研究業績一覧 (12件)
Heejun Yang,
Sokly Siev,
Sovannara Uk,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Relationship between water levels and flood pulse induced by river-lake interaction in the Tonle Sap basin, Cambodia,
Environmental Earth Sciences,
Apr. 2022.
Uk Sovannara,
Heejun Yang,
Theng Vouchlay,
Sok Ty,
Siev Sokly,
Try Sophal,
Oeurng Chantha,
Yoshimura Chihiro.
Dynamics of phosphorus fractions and bioavailability in a large shallow tropical lake characterized by monotonal flood pulse in Southeast Asia,
Journal of Great Lake Research,
Apr. 2022.
Sokly Siev,
Heejun Yang,
Ty Sok,
Sovannara UK,
Layheang Song,
Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,
Chantha OEURNG,
Seingheng Hul,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Sediment Dynamics in a Large Shallow Lake Characterized by Seasonal Flood Pulse in Southeast Asia.,
Science of the Total Environment,
No. 631-632,
pp. 597-607,
Feb. 2018.
Heejun Yang,
Siev Sokly,
Uk Sovannara,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Flood Pulse and Water Level,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 101–109,
June 2022.
Sokly Siev,
Rina Heu,
Heejun Yang,
Ty Sok,
Sovannara Uk,
Rajendra Khanal,
Chantha Oeurng,
Seingheng Hul,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Sediment and Suspended Solids: Spatiotemporal Dynamics,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 157-166,
June 2022.
Sovannara Uk,
Dilini Kodikara,
Hashimoto Kana,
Vouchlay Theng,
Marith Mong,
Sokly Siev,
Ty Sok,
Sophal Try,
Vinteang Kaing,
Rajendra Khanal,
Heejun Yang,
Thea Seav,
Chantha Oeurng,
Yoshimura Chihiro.
Nutrient availability and phosphorus dynamics,
Water and Life in Tonle Sap Lake,
Springer Singapore,
pp. 241–250,
June 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Ty Sok,
Ich Ilan,
Heejun Yang,
Chantha Oeurmg,
Layheang Song,
Sokly Siev,
Sovannara UK,
Mong Marith,
Seingheng Hul,
Khanal Rajendra,
Chihiro Yoshimura.
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Water Quality in a Large Shallow lake In Southeast Asia:Tonle Sap Lake,Cambodia,
Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference,
pp. 397-399,
Oct. 2018.
Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,
Sovannara UK,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Heejun Yang,
Sokly Siev,
Layheang Song,
Chantha OEURNG.
Contemporary nitrogen distribution during dry season and its long-term trend in Tonle Sap Lake and its river basins,
The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Aug. 2017.
Sovannara UK,
Dilini Chathurangi Kodikara,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Heejun Yang,
Sokly Siev,
Michitaka Sato,
Ty Sok,
Layheang Song,
Chantha OEURNG.
Phosphorus fractions in sediments and its potential exchange with water column in Tonle Sap Lake,
The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Aug. 2017.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Sokly Siev,
Heejun Yang,
Ty Sok,
Sovannara UK,
Layheang Song,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Chantha OEURNG.
Sedimentation and Resuspension Rates in Floodplains of Tonle Sap Lake,
The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Aug. 2017.
Kimleang CHUM,
Ty Sok,
Ratboren CHAN,
Bunmanut HENG,
Sokly Siev,
Heejun Yang,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Layheang Song,
Chantha OEURNG.
Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map Water Quality in Tonle Sap Lake,
The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Aug. 2017.
Heejun Yang,
Sokly Siev,
Chihiro Yoshimura,
Hideto FUJII.
Identification of phase propagation of water level between the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake based on spectral analysis,
The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical lakes,
Aug. 2017.
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