研究業績一覧 (6件)
hang, Z.,
Sakuma, A.,
Kuraku, S.,
Nikaido, M..
Remarkable diversity of vomeronasal type 2 receptor (OlfC) genes of basal ray-finned fish and its evolutionary trajectory in jawed vertebrates,
Scientific Reports,
No. 6455,
pp. 2022,
Apr. 2022.
Eri Okamoto,
Yuuta Moriyama,
Keiichi Kai,
Shigehiro Kuraku,
Mikiko Tanaka.
Involvement of HGF signaling in appendicular muscle development of cartilaginous fishes.,
Development Growth & Differentiation,
Jan. 2019.
Eri Okamoto,
RIe Kusakabe,
Shigehiro Kuraku,
Susumu Hyodo,
Alexandre Robert-Moreno,
Kou Onimaru,
James Sharpe,
Shigeru Kuratani,
Mikiko Tanaka.
Migratory appendicular muscles precursor cells in the common ancestor to all vertebrates,
Nature Ecology & Evolution,
doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0330-4,
Oct. 2017.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Koh Onimaru,
Shigehiro Kuraku,
Wataru Takagi,
Susumu Hyodo,
Mikiko Tanaka.
Anterior posterior patterning of pectoral fin development in cartilaginous fishes: Insight into the fin-to-limb evolution,
47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists,
May 2014.
Koh Onimaru,
Shigehiro Kuraku,
Wataru Takagi,
Susumu Hyodo,
James Sharpe,
Mikiko Tanaka.
Anterior-posterior patterning of cartilaginous fish fin development: Insights into the origin of radius and thumbs.,
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