@inproceedings{CTT100721358, author = {杉山志織 and 矢吹明法 and 服部紗由理 and 田中裕樹 and 陳頴 and 伊原学}, title = {パルス噴射RDC燃料電池におけるパルス噴射間隔と電極反応の関係}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100722258, author = {H. Tanaka and A. Yabuki and X. Li and M. Ihara }, title = {Power Generation of Rechargeable Direct Carbon Fuel Cells with Batch-type Charging System}, booktitle = {ECS Transactions}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100702223, author = {F. Ohba and Y. Tagawa and Yu Sakai and A. Yabuki and H.Shimada and M. Ihara}, title = {Charging Temperature Dependence of the Fuel Utilization and Ratio of Residual Carbon after Power Generation in Rechargeable Direct Carbon Fuel Cells}, booktitle = {ECS Transactions}, year = 2010, }