金善太 研究業績一覧 (14件)
Alexandr Shkatulov,
Haruka Miura,
Seon Tae Kim,
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Takuya Harada,
Hiroki Takasu,
Yukitaka Kato,
Yuri Aristov.
Thermochemical storage of medium-temperature heat using MgO promoted with eutectic ternary mixture LiNO3-NaNO3-KNO3,
Journal of Energy Storage,
Vol. 51,
July 2022.
Rui Guo,
Shigehiko Funayama,
KimSeon tae,
Takuya Harada,
Hiroki Takasu,
Hydration reactivity enhancement of calcium oxide–based media for thermochemical energy storage,
Energy Storage,
Vol. 3,
No. 2,
Feb. 2021.
Shigehiko Funayama,
Hiroki Takasu,
KimSeon tae,
Thermochemical storage performance of a packed bed of calcium hydroxide composite with a silicon-based ceramic honeycomb support,
Vol. 201,
pp. 117673,
June 2020.
Shigehiko Funayama,
Hiroki Takasu,
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Jun Kariya,
Seon Tae Kim,
Yukitaka Kato.
Composite material for high-temperature thermochemical energy storage using calcium hydroxide and ceramic foam,
Energy Storage,
Vol. 1,
Issue 2,
pp. e53,
Apr. 2019.
Shigehiko Funayama,
Hiroki Takasu,
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Jun Kariya,
Seon Tae Kim,
Yukitaka Kato.
Performance of thermochemical energy storage of a packed bed of calcium hydroxide pellets,
Energy Storage,
Vol. 1,
Issue 2,
Apr. 2019.
Seon Tae Kim,
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Junichi Ryu,
Yukitaka Kato.
Kinetic characterization of expanded graphite, calcium chloride, and magnesium hydroxide composite for chemical heat pump,
Heat Transfer Research,
Begell House, Inc.,
Vol. 46,
No. 2,
pp. 91-107,
Feb. 2015.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Hiroki Takasu,
Kim Seon Tae,
Study of additive effect on lithium orthosilicate and carbon dioxide reaction,
The Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems (IMPRES2019),
Oct. 2019.
Haruka Miura,
Kim Seon Tae,
Hiroki Takasu,
Yuriy Aristov,
Aleksandr Shkatulov,
Study of the salt-doped MgO for thermochemical energy storage by reacting with CO2,
The Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems (IMPRES2019),
Oct. 2019.
Seon Tae Kim,
H. Takasu,
Y. Kato.
Thermal Driving Demonstration of Li4SiO4/CO2/Zeolite Chemical Heat Pump,
3rd Japanese-German Workshop on Renewable Energies,
Oct. 2018.
A. I. Shkatulov,
S. T. Kim,
Y. Kato,
Yu. I. Aristov.
Adapting the MgO-CO2 working pair for thermochemical energy storage by doping with salts,
8th Heat Powered Cycles Conference,
Sept. 2018.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Seon Tae Kim,
Junichi Ryu,
Yukitaka Kato.
The effects of density on Mg(OH)2 - expanded graphite pellets for a chemical heat pump,
Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan (SCEJ) 44th Autumn Meeting,
Sept. 2012.
Massimiliano Zamengo,
SeonTae Kim,
Junichi Ryu,
Yukitaka Kato.
Optimization of magnesium hydroxide to expanded graphite mixing ratio for chemical heat pump,
Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan (SCEJ) 77th Annual Meeting,
Mar. 2012.
Massimiliano Zamengo,
Seontae Kim,
Junichi Ryu,
Yukitaka Kato.
Performances of a MgO-expanded graphite packed bed reactor of chemical heat pump,
Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan (SCEJ) 76th Annual Meeting,
Mar. 2011.
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