@article{CTT100838232, author = {橋本武志 and 宇津木充 and 大倉敬宏 and 神田径 and 寺田暁彦 and 三浦哲 and 井口正人}, title = {非マグマ性の火山活動に伴う消磁及び地盤変動のソースの特徴}, journal = {火山}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100838233, author = {Takeshi Hashimoto and Wataru Kanda and Yuichi Morita and Midori Hayakawa and Ryo Tanaka and Hiroshi Aoyama and Makoto Uyeshima}, title = {Significance of Electromagnetic Surveys at Active Volcanoes: Toward Evaluating the Imminence of Wet Eruptions}, journal = {Journal of Disaster Research}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100838259, author = {Takeshi Hashimoto and Mitsuru Utsugi and Takahiro Ohkura and Wataru Kanda and Akihiko Terada and Satoshi Miura and Masato Iguchi}, title = {Source characteristics of demagnetization and ground deformation during inter-eruptive periods}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100838262, author = {田中 良 and 早川 美土里 and 橋本 武志 and 神田 径 and 森田 裕一 and 青山 裕 and 上嶋 誠}, title = {Hydrothermal system of Kuttara Volcanic Group inferred from 3D resistivity modeling (2)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100815406, author = {相澤 広記 and 上嶋 誠 and 小山 崇夫 and 長谷 英彰 and 山谷 祐介 and 宇津木 充 and 神田 径 and 橋本 武志 and 塚本 果織 and 村松 弾}, title = {桜島・霧島・富士山・九重山での広帯域MT連続観測により推定される比抵抗構造時間変化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100815404, author = {橋本 武志 and 宇津木 充 and 大倉 敬宏 and 神田 径 and 寺田 暁彦 and 三浦 哲 and 井口 正人}, title = {非噴火期の地盤膨張源および消磁源の特徴について}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100718872, author = {橋本武志 and 神田 径 and 宇津木充 and 市來雅啓 and 小山崇夫}, title = {熱水系卓越型火山の非噴火時に見られる地磁気変化の特徴}, booktitle = {日本火山学会講演予稿集 2015年度秋季大会}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100718880, author = {Hashimoto, T. and Kanda, W. and Utsugi, M. and Ichiki, M.}, title = {Long-term volcano-magnetic effects associated with phreatic eruptions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, }