@article{CTT100865192, author = {Nobuhiro Yoda and Yuri Abe and Yuma Suenaga and Yoshiki Matsudate and Tomohiro Hoshino and Takehiko Sugano and Akitoshi Okino and Keiichi Sasaki}, title = {Resin Cement–Zirconia Bond Strengthening by Exposure to Low-Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Multi-Gas Plasma}, journal = {Materials}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100811175, author = {Yuri Abe and Yuma Suenaga and Yoshiki Matsudate and Tomohiro Hoshino and Takehiko Sugano and Nobuhiro Yoda and Akitoshi Okino and Keiichi Sasaki}, title = {Improvement of bond strength on dental zirconia crown using low temperature multi-gas plasma}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100809022, author = {Yuri Abe and Yusaku Yanagii and Yuma Suenaga and Yusuke Itagaki and Yoshiki Matsudate and Nobuhiro Yoda and Hiroyasu Kanetaka and Michihisa Uemoto and Akitoshi Okino and Yoshimasa Kawata and Keiichi Sasaki}, title = {Surface treatment of medical/dental materials using multi-gas atmospheric low temperature plasma}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100809020, author = {Yoda Nobuhiro and Abe Yuri and Matsudate Yoshiki and Hoshino Tomohiro and Sugano Takehiko and Suenaga Yuma and Yoshida Mayuko and Hong Guang and Okino Akitoshi and 佐々木啓一}, title = {Effect of low temperature multi-gas plasma on improvement of bond strength on dental materials}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100806450, author = {阿部 優凜 and 末永 祐磨 and 星野 智大 and 松舘 芳樹 and 菅野 武彦 and 依田 信裕 and 沖野 晃俊 and 佐々木 啓一}, title = {歯科材料の接着強度向上に向けた大気圧プラズマ処理の条件検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100795941, author = {阿部優凜 and 末永祐磨 and 星野 智大 and 松舘 芳樹 and 依田 信裕 and 沖野晃俊 and 佐々木啓一}, title = {大気圧プラズマ処理によるジルコニアの接着強度改善に向けた表面状態の分光測定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816096, author = {依田信裕 and 阿部優凜 and 守屋翔平 and 末永祐磨 and 松舘芳樹 and 星野智大 and 菅野武彦 and 沖野晃俊 and 佐々木啓一}, title = {大気圧プラズマのガス種がジルコニアの表面性状および接着強さに及ぼす影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, }