@book{CTT100717653, author = {青木和光 and 阿部 豊 and 生駒大洋 and 石川遼子 and 石渡正樹 and 井田 茂 and 伊藤祐一 and 上野雄一郎 and 臼井寛裕 and 大西紀和 and 大宮正士 and 奥住 聡 and 門屋辰太郎 and 木村 淳 and 葛原昌幸 and 國友正信 and 黒崎健二 and 玄田英典 and 洪鵬 and 小久保英一郎 and 小谷隆行 and 小玉貴則 and 小林 浩 and 小宮 剛 and 佐々木貴教 and 佐藤文衛 and 渋谷岳造 and 須田拓馬 and 住 貴宏 and 関根康人 and 千秋博紀 and 空華智子 and 髙田将郎 and 高橋 太 and 髙橋康人 and 竹内 拓 and 竹田洋一 and 田近英一 and 橘 省吾 and 舘野繁彦 and 田中秀和 and 田村元秀 and 長澤真樹子 and 中本泰史 and 成田憲保 and はしもとじょーじ and 橋本 淳 and 羽馬哲也 and 濱野景子 and 原川紘季 and 原田真理子 and 樋口有理可 and 平林 久 and 深川美里 and 福井暁彦 and 藤井友香 and 藤原英明 and 堀 安範 and 前田太郎 and 増田賢人 and 町田正博 and 松尾太郎 and 眞山 聡 and 武藤恭之 and 村上 豪 and 百瀬宗武 and 森島龍司 and 安井千香子 東京大学 矢野太平 and 薮田ひかる and 山岸明彦 and 山口正輝 and 吉田 敬}, title = {系外惑星の事典}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100832540, author = {Ryota Moriwaki and Tomohiro Usui and Minato Tobita and Tetsuya Yokoyama}, title = {Geochemically heterogeneous Martian mantle inferred from Pb isotope systematics of depleted shergottites}, journal = {Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100832542, author = {Asobo Nkengmatia Asaah and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Festus T. Aka and Hikaru Iwamori and Takeshi Kuritani and Tomohiro Usui and M. Gountie Dedzo and J. Tamen and T. Hasegawa and M.J. Wirmvem and A.L. Nche}, title = {Major/trace elements and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope systematics of lavas from lakes Barombi Mbo and Barombi Koto in the Kumba graben, Cameroon volcanic line: Constraints on petrogenesis}, journal = {Journal of African Earth Sciences}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100832573, author = {Saya Kagami and Makiko Haba and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Tomohiro Usui and Richard C. Greenwood}, title = {Geochemistry and Sm‐Nd chronology of a Stannern‐group eucrite, Northwest Africa 7188}, journal = {Meteoritics & Planetary Science}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100789923, author = {Nao Nakanishi and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Satoki Okabayashi and Tomohiro Usui and Hikaru Iwamori}, title = {Re-Os isotope systematics and fractionation of siderophile elements in metal phases from CBa chondrites}, journal = {Meteoritics & Planetary Science}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100762897, author = {Ryota Moriwaki and Tomohiro Usui and Justin I.Simon and John H.Jones and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Minato Tobita}, title = {Coupled Pb isotopic and trace element systematics of the Tissint meteorite: Geochemical signatures of the depleted shergottite source mantle}, journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100762902, author = {Yusuke Fukami and Minato Tobita and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Ryota Moriwaki and Tomohiro Usui}, title = {Precise isotope analysis of sub-nanogram lead by total evaporation thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TE-TIMS) coupled with a Pb-204-Pb-207 double spike method}, journal = {Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100738669, author = {Minato Tobita and Tomohiro Usui and Tetsuya Yokoyama}, title = {New constraints on shergottite petrogenesis from analysis of Pb isotopic compositional space: Implications for mantle heterogeneity and crustal assimilation on Mars}, journal = {Geochemical Journal}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100736054, author = {Asobo Nkengmatia Asaah and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Aka, Festus T. and Tomohiro Usui and Takeshi Kuritani and Wirmvem, Mengnjo J. and Hikaru Iwamori and Fozing, Eric M. and Tamen, Jules and Mofor, Gilbert Z. and Takeshi OHBA and Tanyileke, Gregory and Hell, J. V.}, title = {Geochemistry of lavas from maar-bearing volcanoes in the Oku Volcanic Group of the Cameroon Volcanic Line}, journal = {Chemical Geology}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100736052, author = {Asobo Nkengmatia Asaah and Tetsuya Yokoyama and Aka, Festus T. and Tomohiro Usui and Wirmvem, Mengnjo J. and Tchamabe, Boris Chako and Takeshi OHBA and Tanyileke, Gregory and Hell, J. V.}, title = {A comparative review of petrogenetic processes beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line: Geochemical constraints}, journal = {Geoscience Frontiers}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100847986, author = {MATSU’URA F and Nakada R and Ueno Y and Sawaki Y and Saitoh M and Kajitani I and Usui T}, title = {Iron Limitation Enhance Organic Matter Sulfurization within the Limestones of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100847995, author = {Fumihiro Matsu'ura and 中田 亮一 and Yuichiro Ueno and Na and 斎藤 誠史 and Iori Kajitani and Tomohiro Usui}, title = {Reactive iron supply control dominant sulfur species in the limestones of Ediacaran Doushantuo and Dengying Formations}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, }