author = {K. Nogami and K. Yoshimatsu and H. Mashiko and E. Sakai and H. Kumigashira and O. Sakata and T. Oshima and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Epitaxial synthesis and electronic properties of double-perovskite Sr2TiRuO6 films},
journal = {Applied Physics Express},
year = 2013,
author = {K. Yoshimatsu and S. Chakraverty and Y. Kozuka and H. Kumigashira and M. Oshima and T. Makino and A. Ohtomo and M. Kawasaki},
title = {Magnetic and electronic properties of ordered double-perovskite La2VMnO6 thin films},
journal = {Physical Review B},
year = 2011,
author = {Yutaro Komuro and Hiroshi Kumigashira and Masaharu Oshima and Yuji Matsumoto},
title = {Electron Beam Irradiation-induced Reduction of Sn on Epitaxial Rutile SnxTi1-xO2 Alloy Thin Films},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
year = 2011,
author = {Y. Matsumoto and M. Katayama and Takatoshi Abe and T. Ohsawa and I. Ohkubo and H. Kumigashira and M. Oshima and H. Koinuma},
title = {Chemical trend of Fermi-level shift in transition metal-doped TiO2 films},
journal = {Journal of the ceramic Society of Japan},
year = 2010,
author = {Toshihiro Ishihara and Isao Ohkubo and Kenta Tsubouchi and Hiroshi Kumigashira and Joshi U.S. and Y. Matsumoto and H. Koinuma and Masaharu Oshima},
title = {Electrode dependence and film resistivity effect in the electric-field-induced resistance-switching phenomena in epitaxial NiO films},
journal = {Mater.Sci.Eng.B},
year = 2008,
author = {K. Tsubouchi and I. Ohkubo and Naoyuki Harada and H. Kumigashira and Y. Matsumoto and T. Ohnishi and M. Lippma and H. Koinuma and M. Oshima},
title = {Modification of reflection high-energy electron diffraction system for in situ monitoring of oxide epitaxy at high oxygen pressure},
journal = {Mater.Sci.Eng.B},
year = 2008,
author = {H. Wadati and Kiyonao Tanaka and A. Fujimori and T. Mizokawa and H. Kumigashira and M. Oshima and S. Ishiwata and M. Azuma and M. Takano},
title = {Temperature-dependent photoemission and x-ray absorption studies of the metal-insulator transition in Bi1−xLaxNiO3},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
year = 2007,
author = {Daiki Wadati and M Takizawa and Tran Trung and Kiyonao Tanaka and Takashi Mizokawa and Atsushi Fujimori and Akira Chikamatsu and Hiroshi Kumigashira and M Oshima and S. Ishiwata and M. Azuma and M. Takano},
title = {Valence Changes Associated with the Metal-Insulator Transition in Bi1-xLaxNiO3},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
year = 2005,
author = {井手啓介 and 渡邉脩人 and 片瀬貴義 and 笹瀬雅人 and 金正煥 and 上田茂典 and 堀場弘司 and 組頭広志 and 平松秀典 and 細野秀雄 and 神谷利夫},
title = {希土類添加アモルファス酸化物蛍光体薄膜の作製と発光素子への応用},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {渡邉脩人 and 井手啓介 and 片瀬貴義 and 笹瀬雅人 and 戸田喜丈 and 金正煥 and 上田茂典 and 堀場弘司 and 組頭広志 and 平松秀典 and 細野秀雄 and 神谷利夫},
title = {アモルファス酸化物半導体a-GaOxをホストとする蛍光体を用いた直流駆動型発光素子の低温作製},
booktitle = {},
year = 2019,
author = {服部真依 and 若林諒 and 佐々木公平 and 増井建和 and 倉又朗人 and 山腰茂伸 and 堀場弘司 and 組頭広志 and 吉松公平 and 大友明},
title = {β-Ga203(100)上に成長したβ-(AlxGal-x)203薄膜のバンドギャップ評価},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {相馬拓人 and 吉松公平 and 堀場弘司 and 組頭広志 and 大友明},
title = {βパイロクロア型CsW2O6単結晶薄膜のエピタキシャル成長と磁気輸送特性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {H. Mashiko and T. Oshima and K. Yoshimatsu and E. Sakai and H. Kumigashira and J. T. Song and T. Iwasaki and M. Hatano and A. Ohtomo},
title = {A systematic study of (CrxFe1-x)2O3 solid-solution photoelectrodes for visible-light-driven water splitting},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {H. Mashiko and T. Oshima and K. Yoshimatsu and E. Sakai and H. Kumigashira and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Modulation of electronic structure in α-(CrXFe1-X)2O3 solid solution for improving visible-light photocatalytic activity},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {大島 孝仁 and 増子 尚徳 and 野上 顕悟 and 吉松 公平 and 坂井 延寿 and 組頭 広志 and 坂田 修身 and 大友 明},
title = {遷移金属酸化物の電子構造制御による光エネルギー変換材料への展開},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {K. Nogami and H. Mashiko and K. Yoshimatsu and E. Sakai and H. Kumigashira and O. Sakata and T. Oshima and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Epitaxial synthesis and electronic properties of double-perovskite Sr2TiRuO6},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {H. Mashiko and T. Oshima and E. Sakai and H. Kumigashira and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Band-gap narrowing in α-Cr2O3-Fe2O3 solid solution films},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {野上 顕悟 and 増子 尚徳 and 坂井 延寿 and 組頭 広志 and 大島 孝仁 and 大友 明},
title = {ダブルペロブスカイト型Sr2TiRuO6の薄膜成長と物性},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {増子 尚徳 and 坂井 延寿 and 組頭 広志 and 大島 孝仁 and 大友 明},
title = {遷移金属酸化物混晶におけるバンドギャップ狭帯化の起源},
booktitle = {},
year = 2012,
author = {Isao Ohkubo and K. Tsubouchi and Naoyuki Harada and H. Kumigashira and Kenji Itaka and Y. Matsumoto and Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Mikk Lippma and H. Koinuma and M. Oshima},
title = {Field-induced resistance switching at metal/perovskite manganese oxide interface},
booktitle = {Mater.Sci.Eng.B},
year = 2008,