川島正行 研究業績一覧 (2件)
Watanabe T,
Takagi M,
Shimoyama K,
Kawashima M,
Onodera N,
Inagaki A.
Coherent Eddies Transporting Passive Scalars Through the Plant Canopy Revealed by Large-Eddy Simulations Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method,
Boundary-Layer Meteorology,
Vol. 181,
pp. 39-71,
July 2021.
Tsutomu Watanabe,
Kou Shimoyama,
Masayuki Kawashima,
Yasuko Mizoguchi,
Large-Eddy Simulation of Neutrally-Stratified Turbulent Flow Within and Above Plant Canopy Using the Central-Moments-Based Lattice Boltzmann Method,
Boundary-Layer Meteorology,
Vol. 176,
pp. 35-60,
Apr. 2020.
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