WahlSean 研究業績一覧 (3件)
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C. Deutsch,
G. Maynard,
M. Chabot,
D. Gardes,
S. Della-Negra,
R. Bimbot,
M.F. Rivert,
C. Fleurier,
C. Couillaud,
D.H.H. Hoffmann,
H. Wahl,
O.N. Rosmej,
N.A. Tahir,
J. Jacoby,
M. Ogawa,
Y. Oguri,
J. Hasegawa,
B. Sharkov,
A. Golubev,
A. Fertman,
V.E. Fortov,
V. Mintsev.
Ion Stopping in Dense Plasma Targets for High Energy Density Physics,
The Open Plasma Physics Journal,
Vol. 3,
pp. 88-115,
June 2010.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Burkhard Militzer,
Shoh Tagawa,
Kei Hirose,
Sean Wahl.
Ab initio simulations of hydrogen in the inner and outer core of the Earth,
AGU Fall meeting 2016,
Dec. 2016.
Burkhard Militzer,
Shoh Tagawa,
Kei Hirose,
Sean Wahl.
Ab Initio Simulations of Light Elements in the Earth’s Core,
Goldschmidt Conference 2016,
June 2016.
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