@article{CTT100548496, author = {石垣 勉 and 尾本 志展 and 竹山智英 and ピパットポンサーティラポン and 飯塚 敦 and 太田秀樹}, title = {土/水連成解析を用いた道路アセットマネジメント支援の試み}, journal = {土木学会応用力学論文集}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100675552, author = {Tsutomu Ishigaki and 尾本志展 and Atsushi Iizuka and Tomohide Takeyama and Hideki Ohta}, title = {Numerical modeling for life cycle planning of highway embankments on soft foundations}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Geotechnisd}, year = 2008, }