@article{CTT100723845, author = {Nicolas Schwind and Katsumi Inoue and Gauvain Bourgne and Sébastien Konieczny and Pierre Marquis}, title = {Is Promoting Beliefs Useful to Make Them Accepted in Networks of Agents?}, journal = {In: Proceedings of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16; New York, NY, USA)}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723855, author = {Jacopo Panerati and Giovanni Beltrame and Nicolas Schwind and Atefan Zeltner and Katsumi Inoue}, title = {Probabilistic Resilience in Hidden Markov Models}, journal = {IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723853, author = {Nicolas Schwind and Morgan Magnin and Katsumi Inoue and Tenda Okimoto and Taisuke Sato and Kazuhiro Minami and Hiroshi Maruyama}, title = {Formalization of Resilience for Constraint-Based Dynamic Systems}, journal = {Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723850, author = {Nicolas Schwind and Tenda Okimoto and Maxime Clement and Katsumi Inoue}, title = {Representative Solutions for Multi-Objective Constraint Optimization Problems}, journal = {In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2016; Cape Town, South Africa, April 25-29, 2016)}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723852, author = {Nicolas Schwind and Katsumi Inoue}, title = {Characterization of Logic Program Revision as an Extension of Propositional Revision}, journal = {Theory and Practice of Logic Programming}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723873, author = {沖本 天太 and シュインドニコラ and クレモンマキシム and 井上 克巳}, title = {タスク指向型のロバストなチーム編成問題}, journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌 D}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100723874, author = {沖本 天太 and クレモンマキシム and シュインドニコラ and 井上 克巳}, title = {動的な多目的制約最適化問題におけるレジリエントな解}, journal = {電子情報通信学会論文誌D}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100723868, author = {Tenda Okimoto and Nicolas Schwind and Maxime Clement and Tony Ribeiro and Katsumi Inoue and Pierre Marquis}, title = {How to Form a Task-Oriented Robust Team}, journal = {In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015; Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-8, 2015)}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100723870, author = {Nicolas Schwind and Katsumi Inoue and Gauvain Bourgne and Sébastien Konieczny and Pierre Marquis}, title = {Belief Revision Games}, journal = {In: Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15; Austin, Texas, USA, January 27, 2015)}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100725356, author = {Maxime Clement and Tenda Okimoto and Nicolas Schwind and Katsumi Inoue}, title = {Finding Resilient Solutions for Dynamic Multi-Objective Constraint Optimization Problem}, journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015)}, year = 2015, }