横林洋平 研究業績一覧 (3件)
Yuta Ishii,
Keisuke Fukunaga,
Aileen Cooney,
Yohei Yokobayashi,
Tomoaki Matsuura.
Switchable and orthogonal gene expression control inside artificial cells by synthetic riboswitches,
Chemical communications,
Royal Society of Chemistry,
Vol. 60,
No. 46,
pp. 5972-5975,
May 2024.
Keisuke Fukunaga,
V. Dhamodharan,
Nao Miyahira,
Yoko Nomura,
Kamila Mustafina,
Yasuaki Oosumi,
Kosuke Takayama,
Akira Kanai,
Yohei Yokobayashi.
Small-Molecule Aptamer for Regulating RNA Functions in Mammalian Cells and Animals,
Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Apr. 2023.
Keisuke Fukunaga,
Yohei Yokobayashi.
Directed evolution of orthogonal RNA–RBP pairs through library-vs-library in vitro selection,
Nucleic Acids Research,
Jan. 2022.
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