@article{CTT100916586, author = {Neha Chauhan and TSUYOSHI ISSHIKI and DONGJU LI}, title = {Text-Independent Speaker Recognition System Using Feature-Level Fusion for Audio Databases of Various Sizes}, journal = {Journal: SN Computer Science}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100836060, author = {Neha Chauhan and Tsuyoshi Isshiki and Dongju Li}, title = {Speaker Recognition using fusion of features with Feedforward Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100817104, author = {Neha Chauhan and Tsuyoshi Isshiki and Dongju Li}, title = {Speaker Recognition Using LPC, MFCC, ZCR Features with ANN and SVM Classifier for Large Input Database}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, }