リキットルアスアングスチェッド 研究業績一覧 (36件)
Sani Haruna,
Pitcha Jongvivatsakul,
Kantipok Hamcumpai,
Hafiz Waheed Iqbal,
Peem Nuaklong,
Suched Likitlersuang,
M. Iwanami.
Multiscale investigation of the impact of recycled plastic aggregate as a fine aggregate replacement on one-part alkali-activated mortar performance,
Journal of Building Engineering,
Vol. 86,
June 2024.
Phadungsak Hong-in,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Engineering and Environmental Assessment of Soilbag-based Slope Stabilisation for Sustainable Landslide Mitigation in Mountainous Area,
Journal of Environmental Management,
Vol. 359,
Apr. 2024.
Tan Phong Ngo,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Centrifuge modelling of a soil slope reinforced by geosynthetic cementitious composite mats,
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,
Vol. 41,
No. 2,
pp. 881-896,
Mar. 2023.
Tan Phong Ngo,
Suched Likitlersuang,
Akihiro Takahashi.
Performance of a geosynthetic cementitious composite mat for stabilising sandy slopes,
Geosynthetics International,
Emerald Publishing Ltd,
Vol. 26,
Issue 3,
pp. 309-319,
June 2019.
Suched Likitlersuang,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Kreng Hav Eab.
Modeling of Root-reinforced Soil Slope under Rainfall Condition,
Engineering Journal,
Vol. 21,
No. 3,
pp. 123-132,
June 2017.
Kreng Hav Eab,
Suched Likitlersuang,
Akihiro Takahashi.
Laboratory and modelling investigation of root-reinforced system for slope stabilisation,
Soils and Foundations,
Vol. 55,
Issue 5,
pp. 1270-1281,
Oct. 2015.
S. Touch,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
3D geological modelling and geotechnical characteristics of Phnom Penh subsoils in Cambodia,
Engineering Geology,
Vol. 178,
pp. 58-69,
Aug. 2014.
Kreng Hav Eab,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Centrifuge modelling of root-reinforced soil slope subjected to rainfall infiltration,
Géotechnique Letters,
ICE Publishing,
Vol. 4,
Issue 3,
pp. 211-216,
July 2014.
Dedi Apriadi,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Loading path dependence and non-linear stiffness at small strain using rate-dependent multisurface hyperplasticity model,
Computers and Geotechnics,
Vol. 49,
pp. 100-110,
Apr. 2013.
S. Thay,
Suched Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Monotonic and cyclic behavior of Chiang Mai sand under simple shear mode,
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,
Vol. 31,
No. 1,
pp. 67-82,
Feb. 2013.
D. Apriadi,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
On the numerical implementation of hyperplasticity non-linear kinematic hardening modified cam clay model,
Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore,
Taylor & Francis,
Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering,
No. 2:3,
pp. 187-201,
Aug. 2009.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
A. Takahashi,
K. Nakamura,
S. Likitlersuang.
On the seepage-induced failure of vegetation-stabilised slopes,
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,
Vol. 2,
pp. 1233-1239,
Jan. 2014.
T. Pipatpongsa,
S. Heng,
S. Likitlersuang,
N. Mungpayabal,
H. Ohta.
Investigation of mechanical properties of clay seam in bedding shears of the Mae Moh open-pit mine of Thailand,
International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011),
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011),
pp. 209-214,
Nov. 2011.
Suched Likitlersuang,
Dedi Apriadi,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
An application of continuous hyperplasticity model to the response of normally consolidated clay under direct simple shear,
Proceeding of the 6th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference,
pp. 332-338,
Oct. 2008.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
Soksan Thay,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Constant volume monotonic response of reconstituted sand under direct simple shear,
The 12th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
Proceedings of the 12th International Summer Symposium,
Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
pp. 175-178,
Sept. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Consistent integration scheme for kinematic hardening multisurface hyperplasticity: One dimensional motivation,
The 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering of Thailand,
Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE14),
Engineering Institute of Thailand,
Volume GTE,
pp. 89-96,
May 2009.
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang,
Thirapong Pipatpongsa,
Hideki Ohta.
Hyperplasticity modelling of normally consolidated clays in simple shear,
The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
The 10th JSCE International Summer Symposium,
pp. 101-104,
Sept. 2008.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Kreng Hav EAB,
Assessing the effect of vegetation to slope stability using limit equilibrium analysis,
Proceedings of the 27th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,
Nov. 2014.
Investigation of root induced shear strength of vetiver grass reinforced soil,
Proceedings of the 26th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,
Paper ID: G-4-8,
Nov. 2013.
S. Touch,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model,
The 7th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering Student Conference (AOTULE 2012),
Conference Proceedings of AOTULE 2012,
p. 157,
Nov. 2012.
Suched Likitlersuang,
Ken Nakamura,
Akihiro Takahashi.
Application of rainfall simulator on centrifuge to vegetation-stabilized slope,
Proceedings of the 5th AUN/SEED-NET Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation in ASEAN,
pp. 85-93,
Sept. 2012.
Soksan Thay,
Thirapong Pipatpongsa,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Chiang Mai sand response from constant volume and constant vertical load direct shear test,
The 3rd ASEAN Conference on Civil Engineering & 3rd ASEAN Conference on Environmental,
Proceedings UP ICE Centennial Conference on Harmonizing Infrastructure with the Environment featuring the 3rd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference and the 3rd ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference,
University of the Philippines Diliman,
Paper ID: GEO_7,
Nov. 2010.
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
N. Hemathulin,
T. Chompoorat.
Shear strength parameter of Mae Moh clay seam under simple shear condition,
The 23rd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 23rd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 339-342,
Nov. 2010.
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Yuanita.
Pre-consolidation pressure dependence of mixed hardening multisurface hyperplasticity model,
Proceeding of the 2nd ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference,
pp. 288-297,
Mar. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
M.H. Khosravi,
Shinichi Kanazawa,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Effect of the modified Cam-clay yield function's form on performance of the Backward-Euler stress update algorithm,
The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 509-514,
Oct. 2009.
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Non-linearity and recent stress history behaviour in overconsolidated clay predicted using multisurface plasticity,
The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 499-502,
Oct. 2009.
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Sokbil,
P. Wattanachai,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Stress distribution in storage silo under uniform vertical pressure,
The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 535-540,
Oct. 2009.
T. Pipatpongsa,
Shinya Tachibana,
Barames Vardhanabhuti,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Error in Nadai (1963) 's distribution of stress in gravitating loose earth inclined at the angle of repose,
The 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
Proceedings of the 22nd KKCNN symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 515-520,
Oct. 2009.
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa,
H. Ohta.
Numerical implementation of hyperplasticity nonlinear kinematic hardening modified Cam clay model,
the 21st KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering,
pp. 436-439,
Oct. 2008.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
T. Pipatpongsa,
D. Apriadi,
S. Likitlersuang.
Numerical implementation of the modified Cam Clay model with non-linear stiffness at small-strain using multisufrace hyperplasticity framework,
The 62nd National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Mar. 2013.
S. Touch,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model,
The 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2012),
Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop,
p. 32,
Aug. 2012.
Samphors Touch,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Phnom Penh subsoil cross-sections produced from 3D ground model,
The 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 47th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering,
Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 89-90,
July 2012.
T. Pipatpongsa,
T. Soksan,
S. Likitlersuang.
Basic scheme of implicit stress update algorithm under hyperplasticity: Multiple spring models,
Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science,
Vol. 16,
CD-ROM (E-5-5),
May 2011.
Soksan Thay,
Thirapong Pipatpongsa,
Akihiro Takahashi,
Suched Likitlersuang.
Chiang Mai sand behavior in constant volume direct shear test,
Geo-Kanto 2010,
Proceedings of Geo-Kanto2010,
pp. 195-198,
Nov. 2010.
S. Thay,
S. Likitlersuang,
T. Pipatpongsa.
Dynamic properties of Chiang Mai sand using the cyclic direct simple shear test,
The 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering,
Proceedings of the 45th National Conference of Japan Geotechnical Engineering,
Japanese Geotechnical Society,
pp. 327-328,
Aug. 2010.
T. Pipatpongsa,
Dedi Apriadi,
Suched Likitlersuang,
H. Ohta.
Consistent integration for Iwan spring model under multisurface hyperplasticity framework,
JSCE Annual Meeting 2009,
pp. 1281-1282,
Sept. 2009.
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