@article{CTT100775993, author = {Jumpei Nishikawa and Naoki Sugihara and Masayuki Nakano and Junko Hieda and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Effect of Si incorporation on corrosion resistance of hydrogenated amorphous carbon film}, journal = {Diamond and Related Materials}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100772366, author = {Junko Hieda and Akira Sakaguchi and Masayuki Nakano and Hiroki Akasaka and Naoto Ohtake}, title = {Relationships between surface energy and charge of surface-modified titanium and HAp formation}, journal = {Applied Surface Science}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100718712, author = {Yutaro Suzuki and Yasuyoshi Kurokawa and Tsuneo Suzuki and Kazuhiro Kanda and Masahito Niibe and Masayuki Nakano and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Structure and physical properties of stable isotopic amorphous carbon films}, journal = {Diamond and Related Materials}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100692347, author = {Akira Sakaguchi and Masayuki Nakano and Junko Hieda and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Dependence of ion concentration in simulated body fluid on apatite precipitation on titania surface}, journal = {Applied Surface Science}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100718713, author = {Atsuyuki Takarada and Tsuneo Suzuki and Kazuhiro Kanda and Masahito Niibe and Masayuki Nakano and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Structural dependence of corrosion resistance of amorphous carbon films against nitric acid}, journal = {Diamond and Related Materials}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100766294, author = {Jumpei NISHIKAWA and Masayuki NAKANO and Junko HIEDA and Naoto OHTAKE and Hiroki AKASAKA}, title = {Corrosion Resistance of Si-Doped Amorphous Carbon Film to Nitric Acid}, booktitle = {The 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering Abstract book}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100766292, author = {Nasa KAWAGOSHI and Masayuki NAKANO and Tetsuya YAMAMOTO and Junko HIEDA and Naoto OHTAKE and Hiroki AKASAKA}, title = {Deposition of the a-BCN film formed from tri-methylborazine}, booktitle = {The 16th International Conference on Precision Engineering Abstract book}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100718722, author = {西川純平 and 中野雅之 and 稗田純子 and 大竹尚登 and 赤坂大樹}, title = {ケイ素添加によるアモルファス炭素系膜の耐食性能の向上}, booktitle = {第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 CDROM 15a-A26-9}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100718728, author = {赤坂 大樹1 and 鈴木 常生 and 中野 雅之 and 神田 一浩 and 大竹 尚登}, title = {ダイヤモンド状炭素系膜の耐薬品性能評価}, booktitle = {第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会要旨集 CDROM 14p-A23-1~9]}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100718721, author = {河越 奈沙 and 山本 哲也 and 中野 雅之 and 岩本 喜直 and 松尾 誠 and 稗田 純子 and 大竹 尚登 and 赤坂 大樹}, title = {トリメチルボラジンからのa-BCN膜の作製}, booktitle = {第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会CDROM 20p-H103-15}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100718716, author = {Jumpei Nishikawa and Masayuki Nakano and Junko Hieda and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Corrosion resistance of Si-doped amorphous carbon films}, booktitle = {4th Asian Symposium on Materials and Processing (ASMP2015) CD}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100718719, author = {Nasa Kawagoshi and Masayuki Nakano and Junko Hieda and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Solid lubrication of linear guide sliding surface with diamond-like carbon film}, booktitle = {Nano Diamond and Nano Carbons2015 USB Proc.}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100718718, author = {Yutaro Suzuki and Yasuyoshi Kurokawa and Tsuneo Suzuki and Kazuhiro Kanda and Masahito Niibe and Masayuki Nakano and Naoto Ohtake and Hiroki Akasaka}, title = {Structure and physical properties of stable isotopic amorphous}, booktitle = {Nano Diamond and Nano Carbons2015 USB Proc.}, year = 2015, }