {英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業 廃止措置研究・人材育成等強化プログラムにおける人材育成活動 (2)-東京工業大学「廃止措置工学高度人材育成と基盤研究の深化」実施状況-},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2016年秋の大会予稿集},
year = 2016,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小笠原俊夫 and 青木卓哉},
title = {二元系Si合金を用いた溶融含浸法により形成した複合材料マトリックスの酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {吉田克己 and 秋元浩幸 and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷政規 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {繊維配向及び繊維含有率がEPD法により形成した炭素界面層を有するSiCf/SiC複合材料の機械的特性に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {山崎 宰春 and 小田 徹 and 矢野 豊彦 and 竹下 健二 and 加藤 之貴 and 赤塚 洋 and 木倉 宏成 and 塚原 剛彦 and 吉田 克己 and 遠藤 玄 and 鷲尾 康一郎 and 原田 雅幸 and 佐藤 勇 and 岩附 信行 and 鈴森 康一 and 浅沼 徳子 and 新井 剛 and 川嶋 健嗣 and 高木直之},
title = {廃止措置研究-人材育成等強化プログラムにおける人材育成活動},
booktitle = {日本保全学会第13回学術講演会要旨集},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toru Tsunoura and Toyohiko Yan},
title = {Sintering of YOF Ceramics and Their Properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara and Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Processing of Tyranno ZMI Fiber/TiSi2-Si Matrix Composites for High-Temperature Structural Application},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Makoto Takahashi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Boron and Aluminum Additives on In-Situ Grain Growth of Porous SiC Ceramics},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Tetsu Kikuhara and Naoki Mizuta and Takashi Ajito and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Application of Electrophoretic Deposition for Interphase Formation on Polycrystalline and Amorphous SiC Fibers in SiCf/SiC Composites},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {High Temperature Wet Oxidation Behavior of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC-Based Composites Fabricated by Melt Infiltration Using Si Binary Alloys},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Naoki Mizuta and Takashi Ajito and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Effect of Carbon and Boron Nitride Interphases Formed by Electrophoretic Deposition Process on Mechanical Properties of SiCf/SiC Composites},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Radiation damage Analysis of High purity SiC by TEM},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {杉立大和 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 高田忠彦},
title = {天然鉱物を用いた放射性核種吸着セラミック多孔体のCs及びSr吸着特性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {杉立大和 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 高田忠彦},
title = {天然鉱物を用いた放射性核種吸着セラミック多孔体の再焼成による吸着元素の固定化},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {水田直紀 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷政規 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {電気泳動堆積法により形成した窒化ホウ素界面層を有するSiCf/SiC複合材料の作製とその機械的性質},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {髙橋 誠 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {焼結助剤がその場粒成長炭化ケイ素多孔体の微構造に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小笠原俊夫 and 青木卓哉},
title = {Si-Ti合金を用いた溶融含浸法により作製したSiC長繊維強化複合材料の湿潤空気中における高温酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {YOFセラミックスのプラズマ耐性評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Yo-suke O-kubo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Wet Oxidation Behavior of Silicide and SiC-Fiber-Reinforced Composites Fabricated by Melt Infiltration Using Si-Hf and Si-Ti Alloy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Yo-suke O-kubo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Oxidation Behavior of SiC Fiber-Reinforced Composites Fabricated by Melt Infiltration Using Si-Hf and Si-Ti Alloys},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {吉田克己 and 菊原 哲 and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷政規 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {電気泳動堆積法による低導電性炭化ケイ素繊維への炭素界面層の形成},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Naoki Mizuta and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Formation of Boron Nitride Interphase on SiC Fibers for SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Method and Their Mechanical Properties},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Tetsu Kikuhara and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Carbon-Interphase Formation on Amorphous SiC Fibers in SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Process},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Yo-suke O-kubo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Dry and Wet Oxidation Behavior of SiCf/SiC-Based Composites Fabricated by Melt-Infiltration Method Using Si-Hf Alloy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Hiroshi Konishi and Mohd Idzat Idris and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Effects and recovery of Al2O3, Y2O3 and Yttrium Aluminum Garnet as Sintering Additives for SiC/SiC Composites},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Defects Annihilation Behavior of Neutron-Irradiated SiC Ceramics Densified by Liquid-Phase-Assisted Methods by Post-Irradiation Annealing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {菊原 哲 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷政規 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {電気泳動堆積法を用いた低導電性SiC繊維への界面層形成プロセス},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Yan You and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery Behavior of Fast Neutron-Irradiated B4C Pellets by Post-Irradiation Annealing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery Behavior of NITE SiC by Post-Irradiation Annealing up to 1673 K},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Toru Tsunoura and Yo-suke O-kubo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Oxidation Behavior of Monolithic HfSi2 and SiCf/SiC-Based Matrix Composite Fabricated by Melt-Infiltration Method Using Si-Hf Alloy},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {吉田克己 and 津之浦 徹 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {HfSi2の水蒸気酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {杉立大和 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己},
title = {天然鉱物を用いた放射性核種吸着セラミック多孔体の作製とセシウム吸着特性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {The Influence of Sintering Additives on Neutron-Irradiated NITE SiC of Their Recovery Behavior},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {髙橋 誠 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {アルミニウムおよびホウ素添加がその場粒成長炭化ケイ素の微構造に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 大久保陽介 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {Si-Hf合金を用いた溶融含浸法により作製した炭化ケイ素長繊維強化炭化ケイ素基複合材料の水蒸気含有雰囲気における酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toru Tsunoura and Yo-suke O-kubo and Toyohiko Yano and Takuya Aoki and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Fabrication of High Performance SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC-Based Matrix Composites by Low Temperature Melt Infiltration Method Using Si-Hf and Si-Y Alloys},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hiroyuki Akimoto and Naoki Mizuta and Toyohiko Yano and Masaki Kotani and Toshio Ogasawara},
title = {Formation of Carbon and Boron Nitride Interphases for SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Method},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Chin-Chet See and Satoshi Yokoyama and Makoto Takahashi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Development of Porous SiC Ceramics Based on In-Situ Grain Growth},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {尤 ヤン and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 孫 良},
title = {中性子照射された高速炉用B4C制御材の評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Mohd Idzat Idris and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery Behavior of High Purity SiC Polycrystals by Post-Irradiation Annealing up to 1673K after Low Temperature Neutron Irradiation},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 大久保陽介 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 青木卓哉 and 小笠原俊夫},
title = {Si-Hf合金を用いた溶融含浸法により作製した炭化ケイ素長繊維強化炭化ケイ素基複合材料の酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {津之浦 徹 and 大久保陽介 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小笠原俊夫 and 青木卓哉},
title = {ホウ素添加したHfSi2の酸化挙動},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {吉田克己 and 津之浦 徹 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {YOFセラミックスの作製と評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,
author = {Akiyoshi, M. and Takagi, I. and Yoshiie, T. and Qiu, X. and Sato, K. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Effect of Annealing on Thermal Diffusivity in Ceramics Irradiated by Electrons and Neutrons},
booktitle = {Energy Procedia},
year = 2015,
author = {Matović, B. and Buèevac, D. and Maksimović, V. and Nenadović, S. and Pantić, J. and Gautam, D. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Synthesis and characterization of hafnium carbide based ceramics},
booktitle = {Key Engineering Materials},
year = 2014,
author = {大久保 陽介 and 矢野豊彦 and 吉田克己 and 青木 卓哉 and 小笠原 俊之},
title = {416 先進溶融含浸反応法を用いて作製したSiC_f/SiC複合材料の機械的特性の評価},
booktitle = {機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集},
year = 2013,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Katsumi Yoshida and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {A Simplified Method for Synthesis of SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires},
booktitle = {Abst. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2011,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Satoshi Kajikawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Interfacial Control of Two-Dimensional SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Method and Polycarbosilane Impregnation},
booktitle = {},
year = 2011,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Tomoyuki Yamagami and Katsumi Yoshida and Masafumi Akiyoshi},
title = {Neutron-Irradiation-Induced Crystalline Defects in β-Silicon Nitride and Their Thermal Stability},
booktitle = {},
year = 2011,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Junichi Yamane and Katsumi Yoshida and Shuhei Miwa and Masahiko Ohsaka},
title = {Low temperature liquid-phase-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics as an inert matrix for confinement of minor actinides},
booktitle = {IOP Conf. Series: Mater. Sci. Engineer.},
year = 2011,
author = {Miwa, S. and Osaka, M. and Usuki, T. and TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Densification of magnesia-based inert matrix fuels using asbestos waste-derived materials as a sintering additive},
booktitle = {Progress in Nuclear Energy},
year = 2011,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Simple Approach to Fabricate SiC-SiO2 Composite Nanowires and Their Oxidation Resistance},
booktitle = {Mater. Sci. Engineering B},
year = 2010,
author = {Shuhei Miwa and Masahiko Osaka and Yokio Akutsu and Toyohiko Yano and Ken Kurosaki and Shinsuke Yamanaka and Sho Takano and Yoshihiro Yamane},
title = {Inert Matrix Fuel Concept for the Rapid Incineration of Minor Actinides Harmonious with a Fast Reactor Cycle System},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝},
title = {微構造制御された水酸アパタイト/ジルコニア複合材料の破壊挙動},
booktitle = {無機マテリアル学会第119回学術講演会要旨集},
year = 2009,
author = {Syuhei Miwa and Masahiko Osaka and T. Ukai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Densification of Inert Matrix Fuels Using Naturally-Occurring Material as a Sintering Additive},
booktitle = {Abst. MRS Fall Meeting 2009},
year = 2009,
author = {シーチンチット and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三},
title = {炭化ケイ素の粒成長に及ぼすアルミニウム系焼結助剤の添加形態の影響},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会第22回秋季シンポジウム予稿集},
year = 2009,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Change in XRD peak-shift of 3C-SiC due to Neutron Irradiation and Post-Irradiation Isochronal Annealing},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Jahyun Koo and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Prerssureless Sintering of Micron-Sized Beta-Silicon Carbide with Homogeneous Particle Size Distribution},
booktitle = {Abst. the 22nd Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2009,
author = {横田弘 and 吉田誠人 and 石橋浩之 and 山元明 and 矢野豊彦 and 北側信一},
title = {電子線連続照射に対するGd2SiO5:Ceの劣化特性},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会第22回秋季シンポジウム予稿集},
year = 2009,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Reaction Condition on Synthesis of SiC Nanowires by Simple Thermal Evaporation},
booktitle = {Abst. The 3rd International Conference on Processing Materials for Properties (PMP III)},
year = 2009,
author = {Saisyun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Comparative Experimental Study on Recovery Behavior of Point Defects in Neutron-Irradiated SiC},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Low-Cost Production and Characterization of SiC Nanowires},
booktitle = {Abst. the 22nd Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2009,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Hideki Hyuga and Hideki Kita},
title = {Sintering Behavior of Mullite Ceramics with Spinel Addition and Their Microstructural Change with Sintering Temperature},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Junichi Yamane and Katsumi Yoshida and Shuhei Miwa and Masahiko Ohsaka},
title = {Low temperature liquid-phase-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics as an inert matrix for confinement of minor actinides},
booktitle = {Abst. Actinides 2009},
year = 2009,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Satoshi Kajikawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructural Control of Two Dimensional SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composites for Improvement of Their Thermal Conductivity},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO and Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Hyuga and Naoki Kondo and Hideki Kita},
title = {Synthesis of Precursor for Fibrous Mullite Powder by Alkoxide Hydrolysis Method},
booktitle = {Abst. 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2009,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Katsumi Yoshida and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Preparation of SiC/SiO2 Composite Nanowires through Evaporation of Si Solid Reactants and Their Oxygen Resistance},
booktitle = {},
year = 2009,
author = {横田弘 and 吉田誠人 and 石橋浩之 and 矢野豊彦 and 山元明 and 吉川信一},
title = {Y2SiO5:Ce蛍光体におけるCe占有状態と発光特性},
booktitle = {第26回希土類討論会},
year = 2009,
author = {梶川智史 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法を用いたSiCf/SiC複合材料の界面制御とその機械的性質},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2009年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2009,
author = {関本祐樹 and 片山敬一 and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {粒径の大きな窒化ケイ素セラミックスの作製と熱処理による熱的性質の向上},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2009年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2009,
author = {吉田克己 and See Chin Chet and 矢野豊彦 and 日向秀樹 and 北英紀},
title = {スピネル添加ムライト多孔体の作製},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2009年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2009,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis and Characterization of SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires},
booktitle = {},
year = 2008,
author = {TOYOHIKO YANO},
title = {Nuetron Irradiation Damage of Typical Ceramics up to a Fluence of 1x1027 n/m2},
booktitle = {Abst. International Workshop on Ceramic Research for Future Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems},
year = 2008,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Satoshi Kajikawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Material Design of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite for High Thermal Conductivity},
booktitle = {Abst. 21st Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Jpn.},
year = 2008,
author = {Junichi Yamane and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Syuhei Miwa and Masahiko Osaka},
title = {Characterization of Silicon Nitride Ceramics Sintered at Lower Temperatures with CeO2, UO2 or PuO2 as a Simulant for Minor Actinides},
booktitle = {Abst. 21st Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Jpn.},
year = 2008,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis of β-SiC/SiO2 Core-Shell Nanowires by Simple Thermal Evaporation},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Inernational Conference on Science and Technology for Advancecd Ceramics},
year = 2008,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kozue Matsukawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Formation of Carbon Coating on SiC Fiber for Two Dimensional SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Inernational Conference on Science and Technology for Advancecd Ceramics},
year = 2008,
author = {澤部孝史 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {SiC点欠陥モデルの格子定数計算},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集},
year = 2008,
author = {松川梢 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法による繊維表面への炭素被覆がSiCf/SiC複合材料の機械的性質に及ぼす影響},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2008年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2008,
author = {Wasana Khongwong and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Synthesis of SiC nanowires through reaction between Si nanopowders and CH4 gas},
booktitle = {Abst. Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Jpn.,},
year = 2008,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Mitsuhiro Ando and Toyohiko Yano and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda},
title = {Sinterability of Unidirectionally Structure-Controlled Hydroxyapatite/Zirconia Composites by Hot-Pressing and Their Mechanical Properties},
booktitle = {Abst. Sintering 2008},
year = 2008,
author = {澤部孝史 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子照射によるSiCのX線回折ピークシフトとアニールによる回復},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会関東甲越支部第7回若手研究者発表討論会予稿集},
year = 2008,
author = {梶川智史 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法を用いたSiCf/SiC複合材料の作製と熱的性質},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会関東甲越支部第7回若手研究者発表討論会予稿集},
year = 2008,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Junichi Yamane and Katsumi Yoshida},
title = {Low Temperature Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics and Its Applicability as an Inert Matrix of the Transmutation of Minor Actinides},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Int. Symp. on SiAlONs and Non-Oxides},
year = 2007,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Kozue Matsukawa and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite Fabricated by Electrophoretic Deposition and Hot-Pressing},
booktitle = {Proc. 13rd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Katsumi Yoshida and Yoshiro Yamamoto},
title = {High-Temperature Neutron Irradiation Effects on CVD-Diamond, Silicon and Silicon Carbide},
booktitle = {Proc. 13rd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Masafumi Akiyoshi and Kohki Ichikawa and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Microstructure of Heavily Neutron-Irradiated SiC after Annealing up to 1500oC},
booktitle = {Proc. 13rd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Saishun Yamazaki and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Recovery of Neutron-Induced Damage of Si Analyzed by Thermal Expansion Measurement},
booktitle = {Proc. 13rd Int. Conf. Fusion Reactor Materials},
year = 2007,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and Osamu Odawara and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Surface Characteristic Change of the Silicon Carbide Ceramics during Space Exposure up to Three Years},
booktitle = {Abst. 7th Pacific Rim Conf. on Ceramic and Glass Technology},
year = 2007,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano and Osamu Odawara},
title = {Surface Oxidation of the Silicon Carbide Ceramics during Space Exposure up to Three Years},
booktitle = {Abst. Third Int. Symp. on Physical Sciences in Spaces},
year = 2007,
author = {松川梢 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {EPD法による炭化ケイ素長繊維強化型炭化ケイ素基複合材料の作製と機械的性質の評価},
booktitle = {セラミックス協会第20回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2007,
author = {有冨正憲 and 矢野豊彦 and 水尾順一 and 藤井靖彦 and 赤塚洋 and 山野直樹 and 鳥井弘之 and 関本博},
title = {東工大原子炉工学研究所のSR イニシアチブ},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会},
year = 2007,
author = {山根純一 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {不活性マトリックスへの応用を目的とした窒化ケイ素セラミックス作製と焼結条件の改善},
booktitle = {セラミックス協会第20回秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集},
year = 2007,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {TEM Observation of Neutron-Irradiated SiC after 1500oC Annealing},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems},
year = 2007,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effects of Space Exposure on Surface Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Ceramics},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems},
year = 2007,
author = {Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Neutron Irradiation Damage of Ceramic Materials for Fission and Fusion Reactor Applications},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems},
year = 2007,
author = {Junichi Yamane and Masamitsu Imai and Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Compatibility of Silicon Nitride Inert Matrix with Reprocessing Method},
booktitle = {Abst. 2nd Tokyo Tech-MIT Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems},
year = 2007,
author = {澤部孝史 and 矢野豊彦 and 秋吉優史},
title = {中性子照射したSiCの回復過程の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2007年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2007,
author = {山崎宰春 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {SiCの中性子照射損傷の回復},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2007年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2007,
author = {飛塚俊秀 and 小田原修 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {3年間までの宇宙環境暴露における炭化ケイ素セラミックスの表面性状変化},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2007年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2007,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Matsumoto and Masamitsu Imai and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication of Two Dimensional Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Electrophoretic Deposition and Hot-Pressing},
booktitle = {Abst. 3rd Internat. Symp. Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2006,
author = {Junichi Yamane and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Basic Characterization of Silicon Nitride as an Inert Matrix},
booktitle = {Abstract of Inter-COE International Symposium on Energy System},
year = 2006,
author = {Yuki Sekimoto and Thanokorn Wasanapiarnpong and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Effect of Heat-Treatment on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride Ceramics at Room and High Temperatures},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {山根純一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {超ウラン元素変換用窒化ケイ素マトリックスの作製},
booktitle = {要旨集},
year = 2006,
author = {山神知之 and 矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and 秋吉優史},
title = {β-Si3N4に導入された中性子照射欠陥の解析},
booktitle = {要旨集},
year = 2006,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 赤坂尚昭 and 舘 義昭},
title = {中性子重照射β-SiCのスエリングとその回復挙動},
booktitle = {要旨集},
year = 2006,
author = {飛塚俊秀 and 小田原修 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {宇宙環境暴露試験におけるセラミック材料の変化},
booktitle = {予稿集},
year = 2006,
author = {松川 梢 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {アルミナ繊維強化型複合材料の作製と機械的性質の評価},
booktitle = {講演予稿集},
year = 2006,
author = {関本祐樹 and 片山恵一 and Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {熱処理した窒化ケイ素の熱伝導率及び機械的性質の評価},
booktitle = {講演予稿集},
year = 2006,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Yuki Sekimoto and Maasamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Two-Step Sintering of High-Thermal Conductivity SiO2-MgO-Y2O3 added Si3N4 Ceramics},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 今井雅三 and 松本英輝 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝},
title = {長繊維強化炭化ケイ素複合材の電気泳動法による作製とその特性},
booktitle = {講演予稿集},
year = 2006,
author = {関本祐樹 and Thanokorn Wasanapiarnpong and 今井雅三 and 片山恵一 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {熱処理した窒化ケイ素の機械的強度の評価},
booktitle = {講演予稿集},
year = 2006,
author = {山根純一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {超ウラン元素固定化用窒化ケイ素マトリクスの作製と硝酸浸出特性の評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2006,
author = {Junichi Yamane and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Basic Characterization of Silicon Nitride as an Inert Matrix},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {Saisyun Yamazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yamane},
title = {Recovery of Neutron-Induced Damage of SiC by Thermal Annealing up to 1400oC},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {Takashi Sawabe and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Calculation of Electronic Structures in Ceramics Containing Point-Defects by DV-Xα Method},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Stability of Neutron-Irradiated Ceramics Obtained from As-Irradiated and After Annealing Measurements},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {Kozue Matsukawa and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fabrication and Mechnical Properties of In-Situ Monazite-Corted Alumina Fiber-Reinforced Alumina/YAG Composites},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {Thanokorn Wasanapiarnpong and Shigekazu Wada and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Thermal Conductivity Improvement by Heat-Treatment in Si3N4 Ceramics using SiO2-MgO-Y2O3 Additive System},
booktitle = {Abstract},
year = 2006,
author = {飛塚俊秀 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 小田原修},
title = {SM/SEED材料暴露試験による炭化ケイ素セラミックスの表面性状変化},
booktitle = {日本マイクログラビティ応用学会第22回学術講演会講演論文集},
year = 2006,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Pornapa Sujaridworakan and Shigetaka Wada and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Low Temeprature Sintered Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Biocompatible Materials},
booktitle = {Proc. Asian Bioceramics Symposium 2006},
year = 2006,
author = {Saishun Yamazaki and Kousuke Yamaya and Masamtsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Analysis of Recovery Process of Neutron-Irradiation-Induced defects in SiC by Isothermal Annealing up to 1400oC},
booktitle = {Abst. 12th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Mater.},
year = 2005,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Kunio Fukuda and Masamitsu Imai and Hiroyuki Miyazaki},
title = {Physical Property Changes of Crystalline and Non-Crystalline SiO2 due to Neutron Irradiation and Subsequent Annealing},
booktitle = {Abst. 12th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Mater.},
year = 2005,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano and Osamu Odawara},
title = {Change of the Surface Properties during the ISS SM/SEED Materials Exposure Test},
booktitle = {2005 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会第21回学術講演会要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {Thanakorn Wasanapiarnpong and Yuki Sekimoto and Masamitsu Imai and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Low Temperature Pressureless Sintering of Si3N4 Ceramics added with SiO2-MgO-Y2O3},
booktitle = {Abst. 18th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Jpn.},
year = 2005,
author = {松本英輝 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動法を利用した炭化ケイ素長繊維強化炭化ケイ素複合材の作製と機械的性質},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会第18回秋季シンポジウム講演要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Eiji Miyazaki and Masamitsu Imai and Osamu Odawara and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Property Evaluation of Ceramic Specimens Exposed in a Space Environment for One Year},
booktitle = {Abst. 6th Japan/China Workshop on Microgravity Sciences},
year = 2005,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Hideki Matsumoto and Katsumi Yoshida and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda},
title = {Carbon Coating by Electriphoretic Deposition and Fabrication of Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composites by Hot-Pressing},
booktitle = {Abst. 3rd Internat. Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2005,
author = {Toshihide Tobitsuka and Masamitsu Imai and Osamu Odawara and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Property Change of Non-Oxide Ceramics Exposed in a Space Environment},
booktitle = {Abst. 3rd Internat. Workshop for Advanced Ceramics},
year = 2005,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子の重照射によりセラミックス中に形成される転位ループの高分解能電子顕微鏡観察とその局所構造},
booktitle = {日本顕微鏡学会第61回学術講演会講演要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {秋吉優史 and 矢野豊彦 and 赤坂尚昭 and 舘 義昭},
title = {中性子照射時におけるセラミックスの熱拡散率},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2005年秋の大会予稿集第2分冊},
year = 2005,
author = {村山雄哉 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {放射性セシウム固定化用高密度ポリューサイトセラミックスの作製},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2005年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {山崎宰春 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {SiCの中性子照射損傷とその回復挙動},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2005年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {秋吉優史 and 高木郁二 and 矢野豊彦 and 赤坂尚昭 and 舘義昭},
title = {中性子照射したセラミックスのアニールによる熱拡散率とスエリングの回復挙動の相関},
booktitle = {日本原子力学会2005年春の年会要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {新原盛弘 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {噴霧熱分解法によるチタン酸バリウム粉末の生成過程の検討},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2005年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2005,
author = {向井秀樹 and 今井雅三 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {反応焼結法による繊維強化複合材料の開発},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2005年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2005,
author = {松本英輝 and 吉田克己 and 橋本和明 and 戸田善朝 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {電気泳動堆積法による炭化ケイ素繊維の炭素被覆と炭化ケイ素/炭化ケイ素複合材料の作製},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2005年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2005,
author = {山根純一 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦},
title = {アメリシウム固定化用窒化ケイ素セラミックスの作製},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2005年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2005,
author = {飛塚俊秀 and 今井雅三 and 矢野豊彦 and 小田原修},
title = {宇宙環境暴露によるセラミックス試料の特性変化},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2005年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2005,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {中性子の重照射によりセラミックス中に形成される転位ループの高分解能電子顕微鏡観察とその局所構造},
booktitle = {日本顕微鏡学会第61回学術講演会講演要旨集},
year = 2005,
author = {Masafumi Akiyoshi and Toyohiko Yano and Yoshiaki Tachi and Hiromi Nakano},
title = {Saturation in Degradation of Thermal Diffusivity of Neutron-Irradiated Ceramics at 3x1026 n/m2},
booktitle = {Abst. 12th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Mater.},
year = 2005,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Hideki Mukai and Masamitsu Imai and Kazuaki Hashimoto and Yoshitomo Toda and Hideki Hyuga and Naoki Kondo and Hideki Kita and Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Reaction Sintering of Two-Dimensional Silicon Carbide Fiber-Reinforced Silicon Carbide Composite by Sheet Stacking Method},
booktitle = {Abst. 12th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Mater.},
year = 2005,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Saisyun Yamazaki and Hiroko Kawana and Keiichi Katayama},
title = {Chemical Shift of Characteristic X-Ray Wevelength in Silicon-Containing Ceramics due to Neutron Irradiation},
booktitle = {Abst. 12th Internat. Conf. Fusion Reactor Mater.},
year = 2005,
author = {Katsumi Yoshida and Toyohiko Yano and Takayoshi Iseki},
title = {Effect of Interfacial Strength of SiC/SiC Composites Fabricated by Hot-Pressing and Chemical Vapor Infiltration Method on their Mechanical Properties},
booktitle = {Abst. 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy},
year = 2000,
author = {中村明則 and 坂井悦郎 and 井元晴丈 and 矢野豊彦 and 大場陽子 and 大門正機},
title = {エーライトの水和に及ぼすリン酸カルシウムあるいは二水セッコウの影響},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会2000年年会講演予稿集},
year = 2000,
author = {熊田哲也 and 大場陽子 and 矢野豊彦 and 坂井悦郎 and 大門正機 and 中村明則},
title = {エーライトの水和に及ぼすKClの影響},
booktitle = {日本セラミックス協会1997年年会講演予稿集},
year = 1997,
author = {SHUNJI TSUJI-IIO and H. TSUTSUI and J. KONDOH and Toru OBARA and TOYOHIKO YANO and Masayuki Igashira and MASANORI ARITOMI and HIROSHI SEKIMOTO and R. TAKAGI and M. OKAMOTO and ryuichi shimada},
title = {High-Field Tokamak Reactor with Force-Balanced Coils as a Volumetric Neutron Source},
booktitle = {Fusion Energy 1996 (Proc. 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Montreal, 1996)},
year = 1996,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {原子力教育と研究 : 続けることの重要性},
year = 2013,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Shunji Iio},
title = {Preface for Special Issue : Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development of the World},
year = 2008,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {論文誌は、このように変わって来ました},
year = 2007,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {原子力はグローバル環境・エネルギー危機を救えるか:原子核工学と材料工学の役割},
year = 2007,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {SiC事業化の新展開:概説},
year = 2007,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 秋吉優史},
title = {中性子照射によりβ窒化ケイ素中に形成された転位ループ},
year = 2006,
author = {Toyohiko Yano},
title = {Fast Neutron Irradiation Effects on Isotope Tailored Aluminum Nitride Ceramics},
year = 2005,
author = {Toyohiko Yano and Hiroshi Sekimoto},
title = {Preface},
year = 2005,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {原子力システムとセラミックス},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {セラミックスの物性と評価:5,機械的性質},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 逢坂正彦 and 滑川卓志},
title = {Si3N4を母材とした Am含有ターゲット燃料製造プロセスの開発},
year = 2004,
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {Ca2SiO4の結晶化学的研究},
year = 1980,
author = {矢野豊彦 and 有冨正憲 and 渡邉紀志 and 武藤康 and 石塚隆雄 and 浦野 文男},
title = {太陽熱ガスタービン発電システム},
howpublished = {公開特許},
year = 2016,
month = {},
note = {特願2015-101749(2015/05/19), 特開2016-217223(2016/12/22)}
author = {吉田克己 and 矢野豊彦 and 小谷 政規 and 小笠原 俊夫 and 青木 卓哉 },
title = {表面被覆無機繊維及びその製造方法、並びに複合材料},
howpublished = {登録特許},
year = 2020,
month = {},
note = {特願2015-035658(2015/02/25), 特開2016-156109(2016/09/01), 特許第6651112号(2020/01/24)}
author = {矢野豊彦 and 吉田 克己 and ワサナ コンヴォン},
title = {コアシェル構造型炭化ケイ素ナノワイヤー及びその製造方法},
howpublished = {公開特許},
year = 2010,
month = {},
note = {特願2009-103419(2009/03/31), 特開2010-241666(2010/10/28)}
author = {矢野豊彦},
title = {Ca2SiO4の結晶化学的研究},
school = {東京工業大学},
year = 1980,