@article{CTT100921058, author = {Ryoma Sasaki and Bo Gao and Taro Hitosugi and Yoshitaka Tateyama}, title = {Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics for accelerated computation of ion–ion correlated conductivity beyond Nernst–Einstein limitation}, journal = {npj Computational Materials}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100921072, author = {佐々木遼馬}, title = {イオン相関を考慮した微視的固体イオニクスに関する理論的研究}, journal = {アンサンブル}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100864949, author = {Ryoma Sasaki and Makoto Moriya and Yuki Watanabe and Kazunori Nishio and Taro Hitosugi and Yoshitaka Tateyama}, title = {Peculiarly Fast Li-ion Conduction Mechanism in a Succinonitrile-Based Molecular Crystal Electrolyte: A Molecular Dynamics Study}, journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry A}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100921069, author = {佐々木 遼馬 and 一杉 太郎 and 館山 佳尚}, title = {非平衡MD法による固体電解質のイオン相関を考慮したイオン伝導度計算の高速化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100864943, author = {Ryoma Sasaki and Makoto Moriya and Yuki Watanabe and Kazunori Nishio and Taro Hitosugi and Yoshitaka Tateyama}, title = {Molecular Dynamics Study of Peculiarly High Li-Ion Conductivity in Li{N(SO2F)2}(NCCH2CH2CN)2 Molecular Crystal}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864928, author = {佐々木 遼馬 and 守谷 誠 and 渡邊 佑紀 and 西尾 和記 and 一杉 太郎 and 館山 佳尚}, title = {分子動力学法による Li{N(SO2F)2}(NCCH2CH2CN)2有機結晶電解質の高速リチウムイオン伝導機構の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100864927, author = {Ryoma Sasaki and Makoto Moriya and Yuki Watanabe and Kazunori Nishio and Taro Hitosugi and Yoshitaka Tateyama}, title = {Unravelling the Fast Li-ion Conduction Mechanism in a Succinonitrile-Based Molecular Crystal: A Molecular Dynamics Study}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846508, author = {佐々木 遼馬 and 守谷 誠 and 渡邊 佑紀 and 西尾 和記 and 一杉 太郎 and 館山 佳尚}, title = {スクシノニトリル系分子結晶電解質の高速リチウムイオン伝導機構の分子動力学解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100846829, author = {Ryoma Sasaki and Makoto Moriya and Yuki Watanabe and Kazunori Nishio and Taro Hitosugi and Yoshitaka Tateyama}, title = {Peculiar Fast Li-ion Conduction Mechanism in a Succinonitrile-Based Molecular Crystal: A Molecular Dynamics Study}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100781184, author = {林嘉輝 and 穂坂綱一 and 南崎開 and 佐々木遼馬 and 鳥塚祐太郎 and 小田切丈 and 北島昌史 and 河内宣之}, title = {二電子励起微分断面積の絶対値測定:100 eV 電子−NH3 衝突}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100886349, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100886350, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100886351, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100905862, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100886349, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100886350, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100886351, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, } @phdthesis{CTT100905862, author = {Ryoma Sasaki}, title = {Theoretical study on microscopic solid-state ionics of correlated ion transport}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2023, }