@article{CTT100844508, author = {Kenji Takeshita and Mikio Kumagai and Yoichi Takashima and Shiro Matsumoto}, title = {Extraction of Cerium (III) by Solid Extractant Impregnated with Dihexyl-N, N-Diethylcarbamoylmethylphosphonate}, journal = {Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan}, year = 1994, } @article{CTT100779657, author = {九石 正美 and 竹下健二 and 熊谷 幹郎 and 田村 孝章 and 高島洋一}, title = {天然ゼオライトを用いたNOxの硝酸化回収}, journal = {日本原子力学会誌}, year = 1992, } @inproceedings{CTT100417195, author = {Yue-Zhou Wei and Masami Shimizu and K.Takeshita and Mikio Kumagai and Yoichi Takashima}, title = {Kinetics of iodine poisoning of hydrophobic Pt/SDBC catalyst for hydrogen isotopic exchange reaction}, booktitle = {The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering}, year = 1997, } @inproceedings{CTT100417190, author = {Yue-Zhou Wei and K.Takeshita and Masami Shimizu and Mikio Kumagai and Yoichi Takashima and Shiro Matsumoto}, title = {Deactivation of Hydrophobic Pt/SDBC-Catalyst for H2/HTO-Exchange Reaction Destined for Tritium Removal in Reprocessing Plant}, booktitle = {Fusion Science and Technology}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100417189, author = {K.Takeshita and Yue-Zhou Wei and Mikio Kumagai and Yoichi Takashima and Masami Shimizu}, title = {Application of H2/HTO Isotopic Exchange Method to Recovery of Tritium from Waste Water Generated in Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant}, booktitle = {Fusion Science and Technology}, year = 1995, } @inproceedings{CTT100418324, author = {Yue-Zhou Wei and K.Takeshita and Masami Shimizu and Mikio Kumagai and Yoichi Takashima}, title = {Effect of Nitric Acid on the Isotopic Exchange Reaction between H2 and HDO(v) over a Hydrophobic Platinum Catalyst}, booktitle = {Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis}, year = 1994, } @inproceedings{CTT100418320, author = {九石正美 and 竹下健二 and 熊谷幹郎 and 田村孝章 and 高島洋一}, title = {天然ゼオライトを用いた温度スイング吸着法によるNOxの連続硝酸化回収}, booktitle = {日本原子力学会誌}, year = 1992, }