研究業績一覧 (8件)
Nourhan Waly,
Hamdy Hassan,
Ryo Murata,
David Sailor,
Hatem Mahmoud.
Experimental approach to reduce uncertainty in estimating the thermal performance of buildings’ envelopes in hot climates,
Developments in the Built Environment,
Vol. 21,
Dec. 2024.
Ehab Sabry Rashed,
Ahmed E. Elwardany,
Mohamed Emam,
Saleh Abo-Elfadl,
Shinsuke Mori,
Hamdy Hassan.
3D numerical study of NH3/H2 MILD combustion in a reversed flow MILD combustion furnace,
Applied Thermal Engineering,
Vol. 252,
pp. 123610,
Sept. 2024.
M.G. Basiony,
S. Nada,
S. Mori,
H. Hassan.
Performance evaluation of standalone new solar energy system of hybrid PV/electrolyzer/fuel cell/MED-MVC with hydrogen production and storage for power and freshwater building demand,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Vol. 77,
Aug. 2024.
Hossam A. Ahmed,
Tamer F. Megahed,
Sameh Nada,
Shinsuke Mori,
Hamdy Hassan.
Impact of modules number of thermoelectric cooler coupled with PV panels and phase change material on building air conditioning,
Journal of Building Engineering,
Vol. 86,
June 2024.
Nourhan Waly,
Hamdy Hassan,
Ryo Murata,
David Sailor,
Hatem Mahmoud.
Correlating the Urban Microclimate and Energy Demands in Hot Climate Contexts: A hybrid review,
Energy and Buildings,
Vol. 295,
Sept. 2023.
Hossam A. Ahmed,
Tamer F. Megahed,
Shinsuke Mori,
Sameh Nada,
Hamdy Hassan.
Novel design of thermo-electric air conditioning system integrated with PV panel for electric vehicles: Performance evaluation,
Applied Energy,
Vol. 349,
Aug. 2023.
Hossam A. Ahmed,
Tamer F. Megahed,
Shinsuke Mori,
Sameh Nada,
Hamdy Hassan.
Performance investigation of new design thermoelectric air conditioning system for electric vehicles,
International Journal of Thermal Sciences,
Vol. 191,
Apr. 2023.
H. A. Nasef,
Hamdy Hassan,
Shinsuke Mori,
S. A. Nada.
Experimental investigation on the performance of parallel and staggered arrays of PCM energy storage system for PV thermal regulation,
Energy Conversion and Management,
Vol. 254,
pp. 1-17,
Feb. 2022.
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