@article{CTT100925295, author = {Kazuki Minowa and Sou Watanabe and Masahiko Nakase and Youko Takahatake and Yasunori Miyazaki and Yasutoshi Ban and Haruaki Matsuura}, title = {Using X-ray absorption near edge structure to evaluate adsorption properties of rare earths and nitrogen by difference of their interactions}, journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100900728, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Study on Device Specifications: A Study on Device Specifications}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100900724, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Preliminary Study}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100909188, author = {箕輪一希 and 山﨑 晃也 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 高畠容子 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {アルキルジアミドアミンを用いた抽出クロマトグラフィ法による分離工程の開発とXAFSによる分離機構の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100908295, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 高畠 容子 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {硬軟X線を用いたアルキルジアミドアミン吸着材の分離性能評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100909177, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部 創 and 伴 康俊 and 高畠容子 and 中瀬正彦 and 松浦治明}, title = {放射光XAFSを用いたアルキルジアミドアミン吸着材の分離性能評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100904692, author = {箕輪 一希 and 渡部 創 and 伴 康俊 and 中瀬 正彦 and 渡邊 真太 and 松浦 治明}, title = {アルキルジアミドアミン吸着材によるマイナーアクチニド相互分離プロセスの検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903870, author = {箕輪 一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬 正彦 and 渡邊 真太 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦 治明}, title = {放射光XAFSを用いた希土類と窒素間の微小な相互作用の差異による吸着特性の評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100921611, author = {相樂 洋 and 川島 正俊 and 守田 幸路 and Tatsumi Arima and Wei Liu and 有田 裕二 and 佐藤 勇 and 松浦 治明 and 関尾 佳弘}, title = {高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(14) 受動的炉停止デバイスの核不拡散性評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100921609, author = {守田 幸路 and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and 有田 裕二 and 佐藤 勇 and 松浦 治明 and 関尾 佳弘 and 相樂 洋 and 川島 正俊}, title = {高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(11) プロジェクトの成果概要}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100921610, author = {川島 正俊 and 相樂 洋 and 守田 幸路 and Tatsumi Arima and Wei Liu and 有田 裕二 and 佐藤 勇 and 松浦 治明}, title = {高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(13) 受動的炉停デバイスの基本仕様と炉心応答性能評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900734, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors(1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900735, author = {Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima and Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio}, title = {DEVELOPMENT OF A PASSIVE REACTOR SHUTDOWN DEVICE TO PREVENT CORE DISRUPTIVE ACCIDENTS IN FAST REACTORS: (2) A STUDY ON SELECTING CANDIDATE FUEL MATERIALS FOR THE BASIC DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100886682, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部創 and 伴康俊 and 中瀬正彦 and 渡邊真太 and 松浦治明}, title = {XAFS及び多重散乱計算を用いたNTAアミドの錯体形成時における局所構造・化学状態の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900738, author = {Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio and Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashim}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100900739, author = {Hiroshi Sagara and Masatoshi Kawashima and Koji Morita and Wei Liu and Tatsumi Arima and Yuji Arita and Isamu Sato and Haruaki Matsuura and Yoshihiro Sekio}, title = {Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (2) Performance of the Device in Reactivity Control and Nuclear Material Management}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100882437, author = {Kazuki Minowa and Sou Watanabe and Masahiko Nakase and Yasutoshi Ban and Haruaki Matsuura}, title = {Elucidation of adsorption mechanism of rare earth to alkyl diamidoamine adsorbents}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100881767, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {EXAFSによるアルキルジアミドアミン吸着材吸着機構の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881359, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {EXAFSによるアルキルジアミドアミン吸着材吸着機構の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881364, author = {Kazuki Minowa and Sou Watanabe and Masahiko Nakase and Yasutoshi Ban and Haruaki Matsuura}, title = {Local structural analysis on rare earths adsorbed in alkyl diamidoaminesadsorbent}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100866441, author = {箕輪一希 and 渡部創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {アルキルジアミドアミン吸着材中希土類の局所構造解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881335, author = {箕輪 一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦治明}, title = {アルキルジアミドアミン吸着材中希土類の局所構造解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100876234, author = {守田 幸路 and 劉 維 and 有馬 立身 and 有田 裕二 and 佐藤 勇 and 松浦 治明 and 関尾 佳弘 and 相樂 洋 and 川島 正俊}, title = {高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (3)2020 年度までのプロジェクト全体進捗概要}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100845558, author = {岡田諒 and 渡部創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴康俊 and 塩飽秀啓 and 松浦治明}, title = {MA回収用CHON型抽出剤を含浸させた吸着材中に形成される希土類の錯体構造解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100838860, author = {岡田 諒 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬正彦 and 伴 康俊 and 塩飽 秀啓 and 松浦 治明}, title = {MA回収用 CHON型抽出剤を含浸させた吸着材中に形成される希土類の錯体構造解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100840110, author = {守田 幸路 and 劉 維 and 有馬 立身 and 有田 裕二 and 川瀬 小春 and 佐藤 勇 and 松浦 治明 and 関尾 佳弘 and 相樂 洋 and 川島 正俊}, title = {高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (1)プロジェクト全体概要}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100839354, author = {坂本宏基 and 高石知英 and 樫又恒一 and 舟生慶太 and 橘 雅人 and 菊池祐亮 and 下里健一朗 and 熊澤優也 and 野口雅貴 and 若菜志保 and 林崎規託 and 小栗慶之 and 内山孝文 and 三橋偉司 and 岡田往子 and 松浦治明 and 佐藤 勇 and 持木幸一 and 河原林順 and 羽倉尚人}, title = {都市大タンデムの現状}, booktitle = {第31回タンデム加速器及びその周辺技術の研究会講演要旨集}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100927899, author = {箕輪 一希 and 渡部 創 and 中瀬 正彦 and 高畠 容子 and 伴 康俊 and 松浦 治明}, title = {最近の研究から:X線吸収端近傍構造を用いた希土類と窒素の相互作用の違いによる吸着特性の評価}, year = 2024, }