author = {Shoko Nakamuta and Miho Itoh and Masanori Mori and Masanori Kurita and Zicong Zhang and Masato Nikaido and Masao Miyazaki and Takuya Yokoyama and Yoshio Yamamoto and Nobuaki Nakamuta},
title = {In situ hybridization analysis of odorant receptor expression in the olfactory organ of the pig-nosed turtle Carettochelys insculpta},
journal = {Tissue and Cell},
year = 2023,
author = {Yuki Kimura and Nobuaki Nakamuta and Masato Nikaido},
title = {Plastic loss of motile cilia in the gills of Polypterus in response to high CO2 or terrestrial environments},
journal = {Ecology and Evolution},
year = 2023,
author = {Shoko Nakamuta and Yoshio Yamamoto and Masao Miyazaki and Atsuhiro Sakuma and Masato Nikaido and Nobuaki Nakamuta},
title = {Type 1 vomeronasal receptor expression in juvenile and adult lungfish olfactory organ},
journal = {Zoological Letters},
year = 2023,
author = {Shoko Nakamuta and Masao Miyazaki and Yoshio Yamamoto and Masao Miyazaki and Atsuhiro Sakuma and Masato Nikaido and Nobuaki Nakamuta},
title = {Type 1 vomeronasal receptors expressed in the olfactory organs of two African lungfish, Protopterus annectens and P. amphibius},
journal = {Journal of Comparative Neurology},
year = 2023,
author = {Shoko Nakamuta and Yoshio Yamamoto and Masao Miyazaki and Atsuhiro Sakuma and Masato Nikaido and Nobuaki Nakamuta},
title = {Type 1 vomeronasal receptor expression in juvenile and adult lungfish olfactory organ},
journal = {Zoological Letters},
year = 2023,
author = {伊藤隆晃 and 西浦賀乃子 and 木村優希 and 中牟田信明 and 長澤竜樹 and 二階堂雅人},
title = {ポリプテルスの鼻管における化学感覚の研究},
booktitle = {},
year = 2024,
author = {伊藤隆晃 and 西浦賀乃子 and 木村優希 and 中牟田信明 and 長澤竜樹 and 二階堂雅人},
title = {魚類の鼻管に関する研究},
booktitle = {},
year = 2023,
author = {伊藤隆晃 and 西浦賀乃子 and 木村優希 and 中牟田信明 and 長澤竜樹 and 二階堂雅人},
title = {魚類に見られる鼻管の適応的意義と平行進化に関する研究},
booktitle = {},
year = 2022,
author = {木村優希 and 中牟田信明 and 神田真司 and 兵藤晋 and 二階堂雅人},
title = {水陸両生の古代魚・ポリプテルスの陸上飼育に伴う遺伝子発現および形態の変化 -エラの繊毛と浸透圧調節に着目して-},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,
author = {木村優希 and 中牟田信明 and 神田真司 and 兵頭晋 and 二階堂雅人},
title = {水陸両生魚・ポリプテルスは陸上環境でどのような変化を示すのか},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,
author = {Kimura, Y. and Nobuaki Nakamuta and Kanda, S. and Susumu Hyodo and Nikaido, M.},
title = {Changes in gene expression and morphology of amphibious fish in terrestrial environment},
booktitle = {},
year = 2021,