寺田大将 研究業績一覧 (7件)
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M. Mito,
H. Matsui,
T. Yoshida,
T. Anami,
K. Tsuruta,
H. Deguchi,
T. Iwamoto,
Daisuke Terada,
Y. Miyajima,
N. Tsuji.
Contactless electrical conductivity measurement of metallic submicron-grain material: Application to the study of aluminum with severe plastic deformation,
Review of Scientific Instruments,
AIP publishing,
Volume 87,
Number 5,
May 2016.
K. Kashihara,
W. Ikushima,
Y. Miyajima,
Daisuke Terada,
Nobuhiro Tsuji.
Change in Crystal Orientations of a {100} < 001 > Pure Aluminum Single Crystal during Accumulative Roll Bonding,
Mater Trans,
Vol. 52,
pp. 825-829,
Apr. 2011.
T. Miyazaki,
Daisuke Terada,
Y. Miyajima,
C. Suryanarayana,
R. Murao,
Y. Yokoyama,
K. Sugiyama,
M. Umemoto,
Y. Todaka,
Nobuhiro Tsuji.
Synthesis of non-equilibrium phases in immiscible metals mechanically mixed by high pressure torsion,
J Mater Sci,
Vol. 46,
pp. 4296-4301,
Jan. 2011.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
M. Chen,
A. Matsumoto,
A. Shibata,
Tomotaka Miyazawa,
D. Terada,
M. Sato,
H. Adachi,
N. Tsuji.
Local Stress Evaluation during Deformation in SUS304 Austenitic Stainless Steel,
Materials Today: Proceedings,
vol. S2,
p. S937-S940,
July 2015.
P. P. Bhattacharjee,
Y. Takatsuji,
Y. Miyajima,
Daisuke Terada,
Nobuhiro Tsuji.
Recrystallization texture of heavily cold rolled polycrystalline nickel sheets with and without strong starting cube texture,
Mater Sci Forum,
Vol. 753,
pp. 293-296,
Mar. 2013.
Hiroki Adachi,
Y. Miyajima,
A. Shibata,
Daisuke Terada,
Nobuhiro Tsuji.
Dislocation Density Changes in Ultrafine-grain Aluminum during Tensile Deformation,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (Icaa13),
pp. 61-66,
Sept. 2012.
Nobuhiro Tsuji,
Y. Takatsuji,
Y. Miyajima,
P. P. Bhattacharjee,
Daisuke Terada.
Stability of Cube Oriented Grains during Cold-Rolling of Highly Cube-Oriented Polycrystalline Nickel,
Mater Sci Forum,
Vol. 702-703,
pp. 402-405,
Dec. 2011.
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