@inproceedings{CTT100638787, author = {水谷 義弘 and R.Groves and 末永 一啓 and 轟 章}, title = {超音波ラム波伝播挙動の変化を利用したCFRTP融着状態の評価}, booktitle = {第36回複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100629168, author = {yoshihiro mizutani and Roger, M Groves}, title = {Damage Detection of CFRP Plates by Full-Spectral Analysis of a Fibre Bragg Grating Sensor Signal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser and Noncontact Techniques}, year = 2010, }