大石泰生 研究業績一覧 (10件)
Kenji Ohta,
Sho Suehiro,
Saori I. Kawaguchi,
Yoshiyuki Okuda,
Tatsuya Wakamatsu,
Yasuo Ohishi,
Manabu Kodama,
Shuichiro hirai,
Shintaro Azuma.
Measuring the Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Iron to 1.4 Mbar,
Vol. 130,
June 2023.
Shunpei Yokoo,
Kei Hirose,
Shoh Tagawa,
Guillaume Morard,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Stratification in planetary cores by liquid immiscibility in Fe-S-H,
Nature Communications,
Springer Nature Limited,
Vol. 13,
# 644,
Feb. 2022.
Shoh Tagawa,
Hitoshi Gomi,
Kei Hirose,
Yasuo Ohishi.
High-Temperature Equation of State of FeH: Implications for Hydrogen in Earth’s Inner Core,
Geophysical Research Letters,
American Geophysical Union,
Volume 49,
Issue 5,
Feb. 2022.
Shoh Tagawa,
Naoya Sakamoto,
Kei Hirose,
Shunpei Yokoo,
John Hernlund,
Yasuo Ohishi,
Hisayoshi Yurimoto.
Experimental evidence for hydrogen incorporation into Earth’s core,
Nature Communications,
Nature Research,
vol. 12,
May 2021.
Yoshiyuki Okuda,
Kenji Ohta,
Akira Hasegawa,
Takashi Yagi,
Kei Hirose,
Saori Kawaguchi,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Thermal conductivity of Fe-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth’s lowermost mantle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Vol. 547,
pp. 116466,
Oct. 2020.
Yoshiyuki Okuda,
Kenji Ohta,
Ryosuke Sinmyo,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Anomalous compressibility in (Fe,Al)ーbearing bridgmanite: implications for the spin state of iron,
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals,
Vol. 47,
Sept. 2020.
Hayato Inoue,
Sho Suehiro,
Kenji Ohta,
Kei Hirose,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Resistivity saturation of hcp Fe-Si alloys in an internally heated diamond anvil cell: A key to assessing the Earth's core conductivity,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Vol. 543,
pp. 116357,
Aug. 2020.
Chie Kato,
Koichiro Umemoto,
Kenji Ohta,
Shoh Tagawa,
Kei Hirose,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Stability of fcc phase FeH to 137 GPa,
American Mineralogist,
Feb. 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Kei Hirose,
Shoh Tagawa,
Naoya Sakamoto,
Yasuo Ohishi,
Hisayoshi Yurimoto.
Core-mantle partitioning of hydrogen,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019,
Dec. 2019.
Tatsuya Wakamatsu,
Kenji Ohta,
Shoh Tagawa,
Yagi Takashi,
Kei Hirose,
Yasuo Ohishi.
Sound velocity measurements on hcp-FeHx (x<1) under high pressures by femtosecond pulse laser pump-probe technique,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019,
Dec. 2019.
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