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Ishino, S.,
Hattori, S.,
Savarino, J.,
Legrand, M.,
Albalat, E.,
Albarede, F.,
Preunkert, S.,
Jourdain, B.,
Yoshida, N..
Homogeneous sulfur isotope signature in East Antarctica and implication for sulfur source shifts through the last glacial-interglacial cycle,
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 9,
Number 12378,
Aug. 2019.
Sakiko Ishino,
Shohei Hattori,
Joel Savarino,
Michel Legrand,
Emmanuelle Albalat,
Francis Albarede,
Susanne Preunkert,
Bruno Jourdain,
Naohiro Yoshida.
Homogeneous sulfur isotope signature in East Antarctica and implication for sulfur source shifts through the last glacial-interglacial cycle,
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 9,
p. 12378,
Aug. 2019.
Elsa Gautier,
Joel Savarino,
Joost Hoek,
Joseph Erbland,
Nicolas Caillon,
Shohei Hattori,
Naohiro Yoshida,
Emmanuelle Albalat,
Francis Albarede,
James Farquhar.
Stratospheric volcanism over the last 2600 years evidenced by the sulfate isotopic composition,
Nature Communications,
pp. 140,
June 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
石野 咲子,
服部 祥平,
Joel Savarino,
Michel Legrand,
Susanne Preunkert,
Bruno Jourdain,
Francis Albarede,
Emmanuelle Albalat,
吉田 尚弘.
May 2019.
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