加藤祐介 研究業績一覧 (8件)
Hiyoshi N,
Enomoto T,
Uefune F,
Kato Y,
Wu Y,
Araki K,
Sakano D,
Shiraki N,
Kume S..
A specific plasma amino acid profile in the Insulin2Q104del Kuma mice at the diabetic state and reversal from hyperglycemia.,
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,
Vol. 679,
pp. 58-65,
Aug. 2023.
Helena Aprilia Grace,
Teruhiko Watanabe,
Kato Y,
Shiraki N,
Kume S..
Activation of cAMP(EPAC2) signaling pathway promotes hepatocyte attachment.,
Scientific Reports,
Vol. 13,
pp. 12352,
July 2023.
Sylvia Leo,
Yusuke Kato,
Yumeng Wu,
Mutsumi Yokota,
Masato Koike,
Shiro Yui,
Kiichiro Tsuchiya,
Nobuaki Shiraki,
Shoen Kume.
The effect of Vitamin D3 and Valproic Acid on the maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived enterocyte-like cells.,
Stem Cells,
May 2023.
Marwa ALI Ahmed,
Yusuke Kato,
Nobuaki Shiraki,
Shoen Kume.
Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beta-cells in blood amino acids-like medium.,
Biology Open,
Vol. 12,
Mar. 2023.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Leo Sylvia,
Kato Yusuke,
Wu Yumeng,
Shiraki Nobuaki,
Kume Shoen.
The effect of Vitamin D3 and Valproic Acid on the maturation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived enterocyte-like cells,
Nov. 2022.
Naoya Hiyoshi,
Takayuki Enomoto,
Airi Inoue,
Yusuke Kato,
Daisuke Sakano,
Kimi Araki,
Nobuaki Shiraki,
Shoen Kume.
Investigation of metabolite profile in plasma from Kuma mice using LC-MS/MS,
Nov. 2022.
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