TannSiengdy 研究業績一覧 (8件)
S. Tann,
X. Deng,
R. Loubère,
F. Xiao.
Solution property preserving reconstruction BVD+MOOD scheme for compressible euler equations with source terms and detonations,
Computers & Fluids,
Vol. 206,
p. 104594,
June 2020.
S. Tann,
X. Deng,
Y. Shimizu,
R. Loubère,
F. Xiao.
Solution property preserving reconstruction for finite volume scheme: a boundary variation diminishing+multidimensional optimal order detection framework,
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
Vol. 92,
pp. 603-634,
Dec. 2019.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
R. Loubère,
S. Tann,
F. Xiao.
Towards a genuinely non-linear accurate Finite Volume scheme with a posteriori stabilization,
14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) and ECCOMAS Congress 2020-Online,
Jan. 2021.
S. Tann,
X. Deng,
Y. Shimizu,
R. Loubere,
F. Xiao.
Solution property preserving method for Euler equations: a BVD/MOOD approach,
SHARK-FV 2019 conference (Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume) conferences,
May 2019.
S. Tann,
X. Deng,
R. Loubère,
F. Xiao.
High-Order Finite Volume Method for Hyperbolic Systems: MOOD and THINC Method,
The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics (2018) / The 12th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2018),
Oct. 2018.
High-resolution positivity-preserving schemes for complex compressible flows,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
High-resolution positivity-preserving schemes for complex compressible flows,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
High-resolution positivity-preserving schemes for complex compressible flows,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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