@article{CTT100926936, author = {長谷川鈴 and 五十嵐規矩夫 and 三井 和也 and 花井勉 and 小林博一 and 秋元雅人 and 紺野誠 and 小川大輝}, title = {接着剤を用いた鋼構造接合部の1面せん断試験}, journal = {鋼構造年次論文報告集}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100925705, author = {Rei HASEGAWA and Kikuo IKARASHI and Kazuya MITSUI}, title = {SINGLE-LAP SHEAR TESTS OF STEEL STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS UTILIZING ADHESIVES}, booktitle = {The 25th Japan-Korea-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Earthquake Engineering for Building Structures}, year = 2024, }