@article{CTT100885606, author = {Daiki Nakatsu and Rina Kunishige and Yuki Taguchi and Naeko Shinozaki-Narikawa and Kishiko Osaka and Kayo Yokomizo and Mami Ishida and Shunsuke Takei and Shoko Yamasaki and Keita Hagiya and Kotaro Hattori and Tadashi Tsukamoto and Masayuki Murata and Fumi Kano}, title = {BMP4-SMAD1/5/9-RUNX2 pathway activation inhibits neurogenesis and oligodendrogenesis in Alzheimer’s patients’ iPSCs in senescence-related conditions}, journal = {Stem Cell Reports}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100858030, author = {Yuki Taguchi and Koichi Imaoka and Michiyo Kataoka and Akihiko Uda and Daiki Nakatsu and Sakuya Horii-Okazaki and Rina Kunishige and Fumi Kano and Masayuki Murata}, title = {Yip1A, a Novel Host Factor for the Activation of the IRE1 Pathway of the Unfolded Protein Response during Brucella Infection}, journal = {PLOS Pathogens}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100894386, author = {中津大貴 and 國重莉奈 and 田口由起 and 成川 - 篠崎‌苗子 and 大坂企志子 and 横溝佳代 and 石田真美 and 武居俊輔 and 山﨑聖子 and 萩屋啓太 and 服部功太郎 and 塚本忠 and 村田昌之 and 加納ふみ}, title = {患者由来 iPS 細胞を用いたアルツハイマー依存的神経新生不全モデルの構築と構築モデル を用いた神経新生不全回復薬の同定}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100928422, author = {加納ふみ and 田口由起 and 樋口恒希 and 村田昌之}, title = {リシール浮遊細胞及びその製造方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2024, month = {}, note = {特願2024-035474(2024/03/08), 特開2024-127875(2024/09/20)} }